Sonnet 42 翻譯 That thou hast her, it is not all my grief, 你擁有她,這還不是我的全部痛苦...
Sonnet 41 翻譯 Those petty wrongs that liberty commits, 放蕩鬧出了許多風流韻事 When I...
Sonnet 36 翻譯 Let me confess that we two must be twain, 坦誠地說我們倆就是斷了根的連理枝 ...
Sonnet 35 翻譯 No more be griev'd at that which thou hast done: 不要為你的所作所為感...
Sonnet 34 翻譯 Why didst thou promise such a beauteous day, 為什么你要在這艷陽高照的天 ...
Sonnet 33 翻譯 Full many a glorious morning have I seen 我見到一片燦爛的早晨 Flatter...
Sonnet 32 翻譯 If thou survive my well-contented day, 如果我去了極樂棚放,你生命猶存 When t...
Sonnet 31 翻譯 Thy bosom is endeared with all hearts, 你的心胸被眾多顆心縈繞著愛 Which ...
Sonnet 29 When in disgrace with fortune and men's eyes 我的命運乖舛,常常遭受到別人的白眼...