
英文 中文
Tess Westin, AP. 特絲·威斯汀助理制片人
Yes. 沒錯
Gary Cooper. 加里·庫柏
Can that really be his name? 他真叫這名字嗎
Yes. Desk producer. 沒錯后期制片
Tamara Hart, AP. 塔瑪拉·哈特助理制片人
I'm on fire. 我無敵了
New neighbors. 新鄰居
Okay. 好吧
- Morning. - Big day. -早安-今天要忙了
Can I talk to you a second? 能跟你說兩句話嗎
- We've got a rundown meeting. - Yeah. -臺本討論會快開始了-知道
- They're very young out there. - I know. -這些人很年輕-我知道
But what they lack in experience, 他們的缺點是經(jīng)驗不足
they make up for in inexperience. 優(yōu)點也是經(jīng)驗不足
- Mac... - It's an asset. -麥肯-這是好事
They don't know how to do the news badly yet. 他們還沒學(xué)會怎么做爛新聞
Or really at all. 是壓根什么都不會吧
Some of them will be doing things they haven't done before, 有些人雖然是第一次上手
but they'll be supervised. 但會有人帶他們的
I want to grow these people, 我要好好培養(yǎng)這些人
so you're going to go easy on them. 你對他們態(tài)度好點
We talked about this last night 咱們昨晚就說過這件事
and for three hours the night before 前天晚上說了三小時
and again at 4:00 AM this morning. 今早四點又說了一遍
And you're sure you don't wanna lead with the spill? 你確定不要用漏油事件作開場嗎
- I am. Is that what you wanted to talk about? - No. -確定你就想跟我談這個嗎-不
I think most people here know that you and I were together a while ago. 我覺得這兒大多數(shù)人都知道我們以前交往過
I think so, too. 我也這么覺得
- I don't want anyone to know why we're not together now. - Sure. -我不想他們知道我們分手的原因-好的
- I mean no one. - You think I'm gonna talk about it? -誰都不行-你覺得我會到處說嗎
I find it hard to predict what you will and won't do. 我可猜不出你能做出什么事來
I won't be telling anyone. 我不會告訴別人的
As long as we're straight. 咱們可把話說清楚了
- We are. - No one. Nothing. -很清楚了-誰都不行什么都別說
Just to be clear, you want me to tell some people, 也就是說你是想讓我告訴某些人
- but not everyone. - Let's go. -但不是所有人-走了
You're going to have nine minutes with Jan Brewer, 你有九分鐘的時間采訪簡·布魯爾
and nine minutes with La Raza. 九分鐘采訪拉美裔委員會
I wanna go on record saying we should open with the spill. 我正式提議用漏油事件作開場
- Done. - We'll open with the spill? -好的-要用漏油事件作開場嗎
No, but you're on record saying you think we should. 不但你的提議已記錄在案
The spill is all anyone's talking about. 漏油事件是人們關(guān)注的焦點
Because we're the ones telling them to. 那是因為我們讓它成為了焦點
We're still reporting on it, just not at the top. 還是要報道的只不過不是頭條
I'm looking at film of an oil rig sinking into the ocean. 石油鉆塔沉進海里的畫面
That's pretty good television. 多好的節(jié)目素材
We don't do good television, we do the news. 咱們做的不是好節(jié)目是好新聞
- Good morning. - Good morning. -早上好-早上好
And welcome to the first pitch meeting of "News Night" 2.0. 歡迎參加"晚間新聞"2.0的首次選題會
The chaos of the spill is settling down 漏油事件已漸漸平息
and we get to do our first real show. 咱們要開始正式做節(jié)目了
11:00, I hear the pitches; 11點進行選題
4:00, the show starts to look like the show; 4點節(jié)目初步成形
and 6:00, we lock it in. 6點節(jié)目正式敲定
I learned everyone's names last night. 我昨晚把大家的名字都記住了
A huge step in the right direction. 大大的進步
We'll be opening tonight with SB 1070, 今晚開場報道參議院1070號法案
the Arizona immigration bill, 亞利桑那州的移民法案
which Will supports, by the way. 威爾很支持這個法案
