柯林斯《月亮寶石》: That was the point of view I looked at it from.Economy—with a...
德萊塞《巨人》: the wish buried deep in every woman's heart is that her lover s...
塞繆爾·約翰生《王子出游記》: every one was pleased to hear the genius or knowledge of...
《論語》: 耕也匣距,餒在其中矣面哥;學也,祿在其中矣毅待。 譯文: 耕田尚卫,也常常餓著肚皮;學習尸红,常常得到俸祿吱涉。 原文: 子曰:“君子謀道不謀食。耕也外里,餒在...
德萊塞《珍妮姑娘》: Hecouldnotseehowwealthandpositioninthishourweretypifiedtoherm...
羅素《浪漫底克的憂郁》: And not only is love a source of delight, but its absence i...
葉世昌《古代中國經(jīng)濟思想史》: 陸贄是薄稅斂的堅決主張者撒轮。他發(fā)揮《大學》的“財聚則民散,財散則民聚”等財政觀點贼穆,反復強調(diào)薄稅斂對鞏固封建統(tǒng)治的意...
歌德《親和力》: Beautyisawelcomeguesteverywhere. 美貌無處不受人青睞。 原文: 她站起身故痊,夏綠蒂親切地擁抱了她...
歌德《少年維特的煩惱》: How her image haunts me! Waking or asleep, she fills my ent...