240 發(fā)簡(jiǎn)信
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    Spring Festival Travel Rush

    The definitely unique occurrence/phenomenon in China, Chunyun, or the sp...

  • Functions of Language

    This morning We had a class taught by Teacher She, involving linguistic...

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    Slow down and Take a Deep Breath

    A glance of our society may give us an illusion as long as we are follo...

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    My Views on the Online Teaching System or Platforms

    Nowadays崔涂,the online teaching system or platform has been born/provide...

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    Who is the author? 沒有思考,沒有質(zhì)疑始衅,沒有批判冷蚂,沒有爭(zhēng)鳴缭保,也就不會(huì)有思想。這幾天讀完了一本關(guān)乎批判性思考的一本書蝙茶,受益頗多...

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    無為而無不為 老子說:"道法自然" "自然"是老子哲學(xué)的重要概念之一,這里的"自然"并不是我們所說的大自然愧口,而是指我們的一切行為都應(yīng)該遵循自...

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    Why are you about to leave for...?

    Recently, I was haunted by something that requires me to make a snap d...

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    The Wisdom of China and India

    一睦番、水 上善若水。水善利萬物而不爭(zhēng)耍属,處眾人之所惡托嚣,故幾于道。居善地厚骗,心善淵示启,與善仁,言善信领舰,正善治丑搔,事善能,動(dòng)善時(shí)提揍。夫唯不爭(zhēng),故無憂煮仇。 二劳跃、逍遙...