You all thought he was a closet liberal 大家都以為他私下里是個自由派
when, really, he's a closet moron. 而實際上他私下里是個白癡
I'm not a closet anything. 我私下里什么都不是
Seriously, I know everyone's name. 說真的我知道所有人的名字
I was up half the night 我花了半個晚上的時間
learning to pronounce Calanasia Zbrezniak. 讀會了"卡拉娜西亞·澤布雷西尼亞克"
Cally doesn't work here anymore. 卡莉已經(jīng)不在這兒干了
- Dianastasia Jorma? - Nope. -戴安娜塔西亞·約爾瑪呢-也不干了
Mohammed al Mohammed el Mohammed bin Bazir? 穆罕默德·阿爾·穆罕默德·艾爾·穆罕默德·本·巴沙爾呢
- Went to Fox. - Fox hired -跳槽去福克斯臺了-柑耍克斯
someone with three Mohammeds in their name? 竟然雇了個名字里有三個"穆罕默德"的人
But let's give him a hand for effort. 如此努力大家掌聲鼓勵
Shut up! 停下
- Is your name really Gary Cooper? - Yeah. -你名字真叫加里·庫珀嗎-是的
What is "News Night" 2.0? "晚間新聞"2.0是什么
- This is... - Mac, the... -這就是...-麥肯那個
Right. Thank you. 對了多謝
Before we get to 2.0, I'm supposed to read 進入正題之前先讀一下
something from IT and I don't want to forget. IT部的通知免得忘了
"New aliases have been set up for in-house e-mails. "內(nèi)網(wǎng)電子郵件的代名系統(tǒng)已經(jīng)建好
Autocomplete has been enabled on your Outlook." 電郵客戶端已支持自動填充功能"
Anybody know what that meant? 有誰知道這是什么意思
Right. 好吧
"Asterisk-interns" Or "Asterisk-staff"... 實習(xí)生或者員工
an asterisk makes it go to a group. 加星號的郵件發(fā)給整個組
No asterisk makes it go to an individual. 不加星號的就只發(fā)給個人
Your name is Neelamani Sampat. 你叫尼拉瑪尼·桑帕特
- Nailed it. - Neal's fine. -小菜一碟-叫我尼爾就行
Can you say it one more time? 再說一遍好嗎
Just type an e-mail to someone. 發(fā)封郵件試試
Okay, I'm sending an e-mail to Will. 好的我給威爾發(fā)封郵件
I'm typing it. I'm still typing it. 打字繼續(xù)打字
- What are you doing now? - Still typing. -現(xiàn)在呢-還在打字
And I'm sending it. 發(fā)送
It's all right. You made two mistakes. 好吧你犯了兩個錯誤
You used an asterisk, and instead of typing W for "Will," 你用了星號而且把代表"威爾"的"W"
you typed S for "Staff." 錯寫成了代表"員工"的"S"
They're close together on the keyboard. 這倆鍵離得太緊了
"Will McAvoy's a closet bigot who hates immigrants "威爾·麥卡沃伊對移民一肚子的偏見
even though this country was founded by immigrants." 但他的祖國卻是由移民建立起來的"
- Everybody get the same thing? - Yep. -大家都收到了嗎-是的
No one in this newsroom's job is being threatened by an undocumented worker. 那是因為無證勞工搶不了你們的飯碗
Here we go. This is "News Night" 2.0. 進入正題這就是"晚間新聞"2.0
Sorry! 抱歉
- Excuse me, Charlie? - Yeah. -打擾一下查理-什么事
You wanted to see me? 你要見我
A 12-year-old kid in Topeka is trying to convince me 托皮卡的一個12歲小毛孩想讓我相信
he's got a pair of jacks in the hole. 他手里有兩張J
- Shouldn't he be in school? - He is in school. -他不用上學(xué)嗎-他在學(xué)校呢
- How can I help you? - Hang on. -有什么事嗎-等一下
He really did have jacks in the hole. 他還真有兩張J
Is there a way I can tell his parents? 我能不能向他家長告狀
- I'm a little busy. - Sure. -我很忙的-我知道
You know how you have a secret meeting with Will 你每天都和威爾秘密會面
every day to talk about numbers? 討論收視率吧
- I... we don't have a secret meeting. - Yeah, you do. -我們沒有秘密會面-你們有
You meet with him in private 你私下里找他
- and you tell him exactly... - I do it at his request. -告訴了他確切的-是他要求的
