20篇文章 · 11338字 · 1人關(guān)注
Beginning (30s): I am a really serious person. I liked playing video gam...
Opening(1min) 【Deep breath】 “Hi everyone I am Nami” Why do you join TM E...
Suppose you have the chance to talk to yourself on the first day when yo...
1. 開場段子 2. 第一次接觸阿茲海默罕見病 3. 離別時刻的擁抱 4. Family & Love This year, my parent...
1. 開場段子 2. 第一次接觸阿茲海默罕見病 3. 離別時刻的擁抱 4. Family & Love This year, my parent...
1. 回老家趣事段子 2. 阿茲海默罕見病 3. 離別時刻的擁抱 4. Family & Love I love Spring Festival...
Good evening, dear guests and my Toastmasters fellers. Before I start, I...
Do you have any experience to be treated differently just because you wa...