文/翟菊珍 親愛的各位美仁:晚上好! 我是來自河南省輝縣市第一初級中學的一名英語教師乌妙,今天我分享的題目是《感恩遇見》森书。 兩年前靶端,我的教育生活只有...
I.For you, a thousand times over. 為你,千千萬萬遍凛膏⊙蠲——《追風箏的人》 2.Trees and flowers...
1. 我承認我膽小如鼠猖毫,時至今日我依然有敏感台谍、怯弱、自卑的感覺吁断,需要別人千百次的主動和回應才愿意相信那是真的典唇。 I admit that I a...
13.It was awesome to know that while many people tend to ignore those in...
7. It was "what goes around comes around." Exactly, never would I stop b...
1.Though roses are the most beautiful, not everyone can have the chance ...
1.Never allow reality to get in the way of your dreams. 永遠不要讓現(xiàn)實阻擋你的夢想。 2...
1. It's true:if the dream is big enough, the facts don't count. 心中有目標胯府,風雨...
1.Life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we react to it. 生活中 10%是發(fā)生在...