英英釋義:to perform in a specified way in a particular situation or over a particular perio...
在意大利時裝品牌 Dolce & Gabbana 發(fā)布自己飽受爭議的粗俗廣告后灼捂,很多中國藝人決定不再和它合作离例。 (參考翻譯:After Italian fashion bra...
1)翻譯下面的句子: 約翰本來想找一個信封,但沒想到讀起了一些舊時的信件悉稠。 John was looking for an envelope and got sidetrac...
超重人群容易患高血壓和高血糖宫蛆。 overweight people are prone to high blood pressure and high blood sugar...
Tom 不僅擅長寫作,還擅長拍電影的猛。 Tom is not only adept at writing,but also good at making the film. (...
在阿湯哥(Tome Cruise)近 40 年的職業(yè)生涯中耀盗,他扮演過許多經(jīng)典角色想虎。 Tom Cruise has players many iconic characters...
去國外度假已經(jīng)變得越來越平常。 Holiday abroad is becoming commonplace. (參考翻譯:Foreign vacations have be...
詞:hesitant 英英釋義:uncertain about what to do or say because you are nervous or unwilling ...
詞:aforementioned 英英釋義:mentioned before in an earlier part of a document, article, book ...
英英釋義:a cut-throat activity or situation is one in which people behave in an unfair or i...
“instrumental”來自名詞 “instrument”(樂器)叛拷,除了表示與樂器演奏有關的意思外舌厨,它還常用來表示“有幫助的” “起作用的”。我們很多時候都可以用它來替換...