Lesson92:Asking for trouble Why did the policeman ask the writer to come to the police ...
Lesson91:Three men in a basket Where was the station's Commanding Officer? A pilot noti...
Lesson 90 What's for supper? What kind of fish are they? Fish and chips has always been...
Lesson89:A slip of the tongue Who made the only funny joke that evening and why? People...
Lesson 88 Trapped in a mine Why is the rescue taking so long? Six men have been trapped...
Lesson87:A perfect alibi What was wrong with the man's story? 'At the time the murder w...
Lesson 86:Out of control What was the danger? As the man tried to swing the speedboat r...
Lesson 85:Never too old to learn How long has Mr. Page been teaching? I have just recei...
Lesson84:On strike Who will be driving the buses next week? Busmen have decided to go o...
Lesson 83:After the elections Why did Patrick keep on asking the same question? The for...
Lesson82:Monster or fish? What was the monster called? Fishermen and sailors sometimes ...
Lesson81:Escape Why did the prisoner attack the driver? When he had killed the guard, t...
Lesson 80:The Crystal Palace How many people visited the Great Exhibition of 1851? Perh...
Lesson79:By air Why did the plane turn back? I used to travel by air a great deal when ...
Lesson 78 The last one? For how long did the writer give up smoking? After reading an a...
Lesson 77 A successful operation Did the doctors find out how the woman died? The mummy...
Lesson 76 April Fool's Day What was the joke? ‘To end our special news bulletin,’said t...