冰與火之歌卷Ⅰ:權(quán)力的游戲中英文雙語同步對照版 第31篇 TYRION


31 提利昂

As he stood in

the predawn chill watching Chiggen butcher his horse, Tyrion Lannister chalked

up one more debt owed the Starks. Steam rose from inside the carcass when the

squat sellsword opened the belly with his skinning knife. His hands moved

deftly, with never a wasted cut; the work had to be done quickly, before the

stink of blood brought shadowcats down from the heights.


“None of us will go hungry tonight,” Bronn said. He was near a shadow

himself; bone thin and bone hard, with black eyes and black hair and a stubble

of beard.


“Some of us may,” Tyrion told him. “I am not fond of eating horse.

Particularly my horse.”


“Meat is meat,” Bronn said with a shrug. “The Dothraki like horse

more than beef or pork.”


“Do you take me for a Dothraki?” Tyrion asked sourly. The Dothraki

ate horse, in truth; they also left deformed children out for the feral dogs

who ran behind their khalasars. Dothraki customs had scant appeal for him.


Chiggen sliced a

thin strip of bloody meat off the carcass and held it up for inspection. “Want

a taste, dwarf?”


“My brother Jaime gave me that mare for my twenty-third name day,”

Tyrion said in a flat voice.


“Thank him for us, then. If you ever see him again.” Chiggen grinned,

showing yellow teeth, and swallowed the raw meat in two bites. “Tastes well



“Better if you fry it up with onions,” Bronn put in.



Tyrion limped away. The cold had settled deep in his bones, and his legs were

so sore he could scarcely walk. Perhaps his dead mare was the lucky one. He had

hours more riding ahead of him, followed by a few mouthfuls of food and a

short, cold sleep on hard ground, and then another night of the same, and

another, and another, and the gods only knew how it would end. “Damn her,” he

muttered as he struggled up the road to rejoin his captors, remembering, “damn

her and all the Starks.”


The memory was

still bitter. One moment he’d been ordering supper, and an eye blink later he

was facing a room of armed men, with Jyck reaching for a sword and the fat

innkeep shrieking, “No swords, not here, please, m’lords.”


Tyrion wrenched

down Jyck’s arm hurriedly, before he got them both hacked to pieces. “Where are

your courtesies, Jyck? Our good hostess said no swords. Do as she asks.” He

forced a smile that must have looked as queasy as it felt. “You’re making a sad

mistake, Lady Stark. I had no part in any attack on your son. On my honor...”


“Lannister honor,” was all she said. She held up her hands for all

the room to see. “His dagger left these scars. The blade he sent to open my

son’s throat.”


Tyrion felt the

anger all around him, thick and smoky, fed by the deep cuts in the Stark

woman’s hands. “Kill him,” hissed some drunken slattern from the back, and

other voices took up the call, faster than he would have believed. Strangers

all, friendly enough only a moment ago, and yet now they cried for his blood

like hounds on a trail.


Tyrion spoke up

loudly, trying to keep the quaver from his voice. “If Lady Stark believes I

have some crime to answer for, I will go with her and answer for it.”


It was the only

possible course. Trying to cut their way out of this was a sure invitation to

an early grave. A good dozen swords had responded to the Stark woman’s plea for

help: the Harrenhal man, the three Brackens, a pair of unsavory sellswords who

looked as though they’d kill him as soon as spit, and some fool field hands who

doubtless had no idea what they were doing. Against that, what did Tyrion have?

A dagger at his belt, and two men. Jyck swung a fair enough sword, but Morrec

scarcely counted; he was part groom, part cook, part body servant, and no

soldier. As for Yoren, whatever his feelings might have been, the black

brothers were sworn to take no part in the quarrels of the realm. Yoren would

do nothing.


And indeed, the

black brother stepped aside silently when the old knight by Catelyn Stark’s

side said, “Take their weapons,” and the sellsword Bronn stepped forward to

pull the sword from Jyck’s fingers and relieve them all of their daggers.

