英語流利說 Level8 Unit2 Part3:Gospel of DoubtCasey Gerald: The gospel of doubt[https://www.t...
英語流利說 Level8 Unit2 Part3:Gospel of DoubtCasey Gerald: The gospel of doubt[https://www.t...
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英語流利說 Level8 Unit2 Part2 : The riddle of experience vs. memoryDaniel Kahneman: The ridd...
英語流利說 Level8 Unit2 Part1 : A South Pole ExpeditionBen Saunders: To the South Pole and b...
Malcolm Gladwell: The unheard story of David and Goliath TEDSalon NY2013 ?15:40? Posted...
Hugh Evans: What does it mean to be a citizen of the world?TED2016 ?16:56? PostedApril ...
Zeynep Tufekci: Machine intelligence makes human morals more importantTEDSummit ?17:42?...
David Blaine: How I held my breath for 17 minutesTEDMED 2009 ?20:19? PostedJanuary 2010...
Level 7 Unit 1 Part 2 Learning: Simon Sinek: How great leaders inspire action | TED Tal...