240 發(fā)簡信
  • Is Online Dating Killing Love

    A fair maiden is guarded by a dragon. A handsome prince must slay the dr...

  • Mr.G and Jellybean

    This is the story of a donkey named Jellybean and a goat named Mr.G. For...

  • Mysteries of the Mona Lisa

    Without a doubt, one of the world's most recognizable pieces of art is t...

  • lovers' quarrel

    W: Hey,whatdoyouthink? Doyoulikeit? M: No,it'stooshort. Youcan'twearthat...

  • The Boy Who Cried Wolf

    Onceupona time there was amischievous young boy who wasgiventhe task oft...

  • Blood Pressure and Stroke

    A large international study has found that ten risk factorsaccount for 9...

  • Preventing Injuries

    Exercise and a certain amount of strenuous physical activity are importa...

  • new policy of a company

    We've got a real problem on our hands. We're getting a lot of complaints...

  • depression & treatment2

    Because the treatment wasn't working, Jack tried something new. He decid...