“Good,” the old man said as the tension in the common room ebbed palpably,

“excellent.” Tyrion recognized the gruff voice; Winterfell’s master-at-arms,

shorn of his whiskers.



spittle flew from the fat innkeep’s mouth as she begged of Catelyn Stark,

“Don’t kill him here!”


“Don’t kill him anywhere,” Tyrion urged.


“Take him somewheres else, no blood here, m’lady, I wants no high

lordlin’s quarrels.”


“We are taking him back to Winterfell,” she said, and Tyrion thought,

Well, perhaps?.?.?.?By then he’d had a moment to glance over the room and get a

better idea of the situation. He was not altogether displeased by what he saw.

Oh, the Stark woman had been clever, no doubt of it. Force them to make a

public affirmation of the oaths sworn her father by the lords they served, and

then call on them for succor, and her a woman, yes, that was sweet. Yet her

success was not as complete as she might have liked. There were close to fifty

in the common room by his rough count. Catelyn Stark’s plea had roused a bare

dozen; the others looked confused, or frightened, or sullen. Only two of the Freys

had stirred, Tyrion noted, and they’d sat back down quick enough when their

captain failed to move. He might have smiled if he’d dared.


“Winterfell it is, then,” he said instead. That was a long ride, as

he could well attest, having just ridden it the other way. So many things could

happen along the way. “My father will wonder what has become of me,” he added,

catching the eye of the swordsman who’d offered to yield up his room. “He’ll

pay a handsome reward to any man who brings him word of what happened here

today.” Lord Tywin would do no such thing, of course, but Tyrion would make up

for it if he won free.


Ser Rodrik

glanced at his lady, his look worried, as well it might be. “His men come with

him,” the old knight announced. “And we’ll thank the rest of you to stay quiet

about what you’ve seen here.”


It was all

Tyrion could do not to laugh. Quiet? The old fool. Unless he took the whole

inn, the word would begin to spread the instant they were gone. The freerider

with the gold coin in his pocket would fly to Casterly Rock like an arrow. If

not him, then someone else. Yoren would carry the story south. That fool singer

might make a lay of it. The Freys would report back to their lord, and the gods

only knew what he might do. Lord Walder Frey might be sworn to Riverrun, but he

was a cautious man who had lived a long time by making certain he was always on

the winning side. At the very least he would send his birds winging south to

King’s Landing, and he might well dare more than that.


Catelyn Stark

wasted no time. “We must ride at once. We’ll want fresh mounts, and provisions

for the road. You men, know that you have the eternal gratitude of House Stark.

If any of you choose to help us guard our captives and get them safe to

Winterfell, I promise you shall be well rewarded.” That was all it took; the

fools came rushing forward. Tyrion studied their faces; they would indeed be

well rewarded, he vowed to himself, but perhaps not quite as they imagined.


Yet even as they

were bundling him outside, saddling the horses in the rain, and tying his hands

with a length of coarse rope, Tyrion Lannister was not truly afraid. They would

never get him to Winterfell, he would have given odds on that. Riders would be

after them within the day, birds would take wing, and surely one of the river

lords would want to curry favor with his father enough to take a hand. Tyrion

was congratulating himself on his subtlety when someone pulled a hood down over

his eyes and lifted him up onto a saddle.


They set out

through the rain at a hard gallop, and before long Tyrion’s thighs were cramped

and aching and his butt throbbed with pain. Even when they were safely away

from the inn, and Catelyn Stark slowed them to a trot, it was a miserable

pounding journey over rough ground, made worse by his blindness. Every twist

and turn put him in danger of falling off his horse. The hood muffled sound, so

he could not make out what was being said around him, and the rain soaked

through the cloth and made it cling to his face, until even breathing was a

struggle. The rope chafed his wrists raw and seemed to grow tighter as the

night wore on. I was about to settle down to a warm fire and a roast fowl, and

that wretched singer had to open his mouth, he thought mournfully. The wretched

singer had come along with them. “There is a great song to be made from this,

and I’m the one to make it,” he told Catelyn Stark when he announced his

intention of riding with them to see how the “splendid adventure” turned out.

Tyrion wondered whether the boy would think the adventure quite so splendid

once the Lannister riders caught up with them.


The rain had

finally stopped and dawn light was seeping through the wet cloth over his eyes

when Catelyn Stark gave the command to dismount. Rough hands pulled him down

from his horse, untied his wrists, and yanked the hood off his head. When he

saw the narrow stony road, the foothills rising high and wild all around them,

and the jagged snowcapped peaks on the distant horizon, all the hope went out

of him in a rush. “This is the high road,” he gasped, looking at Lady Stark

with accusation. “The eastern road. You said we were riding for Winterfell!”


Catelyn Stark

favored him with the faintest of smiles. “Often and loudly,” she agreed. “No

doubt your friends will ride that way when they come after us. I wish them good



Even now, long

days later, the memory filled him with a bitter rage. All his life Tyrion had

prided himself on his cunning, the only gift the gods had seen fit to give him,

and yet this seven-times-damned she-wolf Catelyn Stark had outwitted him at

every turn. The knowledge was more galling than the bare fact of his abduction.


They stopped

only as long as it took to feed and water the horses, and then they were off

again. This time Tyrion was spared the hood. After the second night they no

longer bound his hands, and once they had gained the heights they scarcely

bothered to guard him at all. It seemed they did not fear his escape. And why

should they? Up here the land was harsh and wild, and the high road little more

than a stony track. If he did run, how far could he hope to go, alone and

without provisions? The shadowcats would make a morsel of him, and the clans

that dwelt in the mountain fastnesses were brigands and murderers who bowed to

no law but the sword.


Yet still the

Stark woman drove them forward relentlessly. He knew where they were bound. He

had known it since the moment they pulled off his hood. These mountains were

the domain of House Arryn, and the late Hand’s widow was a Tully, Catelyn

Stark’s sister?.?.?.?and no friend to the Lannisters. Tyrion had known the Lady

Lysa slightly during her years at King’s Landing, and did not look forward to

renewing the acquaintance.


His captors were

clustered around a stream a short ways down the high road. The horses had drunk

their fill of the icy cold water, and were grazing on clumps of brown grass

that grew from clefts in the rock. Jyck and Morrec huddled close, sullen and

miserable. Mohor stood over them, leaning on his spear and wearing a rounded

iron cap that made him look as if he had a bowl on his head. Nearby, Marillion

the singer sat oiling his woodharp, complaining of what the damp was doing to

his strings.


“We must have some rest, my lady,” the hedge knight Ser Willis Wode

was saying to Catelyn Stark as Tyrion approached. He was Lady Whent’s man,

stiff-necked and stolid, and the first to rise to aid Catelyn Stark back at the



“Ser Willis speaks truly, my lady,” Ser Rodrik said. “This is the third

horse we have lost...”


“We will lose more than horses if we’re overtaken by the Lannisters,”

she reminded them. Her face was windburnt and gaunt, but it had lost none of

its determination.


“Small chance of that here,” Tyrion put in.


“The lady did not ask your views, dwarf,” snapped Kurleket, a great

fat oaf with short-cropped hair and a pig’s face. He was one of the Brackens, a

man-at-arms in the service of Lord Jonos. Tyrion had made a special effort to

learn all their names, so he might thank them later for their tender treatment

of him. A Lannister always paid his debts. Kurleket would learn that someday,

as would his friends Lharys and Mohor, and the good Ser Willis, and the

sellswords Bronn and Chiggen. He planned an especially sharp lesson for

Marillion, him of the woodharp and the sweet tenor voice, who was struggling so

manfully to rhyme imp with gimp and limp so he could make a song of this



“Let him speak,” Lady Stark commanded.


