1. 認識這個詞(基礎篇)?
詞:passport? ?
英英釋義:a thing that ensures admission to or the achievement of something? ?
例句:Exellent English is a passport to many dream jobs in China.? ?
2. 體會這個詞 (進階篇)?
來看幾個例子:? ?
在很多非洲國家,要想擺脫貧窮過上更好的生活酣衷,一些年輕人會選擇足球,就可以說:? ? For some African young people, football is a passport/ticket/the key to a better life.(注意:一般用“a passport to”席爽,“a ticket to”和“the key to”。)? ?
在中國玖像,很多家長和高中生將高考視作是成功人生的保障齐饮,? ?
Many parents and high school students regard China’s college entrance examination as a passport to a successful life.? ?
越來越少的年輕人將大城市戶口看作是體面生活的必需:? ?
A decreasing number of young people consider an urban hukou to be a passport to a decent life.
最后,來看看《經(jīng)濟學人》中的一個例句竞滓。在討論中國教育時,作者表達教育的重要性時就用到了passport:? ?
Chinese have long seen education as a passport to success, and it is not just the super-rich who have the aspiration or means to send their offspring abroad to attend university.
3. 從認識到會用(作業(yè))?
1)翻譯下面的句子:? ?
人才是任何城市通往繁榮的必備手段喂急。? ?
(參考翻譯:For any city, talent is a passport to prosperity.)? ?
2)結合自己的生活掠抬、學習、工作葛峻、興趣等术奖,想象在什么語境下會用到這個表達。先簡要描述這個場景采记,再造句。? ?
Positivity is a passport to a happy and fulfilling life.