英文原貼:The Log: What every software engineer should know about real-time data's unifying ...
實時計算 上篇文章大致介紹了離線計算MapReduce和Spark弟胀,但是無法滿足對實時性要求較高的業(yè)務(wù),下面我們來了解一下實時計算。 離線和批量邮利、實時和流式 在聊實時計算之前...
Flink DataStream API 編程指南原文鏈接:https://ci.apache.org/projects/flink/flink-docs-release-1.3/dev/datastream_api.htm...
I think I never felt so tired in my entire life! I have been always so diligent when ou...
In fact ,I think the key word is Genuinely. and others is how to express your love ,
of course ,everyone has different ways to express love and feel love .
Tenzin Palmo Jetsunma on How to Love GenuinelyThe problem is always that we mistake the idea of love for attachment. We imagine the g...
The problem is always that we mistake the idea of love for attachment. We imagine the g...
Part One: Discovering New Map The legend has it that thousands of years ago in China (a...