Tyrion Lannister

seated himself on a rock. “By now our pursuit is likely racing across the Neck,

chasing your lie up the kingsroad?.?.?.?assuming there is a pursuit, which is

by no means certain. Oh, no doubt the word has reached my father?.?.?.?but my

father does not love me overmuch, and I am not at all sure that he will bother

to bestir himself.” It was only half a lie; Lord Tywin Lannister cared not a

fig for his deformed son, but he tolerated no slights on the honor of his

House. “This is a cruel land, Lady Stark. You’ll find no succor until you reach

the Vale, and each mount you lose burdens the others all the more. Worse, you risk

losing me. I am small, and not strong, and if I die, then what’s the point?”

That was no lie at all; Tyrion did not know how much longer he could endure

this pace.


“It might be said that your death is the point, Lannister,” Catelyn

Stark replied.


“I think not,” Tyrion said. “If you wanted me dead, you had only to

say the word, and one of these staunch friends of yours would gladly have given

me a red smile.” He looked at Kurleket, but the man was too dim to taste the



“The Starks do not murder men in their beds.”


“Nor do I,” he said. “I tell you again, I had no part in the attempt

to kill your son.”


“The assassin was armed with your dagger.”


Tyrion felt the

heat rise in him. “It was not my dagger,” he insisted. “How many times must I

swear to that? Lady Stark, whatever you may believe of me, I am not a stupid

man. Only a fool would arm a common footpad with his own blade.”


Just for a

moment, he thought he saw a flicker of doubt in her eyes, but what she said

was, “Why would Petyr lie to me?”


“Why does a bear shit in the woods?” he demanded. “Because it is his

nature. Lying comes as easily as breathing to a man like Littlefinger. You

ought to know that, you of all people.”


She took a step

toward him, her face tight. “And what does that mean, Lannister?”


Tyrion cocked

his head. “Why, every man at court has heard him tell how he took your

maidenhead, my lady.”


“That is a lie!” Catelyn Stark said.


“Oh, wicked little imp,” Marillion said, shocked.


Kurleket drew

his dirk, a vicious piece of black iron. “At your word, m’lady, I’ll toss his

lying tongue at your feet.” His pig eyes were wet with excitement at the



Catelyn Stark

stared at Tyrion with a coldness on her face such as he had never seen. “Petyr

Baelish loved me once. He was only a boy. His passion was a tragedy for all of

us, but it was real, and pure, and nothing to be made mock of. He wanted my

hand. That is the truth of the matter. You are truly an evil man, Lannister.”


“And you are truly a fool, Lady Stark. Littlefinger has never loved

anyone but Littlefinger, and I promise you that it is not your hand that he

boasts of, it’s those ripe breasts of yours, and that sweet mouth, and the heat

between your legs.”


Kurleket grabbed

a handful of hair and yanked his head back in a hard jerk, baring his throat.

Tyrion felt the cold kiss of steel beneath his chin. “Shall I bleed him, my



“Kill me and the truth dies with me,” Tyrion gasped.


“Let him talk,” Catelyn Stark commanded.


Kurleket let go

of Tyrion’s hair, reluctantly.


Tyrion took a

deep breath. “How did Littlefinger tell you I came by this dagger of his?

Answer me that.”


“You won it from him in a wager, during the tourney on Prince

Joffrey’s name day.”


“When my brother Jaime was unhorsed by the Knight of Flowers, that

was his story, no?”


“It was,” she admitted. A line creased her brow.




The shriek came

from the wind-carved ridge above them. Ser Rodrik had sent Lharys scrambling up

the rock face to watch the road while they took their rest.


For a long

second, no one moved. Catelyn Stark was the first to react. “Ser Rodrik, Ser

Willis, to horse,” she shouted. “Get the other mounts behind us. Mohor, guard

the prisoners...”


“Arm us!” Tyrion sprang to his feet and seized her by the arm. “You

will need every sword.”


She knew he was

right, Tyrion could see it. The mountain clans cared nothing for the enmities

of the great houses; they would slaughter Stark and Lannister with equal

fervor, as they slaughtered each other. They might spare Catelyn herself; she

was still young enough to bear sons. Still, she hesitated.