- It's very instructive. - It is. -裨益良多-是的
- It's invaluable. - Yeah. -非常難得-對啊
I want you to stop. 我要你停下來
Don't break down the numbers for him for a little while. 這段時間不要幫他分析數(shù)據(jù)
Can I ask why? 我能問為什么嗎
We're trying something new 我們在嘗試新花樣
and I don't want him getting cold feet. 我不希望他臨陣退縮
- He listens to you. - He should. -他聽你的-他應(yīng)該的
But what do you mean you're trying something new? 你說嘗試新花樣是什么意思
We're going to try doing the news, see what happens. 我們在嘗試做新聞看看效果如何
I don't get it. 我不明白
There are two important conversations... 有兩件事非常重要
how do we do the best news possible 第一如何做出最好的新聞
and how do we get the most people to watch? 第二如何吸引更多的觀眾
I don't want one of those conversations 我不希望兩者之間
to have anything to do with the other... 有任何的牽制
You don't want ratings to drive content. 你不希望由收視率主導(dǎo)內(nèi)容
- Exactly. - Neither do I. -正是-我也不想
- I want content to drive ratings. - That's the hope. -我希望內(nèi)容主導(dǎo)收視率-希望如此
But for the moment, I don't want ratings in Will's head at all. 但我暫時不想讓威爾考慮收視率問題
I'd be able to tell him you spiked 我可以告訴他
close to 75,000 new viewers since you broke your story. 漏油報道后新增了近七萬五千名觀眾
That's 10% in four days. 四天就漲了10%
In addition to the haul he brought in after he went crazy at Northwestern. 這還沒算上"發(fā)瘋"事件吸引的人數(shù)
- He didn't go crazy. - I'd be able to tell him -他沒有發(fā)瘋-我可以告訴他
that 32% of those are in the demo... 其中主流消費群體占32%
- Reese. - and 44% make over 75K, -里斯-44%的人年薪超過七萬五
which means we can charge more for 15 and 30s 我們能給15-30年齡段的廣告加價
and get out of the wheelchair-selling business. 然后擺脫老年人生意
And what does he do with that information? 他聽了以后會怎么做呢
He stretches out the spill as long as he can. 盡可能多的報道漏油事件
- That's ratings driving content. - That's just reality. -這叫收視率主導(dǎo)內(nèi)容-這叫現(xiàn)實
- Reese. - No, I need to be able to do my job. -里斯-不我要盡我的本分
Just don't break down the numbers for Will. 拜托你不要幫威爾分析數(shù)據(jù)
We've never gotten along that well, have we? 我們從來都談不攏
Reese, don't break down the numbers for Will. 里斯不要幫威爾分析數(shù)據(jù)
If I hid in a locked vault buried under the AWM building, 就算我躲在公司地下的密室里
Will would find me so I could break down the numbers for him 威爾也會把我找出來幫他分析數(shù)據(jù)
because Will McAvoy is the biggest ratings whore in the business. 威爾·麥卡沃伊是業(yè)界最拿收視率當媽的
- I'm not the bad guy. - Nobody's the bad guy. -我不是壞人-誰都不是壞人
Though if you call Will a whore again, 但你要是再提威爾他媽
I'm going to take out your teeth one punch at a time. 我會打得你滿地找牙一拳一顆
- Anything else? - No, sir. -還有事嗎-沒了
This is a new show and there are new rules. 新節(jié)目就有新規(guī)則
One, "Is this information we need in the voting booth?" 第一"它是否會影響選民的投票選擇"
Two, "Is this the best possible form of the argument?" 第二"它是否能最好地表述論點"
And three, "Is the story in historical context?" 第三"它是否具有歷史背景"
You can use a mnemonic device. 你們可以這樣記
I-I-I, the three Is. 它-它-它三個它
- That's not really helpful. - I was gonna say. -貌似沒什么用-我正想說呢
We're not opening with BP? 不拿英石油開場了嗎
