The president's trip. the eleventh days.~結(jié)束篇矾湃。 一次扎實的自駕之旅 近了厌均,近了辛燥,當(dāng)機上播報員報出30分鐘...

The president's trip. the eleventh days.~結(jié)束篇矾湃。 一次扎實的自駕之旅 近了厌均,近了辛燥,當(dāng)機上播報員報出30分鐘...
The president's trip. the tenth days殿托,Obama in Heidelberg and Frankfurt . 秀美的海德堡是內(nèi)卡河畔...
The president's trip. the ninth days褪秀,Obama in stuttgart of Germany. 迎著清晨的朝陽三幻,車隊離開了斯特...
The president's trip. the eightieth days碍侦,Obama in Alsace邢隧,Colmar and Strsbourg of Franch...
The president's trip. the sixth days店印,Obama in Grindal wade~格林德爾瓦德. Dear little part...
The president's trip. the fourth day,Obama in 列支敦登and 蘇黎世 . Liechtentein 像是一個一吹就會飛起...
The president's trip. the third day倒慧,Obama in fussen town. 自駕之旅今兒正式開始了按摘。by the way包券,munich...
The prisedent's trip. the second day. visit BMW headquarters,德甲聯(lián)賽拜仁隊3:1勝漢諾威炫贤,beer squar...
The president's trip. the first day. Obama in the air thirting hours. boring's day. i s...
The president's trip. the seventh days溅固,Obama in bern and titisee. I come here. Bern...
The president's trip. the fifth days,Obama in lucerne. A special day. 當(dāng)時鐘指向8點鐘的時候兰珍,我...