“I hear them!” Ser Rodrik called out. Tyrion turned his head to

listen, and there it was: hoofbeats, a dozen horses or more, coming nearer.

Suddenly everyone was moving, reaching for weapons, running to their mounts.


Pebbles rained

down around them as Lharys came springing and sliding down the ridge. He landed

breathless in front of Catelyn Stark, an ungainly-looking man with wild tufts

of rust-colored hair sticking out from under a conical steel cap. “Twenty men,

maybe twenty-five,” he said, breathless. “Milk Snakes or Moon Brothers, by my guess.

They must have eyes out, m’lady?.?.?.?hidden watchers?.?.?.?they know we’re



Ser Rodrik

Cassel was already ahorse, a longsword in hand. Mohor crouched behind a

boulder, both hands on his iron-tipped spear, a dagger between his teeth. “You,

singer,” Ser Willis Wode called out. “Help me with this breastplate.” Marillion

sat frozen, clutching his woodharp, his face as pale as milk, but Tyrion’s man

Morrec bounded quickly to his feet and moved to help the knight with his armor.


Tyrion kept his

grip on Catelyn Stark. “You have no choice,” he told her. “Three of us, and a

fourth man wasted guarding us?.?.?.?four men can be the difference between life

and death up here.”


“Give me your word that you will put down your swords again after the

fight is done.”


“My word?” The hoofbeats were louder now. Tyrion grinned crookedly.

“Oh, that you have, my lady?.?.?.?on my honor as a Lannister.”


For a moment he

thought she would spit at him, but instead she snapped, “Arm them,” and as

quick as that she was pulling away. Ser Rodrik tossed Jyck his sword and

scabbard, and wheeled to meet the foe. Morrec helped himself to a bow and

quiver, and went to one knee beside the road. He was a better archer than

swordsman. And Bronn rode up to offer Tyrion a double-bladed axe.


“I have never fought with an axe.” The weapon felt awkward and

unfamiliar in his hands. It had a short haft, a heavy head, a nasty spike on



“Pretend you’re splitting logs,” Bronn said, drawing his longsword

from the scabbard across his back. He spat, and trotted off to form up beside

Chiggen and Ser Rodrik. Ser Willis mounted up to join them, fumbling with his

helmet, a metal pot with a thin slit for his eyes and a long black silk plume.


“Logs don’t bleed,” Tyrion said to no one in particular. He felt

naked without armor. He looked around for a rock and ran over to where

Marillion was hiding. “Move over.”


“Go away!” the boy screamed back at him. “I’m a singer, I want no

part of this fight!”


“What, lost your taste for adventure?” Tyrion kicked at the youth

until he slid over, and not a moment too soon. A heartbeat later, the riders

were on them.


There were no

heralds, no banners, no horns nor drums, only the twang of bowstrings as Morrec

and Lharys let fly, and suddenly the clansmen came thundering out of the dawn,

lean dark men in boiled leather and mismatched armor, faces hidden behind

barred halfhelms. In gloved hands were clutched all manner of weapons:

longswords and lances and sharpened scythes, spiked clubs and daggers and heavy

iron mauls. At their head rode a big man in a striped shadowskin cloak, armed

with a two-handed greatsword.


Ser Rodrik

shouted “Winterfell!” and rode to meet him, with Bronn and Chiggen beside him,

screaming some wordless battle cry. Ser Willis Wode followed, swinging a spiked

morningstar around his head. “Harrenhal! Harrenhal!” he sang. Tyrion felt a

sudden urge to leap up, brandish his axe, and boom out, “Casterly Rock!” but

the insanity passed quickly and he crouched down lower.


He heard the

screams of frightened horses and the crash of metal on metal. Chiggen’s sword

raked across the naked face of a mailed rider, and Bronn plunged through the

clansmen like a whirlwind, cutting down foes right and left. Ser Rodrik

hammered at the big man in the shadowskin cloak, their horses dancing round

each other as they traded blow for blow. Jyck vaulted onto a horse and galloped

bareback into the fray. Tyrion saw an arrow sprout from the throat of the man

in the shadowskin cloak. When he opened his mouth to scream, only blood came

out. By the time he fell, Ser Rodrik was fighting someone else.



