2019/08/24 The weather was very hot. 08:20 to 10:20 I went and assisted Under 10 class ...

2019/08/24 The weather was very hot. 08:20 to 10:20 I went and assisted Under 10 class ...
2019/08/17 and 2019/08/18 The weather was hot. 08:20 to 10:20 In the morning i assisted...
2019/08/10 and 2019/08/11 The weather was cloudy but a bit hot. 08:20 to 10:20 We worke...
2019/08/03 and 2019/08/04 The weather was hot. 08:20 to 10:20 I worked with U11 class.W...
2019/07/27 and 2019/07/28 The weather was hot and foggy. 08:20 to 10:20 I worked with U...
2019/07/20 and 2019/07/21 The weather was very hot. 08:20 to 10:20 In the morning I did...
2019/07/13 and 2019/07/14 The weather was extremely hot. 08:20 to 10:20 I did observati...
2019/07/06 and 2019/07/07 The weather was a bit cool and conjucive for football trainin...
2019/06/29 and 2019/06/30 The weather was very hot. 08:20 to 10:20 I did observation an...
2019/06/22 and 2019/06/23 The weather was very hot. 08:20 to 10:20 We played a game wit...
2019/06/15 and 2019/06/16 The weather was very hot. 08:20 to 10:20 I was assisting U12 ...
2019/06/08 and 2019/06/09 The weather was very hot. 08:20 to 10:20 I was asigned to ass...
2019/06/01 and 2019/06/02 The weather was very warm. 08:20 to 10:20 I assisted another ...
2019/05/26 The weather was cloudy and later rained. 08:20 to 10:20 We participated in a...
2019/05/18 and 2019/05/19 The weather was warm and humidy. 08:20 to 10:20 We did an obs...
2019/05/11 and 2019/05/12 The weather was warm and good for football training. 08:20 to...
2019/04/03 and 2019/04/04 The weather was very warm. 08:20 to 10:20 We did observation....
27/04/2019 The weather was cool and perfect for football training. 08:20 to 10:20 We di...
20/04/2019 The weather was a bit cool and perfect for football training. 08:20 to 10:20...
Summary Session for 13/04/2019 and 14/04/2019 The weather was warm and good for footbal...