【原創(chuàng)】 一年一度的雙11活動又來臨了脉让。你們又買了哪些東西呢粘室?剁手黨們在買買買的同時也是感嘆痊剖,現(xiàn)在雙11活動搞得越來越復雜旺坠, 優(yōu)惠券、滿減敛滋、抵扣...
To merge: to combine or come together. 合并:整合或在一起芙沥。 Those two companies us...
To sue: to take someone to court in a legal disagreement. 起訴:在法律分歧上將某人告上...
Iceman was about 45 years old when he died. He was 1.60 meters tall and ...
One of the most interesting people in history is probably someone you ha...
M: WOW, you look different today. W: You mean more beautiful? M: What's ...
1 To assign, to give someone a task to do. 分配,給某人一項任務去做京办。 2 His boss assi...
1 To promote, to move someone up in an organization usually because she ...
輕點掀序,打進來的那個號碼,會出現(xiàn)一行下拉菜單惭婿。包括:通話/信息/視頻通話/詳情不恭, 點擊"詳情",出現(xiàn)新的菜單頁面财饥,點擊底部的"攔截號碼"换吧,這樣,就...