Marillion shrieked, covering his head with his woodharp as a horse leapt over

their rock. Tyrion scrambled to his feet as the rider turned to come back at

them, hefting a spiked maul. Tyrion swung his axe with both hands. The blade

caught the charging horse in the throat with a meaty thunk, angling upward, and

Tyrion almost lost his grip as the animal screamed and collapsed. He managed to

wrench the axe free and lurch clumsily out of the way. Marillion was less

fortunate. Horse and rider crashed to the ground in a tangle on top of the

singer. Tyrion danced back in while the brigand’s leg was still pinned beneath

his fallen mount, and buried the axe in the man’s neck, just above the shoulder



As he struggled

to yank the blade loose, he heard Marillion moaning under the bodies. “Someone

help me,” the singer gasped. “Gods have mercy, I’m bleeding.”


“I believe that’s horse blood,” Tyrion said. The singer’s hand came

crawling out from beneath the dead animal, scrabbling in the dirt like a spider

with five legs. Tyrion put his heel on the grasping fingers and felt a

satisfying crunch. “Close your eyes and pretend you’re dead,” he advised the

singer before he hefted the axe and turned away.


After that,

things ran together. The dawn was full of shouts and screams and heavy with the

scent of blood, and the world had turned to chaos. Arrows hissed past his ear

and clattered off the rocks. He saw Bronn unhorsed, fighting with a sword in

each hand. Tyrion kept on the fringes of the fight, sliding from rock to rock

and darting out of the shadows to hew at the legs of passing horses. He found a

wounded clansman and left him dead, helping himself to the man’s halfhelm. It

fit too snugly, but Tyrion was glad of any protection at all. Jyck was cut down

from behind while he sliced at a man in front of him, and later Tyrion stumbled

over Kurleket’s body. The pig face had been smashed in with a mace, but Tyrion

recognized the dirk as he plucked it from the man’s dead fingers. He was

sliding it through his belt when he heard a woman’s scream.


Catelyn Stark

was trapped against the stone face of the mountain with three men around her,

one still mounted and the other two on foot. She had a dagger clutched

awkwardly in her maimed hands, but her back was to the rock now and they had

penned her on three sides. Let them have the bitch, Tyrion thought, and welcome

to her, yet somehow he was moving. He caught the first man in the back of the

knee before they even knew he was there, and the heavy axehead split flesh and

bone like rotten wood. Logs that bleed, Tyrion thought inanely as the second

man came for him. Tyrion ducked under his sword, lashed out with the axe, the

man reeled backward?.?.?.?and Catelyn Stark stepped up behind him and opened

his throat. The horseman remembered an urgent engagement elsewhere and galloped

off suddenly.


Tyrion looked

around. The enemy were all vanquished or vanished. Somehow the fighting had

ended when he wasn’t looking. Dying horses and wounded men lay all around,

screaming or moaning. To his vast astonishment, he was not one of them. He

opened his fingers and let the axe thunk to the ground. His hands were sticky

with blood. He could have sworn they had been fighting for half a day, but the

sun seemed scarcely to have moved at all.


“Your first battle?” Bronn asked later as he bent over Jyck’s body,

pulling off his boots. They were good boots, as befit one of Lord Tywin’s men;

heavy leather, oiled and supple, much finer than what Bronn was wearing.


Tyrion nodded.

“My father will be so proud,” he said. His legs were cramping so badly he could

scarcely stand. Odd, he had never once noticed the pain during the battle.


“You need a woman now,” Bronn said with a glint in his black eyes. He

shoved the boots into his saddlebag. “Nothing like a woman after a man’s been

blooded, take my word.”


Chiggen stopped

looting the corpses of the brigands long enough to snort and lick his lips.


