演講者Ethan Lisi說:“自閉癥不是一種疾病阳仔;它只是另一種思維方式忧陪。” 演講者分享了他對世界的體驗近范,打破了關(guān)于自閉癥的誤導性陳規(guī)定型觀念嘶摊,關(guān)于自閉癥,分享了他的看法和見解顺又。
演講者:Ethan Lisi
和很多自閉癥者相比,丹尼爾無疑是幸運的扑庞。在他的第一部暢銷自傳《星期三是藍色的》(Born on a Blue Day)里譬重,他將他的成就首先歸因于不輕言放棄的父母。他也一直生活在一個寬容的世界里罐氨。17歲時臀规,丹尼爾的法文老師幫他在法國找了一個寄宿家庭,這個友善的法國家庭愿意在他暑假時招待他十天栅隐。那是他第一次搭飛機到法國塔嬉,這個家庭帶他去海邊沙灘曬太陽,吃海鮮租悄,午餐經(jīng)常用足兩個小時谨究,兩個小時里一句一句糾正他的法文∑澹回到英國后丹尼爾在日記里寫道“我開始知道怎樣和人相處胶哲,從此我好像換了一個人!”。
丹尼爾的第二部書《擁抱廣闊天空:天才們的腦瓜》冰肴,以20種語言出版,是2009年法國最佳暢銷書之一榔组。這本書涉獵范圍很廣——從科技到文藝熙尉,從東方到西方,從莫扎特到莎士比亞搓扯,姓氏從 A到Z检痰,把他知道的“人類天才”幾百個逐個分析比較一番,饒有趣味锨推。在推銷法文版時丹尼爾認識了他的的法國新伙伴铅歼,攝影師杰洛米·塔比特——是的,丹尼爾是個同性戀换可。丹尼爾說他找到了幸福椎椰,并因此定居于法國阿維儂市,經(jīng)常自己做飯沾鳄,伴侶駕車慨飘,把生活安排得很滿實,除了寫書译荞,丹尼爾還開設了網(wǎng)站“Optimnem”提供在線語言教學服務瓤的,教人外語。
Autism is something that many people know about. For example, some people think that autistic people are fair-skinned males that speak in monotone and constantly go on and on about the same topic. Some people think that autistic people do not know right from wrong, avoid attention and usually say the wrong thing at the wrong time. Some people think that autistic people are socially awkward and lack humor and empathy.
Now if you agree with what I just said, I'm sorry to tell you, but you do not have the right impression of autism. How do I know? Because I have autism. I do have my own obsessions with things like electronics and public transit, but that does not define me. Each of us are different and unique in our own way.
如果你們同意我剛才所說的厌殉,那我很抱歉地告訴你們食绿,你們對自閉癥的印象并不正確。我是怎么知道的呢公罕?因為我就有自閉癥器紧。我的確對電子產(chǎn)品和公共交通非常著迷,但這并不能定義我是怎樣的人楼眷。我們每一個人都有自己的 不同與獨特之處铲汪。
However, there is not a lot of information out there on what an autistic life actually looks like, so people often resort to stereotypes. And we see these often in the media. Some of the more common stereotypes in the media include being socially awkward, lacking empathy and even being a supergenius.
And the lack of knowledge on autism doesn't stop there either. Did you know that some people are trying to find a cure for autism? That's because they see it as a negative thing, as a disease. Many people are challenging the idea and to us, we think autism is not a disease. It's just another way of thinking and looking at the world.?
Our brains function differently from most people's brains. Think of it like comparing and Xbox and a PlayStation. They're both highly capable consoles with different programming. But if you put your Xbox game in a PlayStation, it won't work, because the PlayStation communicates differently.
When I look in the mirror, I see someone who thinks differently. Oh, and I also see nice hair.
But the question is, am I really diseased if I just think differently? The main problem with living autistic in today's society is that the world just isn't built for us. There's so many ways that we can get overwhelmed. For example, the thing that makes me overwhelmed all the time is loud noises, which means I never crank up my music really loud and I usually am not a fan of large parties.?
But other people on the spectrum might get overwhelmed with things like bright lights or strong smells or gooey textures that all have the potential to create anxiety. Think about all of the social gatherings you've been to in the past. Was there loud music playing? Were there really bright lights??
Were there lots of different food smells going on at the same time? Were there lots of conversations happening all at once? Those things may not have bothered you guys, but for someone with autism, they can be quite overwhelming.
