最近在做Affy的SNP 6 芯片家系數(shù)據(jù)做連鎖分析亥曹,找家系的致病性基因屿附,拿到的是 *.CEL 文件归敬,然后用MERLIN做連鎖分析,在準備ped文件時配并,需要用到每個mark...

最近在做Affy的SNP 6 芯片家系數(shù)據(jù)做連鎖分析亥曹,找家系的致病性基因屿附,拿到的是 *.CEL 文件归敬,然后用MERLIN做連鎖分析,在準備ped文件時配并,需要用到每個mark...
原文見Seurat - Guided Clustering Tutorial, Compiled: April 17, 2020 #1 Seurat安裝 #2 數(shù)據(jù)下載 Pe...
單細胞分析流程之Cell Ranger 相信做單細胞的小伙伴對Cell Ranger這個軟件都不陌生苔货,我們今天就來了解一下Cell Ranger的安裝和使用方法妈候。Cell R...
SAM/BAM/CRAM files class pysam.AlignmentFile filepath_or_object 既可以是 文件路徑,也可以是文件對象挂滓; 如果輸...
基于facets軟件的WGD計算參考文獻:Genome doubling shapes the evolution and prognosis of advanced cancers 參考文獻:Differ...
徒手學(xué)習facets CNV分析結(jié)果Copy number variation analysis - facets facets 是存儲在 GitHub 上的R包。 factes 的開發(fā)基于 ASCN(all...
ggplot利用兩個不同的數(shù)據(jù)框進行作圖參見我的Kaggle Notebook:https://www.kaggle.com/xiujudu/ggplot[https://www.kaggle.com/xiujud...
你好赶站,文中說 * 表示模糊堿基幔虏,有點不太合適。pileup官方文檔中的意思是贝椿,發(fā)生deletion后想括,后面的行中會用 * 代替,也就是說如果某一行有 * 烙博,表示該堿基以及該堿基前面的一些堿基(同一條read上)是發(fā)生deletion了瑟蜈。
Number of reads covering this position.
Read bases. This encodes information on matches, mismatches, indels, strand, mapping quality, and starts and ends of reads.
For each read covering the position, this column contains:
If this is the first position covered by the read, a “^” character followed by the alignment's mapping quality encoded as an ASCII character.
A single character indicating the read base and the strand to which the read has been mapped:
Forward Reverse Meaning
. dot , comma Base matches the reference base
ACGTN acgtn Base is a mismatch to the reference base
> < Reference skip (due to CIGAR “N”)
* */# Deletion of the reference base (CIGAR “D”)
Deleted bases are shown as “*” on both strands unless --reverse-del is used, in which case they are shown as “#” on the reverse strand.
If there is an insertion after this read base, text matching “\\+[0-9]+[ACGTNacgtn*#]+”: a “+” character followed by an integer giving the length of the insertion and then the inserted sequence. Pads are shown as “*” unless --reverse-del is used, in which case pads on the reverse strand will be shown as “#”.
If there is a deletion after this read base, text matching “-[0-9]+[ACGTNacgtn]+”: a “-” character followed by the deleted reference bases represented similarly. (Subsequent pileup lines will contain “*” for this read indicating the deleted bases.)
If this is the last position covered by the read, a “$” character.
生物數(shù)據(jù)格式 - pileup格式 pileup格式描述了染色體上每個位置的堿基信息, 可以用來 SNP/indel calling, 也可以直接用眼睛看一下排列的情況渣窜。 pileup文件格式如下: pi...
判斷GEO芯片數(shù)據(jù)表達矩陣是否需要log2轉(zhuǎn)換通過exprs函數(shù)獲取表達矩陣后我們可以通過以下三種方法判斷是否需要進行l(wèi)og2轉(zhuǎn)換 1.肉眼識別 最簡單粗暴的方法就是,根據(jù)數(shù)值大小粗略估計:如果表達量的數(shù)值在50以內(nèi)乔宿,通...
1位迂、讀取R格式文件 1.1 讀寫RDS格式文件 1.1.1 導(dǎo)出RDS文件 1.1.2 讀取RDS文件 直接雙擊已有的RDS文件,用Rstudio打開即可,會自動出現(xiàn)這樣的代...
GitLab使用教程驳庭,看這一篇就夠了引言 之前公司代碼的管理不統(tǒng)一刑顺,一部分人用SVN,一部分人用Git饲常,對于習慣了使用Linux或者Mac命令行的人來說蹲堂,Git的操作更方便和快捷,和小伙伴商量了一下把整個代碼管...
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:/Users/../cc.py", line 16, in <module>
data = xlrd.open_workbook(r'E:\works\..\mm.xls')
File "C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\xlrd\__init__.py", line 170, in open_workbook
raise XLRDError(FILE_FORMAT_DESCRIPTIONS[file_format]+'; not supported')
xlrd.biffh.XLRDError: Excel xlsx file; not supported
python3 Excel轉(zhuǎn)txt使用場景: 每次都是點一下Excel表格鏈接,調(diào)到瀏覽器中播聪,內(nèi)容數(shù)據(jù)也多朽基,這種機械的活布隔,對于程序員來說,能省則省稼虎。 最后的結(jié)果: 附上代碼: