寫了 106645 字掷匠,被 1140 人關(guān)注,獲得了 497 個(gè)喜歡
以內(nèi)心的悲憫與善良來同情岖圈,以人文的姿態(tài)與角度來考量讹语,用光影的流動(dòng)與變幻來記錄,——Do it anyway~<br>People are unreasonable幅狮,illogical募强,and self-centered,<br>Love them anyway崇摄。<br>If you do good,<br>people will accuse you of selfish alternative motives.<br>Do good anyway.<br>The biggest people with the biggest ideas can be shot down?<br>by the smallest people with the smallest minds.<br>Think big anyway.<br>What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight,<br>Build anyway.<br>Give the world the best you have,<br>and you'll be kicked into the teeth.<br>Give the world the best you've got anyway.<br>我已加入“維權(quán)騎士”(rightknights.com)的版權(quán)保護(hù)計(jì)劃