你若是那天上的星辰躯护, if you are the hanging star, 請你為我點亮一盞明燈。 Please, please show ...
Any word in an old song, 老歌里的一句歌詞丽涩, like a picture I missed so long. 潑你一副...
當騎士丟了寶劍棺滞, 當惡龍不再有利爪, 當甘道夫丟了法杖矢渊, 當小精靈失去魔力继准。 公主不再重要, 惡龍不再咆哮矮男, 圣賢無力救世移必, 再無萬能草藥。 坐...
When the Knight lose his sword, When the Dragon lose its majesty, When t...
The wind blows the last leaf off, snowflakes wander in my heart. I had t...
早晨天有些黑避凝, 你坐在我對面。 我問問你是誰眨补? 無言以對管削。 陽光打開天空, 心臟慢慢跳動撑螺。 眼淚在你眼中含思, 一動不動。 折一朵梅予你甘晤, 你只是手...
Elegant shape with sharp paw, Infinite fear with cold raw. Who’s that ca...
Flash separate the sky, 閃電劃破天空含潘, I feel your head in my arm. 只想相擁。 You sa...