Today is Ignatius' birthday. He invites a lot of friends. Now it's dinner time. Ignatiu...

Today is Ignatius' birthday. He invites a lot of friends. Now it's dinner time. Ignatiu...
國慶期間,省城HZ剛剛舉行了一場盛大的集體婚禮,為了使婚禮進行的豐富一些,司儀臨時想出了有一個有意思的節(jié)目,叫做"考新郎",具體的操作是這樣的: 首先,給每位新娘打扮得幾乎一...
The GeoSurvComp geologic survey company is responsible for detecting underground oil de...
In a city there are n bus drivers. Also there are n morning bus routes and n afternoon ...
要求(A/B)%9973锣夹,但由于A很大,我們只給出n(n=A%9973)(我們給定的A必能被B整除墅垮,且gcd(B,9973) = 1)民假。Input數(shù)據(jù)的第一行是一個T,表示有...
People are different. Some secretly read magazines full of interesting girls' pictures,...
Given a positive integer N, you should output the most right digit of N^N.InputThe inpu...
在一個國家僅有1分闯估,2分,3分硬幣吼和,將錢N兌換成硬幣有很多種兌法涨薪。請你編程序計算出共有多少種兌法。 Input每行只有一個正整數(shù)N纹安,N小于32768尤辱。 Output對應(yīng)每個輸...
Problem DescriptionAn inch worm is at the bottom of a well n inches deep. It has enough...
Problem Description一個整數(shù),只知道前幾位厢岂,不知道末二位光督,被另一個整數(shù)除盡了,那么該數(shù)的末二位該是什么呢塔粒? Input輸入數(shù)據(jù)有若干組结借,每組數(shù)據(jù)包含二個整數(shù)...
Description 有兩堆石子,數(shù)量任意卒茬,可以不同船老。游戲開始由兩個人輪流取石子。游戲規(guī)定圃酵,每次有兩種不同的取法柳畔,一是可以在任意的一堆中取走任意多的石子;二是可以在兩堆中同...
給定一個日期郭赐,輸出這個日期是該年的第幾天薪韩。Input輸入數(shù)據(jù)有多組,每組占一行捌锭,數(shù)據(jù)格式為YYYY/MM/DD組成俘陷,具體參見sample input ,另外,可以向你確保所有...
Someday, Drazil wanted to go on date with Varda. Drazil and Varda live on Cartesian pla...
給定三條邊,請你判斷一下能不能組成一個三角形泻红。Input輸入數(shù)據(jù)第一行包含一個數(shù)M告私,接下有M行,每行一個實例承桥,包含三個正數(shù)A,B,C。其中A,B,C <1000;Output...
One hot summer day Pete and his friend Billy decided to buy a watermelon. They chose th...
先把元音變成‘0’根悼,以便去除凶异,同時把大寫改為小寫蜀撑。用另一個字符數(shù)組記錄有效元素,逐個輸出的同時在前面加‘.’剩彬。 include <iostream> using namesp...
同a+b酷麦。 #include #include using namespace std; int main() { int a, b; while (cin >> a >> ...