Tyrion glanced

over to where Lady Stark was dressing Ser Rodrik’s wounds. “I’m willing if she

is,” he said. The freeriders broke into laughter, and Tyrion grinned and

thought, There’s a start.


Afterward he

knelt by the stream and washed the blood off his face in water cold as ice. As

he limped back to the others, he glanced again at the slain. The dead clansmen

were thin, ragged men, their horses scrawny and undersized, with every rib showing.

What weapons Bronn and Chiggen had left them were none too impressive. Mauls,

clubs, a scythe?.?.?.?He remembered the big man in the shadowskin cloak who had

dueled Ser Rodrik with a two-handed greatsword, but when he found his corpse

sprawled on the stony ground, the man was not so big after all, the cloak was

gone, and Tyrion saw that the blade was badly notched, its cheap steel spotted

with rust. Small wonder the clansmen had left nine bodies on the ground.


They had only

three dead; two of Lord Bracken’s men-at-arms, Kurleket and Mohor, and his own

man Jyck, who had made such a bold show with his bareback charge. A fool to the

end, Tyrion thought.


“Lady Stark, I urge you to press on, with all haste,” Ser Willis Wode

said, his eyes scanning the ridgetops warily through the slit in his helm. “We

drove them off for the moment, but they will not have gone far.”


“We must bury our dead, Ser Willis,” she said. “These were brave men.

I will not leave them to the crows and shadowcats.”


“This soil is too stony for digging,” Ser Willis said.


“Then we shall gather stones for cairns.”


“Gather all the stones you want,” Bronn told her, “but do it without

me or Chiggen. I’ve better things to do than pile rocks on dead

men?.?.?.?breathing, for one.” He looked over the rest of the survivors. “Any

of you who hope to be alive come nightfall, ride with us.”


“My lady, I fear he speaks the truth,” Ser Rodrik said wearily. The

old knight had been wounded in the fight, a deep gash in his left arm and a

spear thrust that grazed his neck, and he sounded his age. “If we linger here,

they will be on us again for a certainty, and we may not live through a second



Tyrion could see

the anger in Catelyn’s face, but she had no choice. “May the gods forgive us,

then. We will ride at once.”


There was no

shortage of horses now. Tyrion moved his saddle to Jyck’s spotted gelding, who

looked strong enough to last another three or four days at least. He was about

to mount when Lharys stepped up and said, “I’ll take that dirk now, dwarf.”


“Let him keep it.” Catelyn Stark looked down from her horse. “And see

that he has his axe back as well. We may have need of it if we are attacked



“You have my thanks, lady,” Tyrion said, mounting up.


“Save them,” she said curtly. “I trust you no more than I did

before.” She was gone before he could frame a reply.


Tyrion adjusted

his stolen helm and took the axe from Bronn. He remembered how he had begun the

journey, with his wrists bound and a hood pulled down over his head, and

decided that this was a definite improvement. Lady Stark could keep her trust;

so long as he could keep the axe, he would count himself ahead in the game.


Ser Willis Wode

led them out. Bronn took the rear, with Lady Stark safely in the middle, Ser

Rodrik a shadow beside her. Marillion kept throwing sullen looks back at Tyrion

as they rode. The singer had broken several ribs, his woodharp, and all four

fingers on his playing hand, yet the day had not been an utter loss to him;

somewhere he had acquired a magnificent shadowskin cloak, thick black fur slashed

by stripes of white. He huddled beneath its folds silently, and for once had

nothing to say.


They heard the

deep growls of shadowcats behind them before they had gone half a mile, and

later the wild snarling of the beasts fighting over the corpses they had left

behind. Marillion grew visibly pale. Tyrion trotted up beside him. “Craven,” he

said, “rhymes nicely with raven.” He kicked his horse and moved past the

singer, up to Ser Rodrik and Catelyn Stark.


She looked at

him, lips pressed tightly together.


“As I was saying before we were so rudely interrupted,” Tyrion began,

“there is a serious flaw in Littlefinger’s fable. Whatever you may believe of

me, Lady Stark, I promise you this, I never bet against my family.”


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