So in those situations, we do something called stimming, which is like a repetitive motion or a noise or some other random fidgeting that may or may not seem normal. Some people will flap their arms or make a noise or spin. Ya, it's basically our way of zoning out. It can often feel necessary for us to stim.?
However, it's often frowned upon, and we're forced to hide it. When we're forced to hide our autistic traits like this, it's called masking. And some people mask better than others. I mask so well sometimes that people don't even know I'm autistic until I give them the big reveal.?
But at the end of the day, it gets really stressful. Even something like doing my homework at night becomes very tiring. Some people think, because of our ability to mask, that this is the cure to autism. However, all it really does is makes us ashamed of showing our true selves.
但是不管怎么說,這樣的偽裝會帶來巨大壓力括授。甚至晚上做作業(yè)之類的事情 都會變得非常令人疲倦坞笙。有些人會想,因為我們有能力進行偽裝荚虚,這就是治愈自閉癥的辦法羞海。但是,這樣的偽裝只會讓我們羞于展現(xiàn)真正的自我曲管。
Another common stereotype that is often associated with autism is that autistic people lack empathy. And again, this is not true. I actually have lots of empathy. I'm just not really good at showing it. Whenever a friend is trying to tell me some of the struggles that they're going through, I often don't know how to express my reply. And that is why I don't show as much empathy as my nonautistic friends do.
Emotional expression, however much or however little, is difficult for me. And that is because I am bursting inside with every single emotion one feels at all times. Though of course, I cannot express it that way. Otherwise, let's say, happiness, for example, would come out as a huge burst of gleeful wheezing, hand flapping and loud vocal "woohoos."
Whereas you may just smile.
Whether it be receiving an awesome birthday gift or listening to a tragic story on the news, I cannot really express my reply without bursting, so once again, I have to mask it in order to appear normal. My inner feelings are unlimited, but my mind only lets me express extremes or nothing.
So my ... I am not great with my emotions, and I communicate differently, and because of that, I was diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. This diagnosis helps me and my friends and family to know how my mind works. And in the world, approximately one percent of the population is diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. And this number is growing. However, we are still a big minority. And there's still lots of people that do not see us as equals to other people.
所以我……我不擅長表達情感策肝,我溝通的方式也不一樣,因為這些隐绵,我被診斷 有自閉癥譜系障礙之众。這次診斷讓我、我朋友和家人了解了我思維的運轉(zhuǎn)方式依许。世界上棺禾,大概1%的人口被診斷有自閉癥譜系障礙。同時這個數(shù)字還在增加峭跳。但是膘婶,我們依然是一個大型的少數(shù)群體。現(xiàn)在還有很多人不把我們視為 和他人平等的人蛀醉。
This is my family. And in my family, there is one other person who is also autistic. My mother. Yes, adult women can also be autistic. My dad and my brother are both nonautistic. Sometimes it can be a bit difficult for us to communicate with each other, however. Sometimes I'll say something like, "Oh, Toronto's Union Station, right?" thinking that I can help them to remember certain aspects of it.?
這是我的家人悬襟。在我的家庭中,還有另一位有自閉癥的人拯刁。我的媽媽脊岳。是的,成年女性也可能有自閉癥。我的爸爸和兄弟都沒有自閉癥割捅。有時候奶躯,我們幾個人互相溝通會有些困難,但是棺牧,有時候我會說類似 “噢巫糙,多倫多聯(lián)合車站,是嗎颊乘?”這樣的話参淹,因為我認為這樣能幫助他們想起車站的某些方面。?
When they get confused, I often have to elaborate myself on that. And we often have to say things in a number of different ways so that everyone understands. However, despite all that, we all love each other and respect each other as equals.
當他們感到困惑時乏悄,我經(jīng)常 不得不對其進行詳細闡述浙值。我們也經(jīng)常不得不 用多種不同方式說明, 以便所有人理解檩小。但是开呐,盡管這樣, 我們都很愛彼此规求, 并且平等地尊重對方筐付。
In his book "NeuroTribes," author Steve Silberman states that autism and other mental conditions should be seen as naturally human, naturally part of a human spectrum and not as defects. And this is something that I agree to completely.?
在《神經(jīng)部落》一書中,作者史蒂夫 · 希波曼聲稱阻肿,自閉癥和其它精神狀況 都應被看作人類的自然特性瓦戚,都是人類譜系中的正常部分,而不應被視為缺陷丛塌。這一點我是完全同意的较解。
If autism was seen as part of a natural human spectrum, then the world could be designed to work better for autistic people. I am not ashamed of my autism. And I may not think like you, or act like you, but I am still human and I am not diseased.
Thank you.