It'll go down in the D block. There's nothing new. 擠到第四段去沒啥新進展
How about today's day four 不如說說都四天了
of the president not saying anything about it? 總統(tǒng)還未對此事作出回應(yīng)
Would you get off the man's back? 你放他一馬行不行啊
Jesus Christ. I'm surprised you found room. 老天爺我服了你了
Gary, Kendra. 這是加里這是肯德拉
Gary is the smart black guy who's not afraid to criticize Obama. 加里是敢于批判奧巴馬的黑人棒小伙
Kendra got double 800s on her SATs, makes Gary crazy. 肯德拉SAT雙滿分加里不服氣
- I studied. - BP's going in the D block. -我做了功課-英石油放到第四段播
Jim. 吉姆
SB 1070 passed the Arizona House last week 1070號法案上周由亞利桑那眾議院表決通過
and a few days later passed the State Senate. 沒過幾天州參議院也表決通過
Its official name is 官方名稱是
the Support Our Law Enforcement and Safe Neighborhoods Act. 《支持執(zhí)法工作和安全社區(qū)法》
It requires immigrants carry their alien registration documents at all times, 規(guī)定移民須時刻攜帶移民文件
requires police question people if there's reason to suspect 規(guī)定警察可以盤查
they're in the United States illegally, 疑似非法居留的人員
and it targets those who hire illegal immigrants. 并打擊雇傭非法移民的公司
The governor signs the bill today. 州長今日簽署了法案
Is it worth mentioning this is the same state that offered a bill 要不要加一條也正是該州曾通過法案
requiring presidential candidates to show 要求總統(tǒng)候選人提供出生地證明
憲法規(guī)定只有在美國出生才有資格競選總統(tǒng) 很多懷疑論者認為奧巴馬出生于肯尼亞
their birth certificates in order to get on the ballot? 才能列入該州的選票
In a courtroom, that would be called "Prejudicial." 在法庭上這叫做"偏私"
It would be called prejudicial anywhere. 在哪都叫偏見
Nope, not that kind of prejudicial. 不不是那種偏見
We've got the governor for nine minutes. 我們能有九分鐘采訪州長
- Just us. She's only talking to Will. - How'd you swing that? -獨家她只跟威爾談-你怎么做到的
By telling her about "News Night" 2.0. 我給她介紹了"晚間新聞"2.0
You showed her the easel? 你給她看白板了
I convinced her she's not going to have to outshout a crazy person. 我說服了她不用跟一瘋子比嗓子
That studio is a courtroom 演播室就是法庭
and we only call expert witnesses. 我們只連線專家證人
Will is the attorney for both sides. 威爾兼任雙方的律師
He examines the witness and reveals facts. 他調(diào)查證人證言揭露真相
You will be amazed at the guests we'll book 就用這么簡單明了的模板來連線嘉賓
using that unbelievably obvious template. 到時候的效果你們一定會大吃一驚
You don't have to raise your hand. 不用舉手
I saw one of those crazy 昨晚我看到一個狂熱的
militia guys on "Jon Stewart" Last night. 國民警衛(wèi)隊員上了喬恩·斯圖爾特的節(jié)目
We could also have him on. 我們可以請他來
Did you hear me when I was speaking just then 你是沒聽到我剛才說的嗎
or were you distracted by a bumblebee? 還是你被大黃蜂分心了
What does the I stand for? 這個"它"表示什么
The...the second I. 第二個"它"
"Is this the best possible form of the argument?" "它是否能最好地表述論點"
Not the most colorful version, 而不是最華麗的版本
not the most outrageous version, 也不是最驚人的版本
but the best possible version. 而是最佳的版本
- How do you define "Best"? - I define it by the source. -怎么定義"最佳"-根據(jù)消息源
I define it by the number of relevant facts it contains, 根據(jù)它包含相關(guān)事實的數(shù)目
and I define it by an X factor that I trust Will and myself to determine, 根據(jù)我和威爾加起來五十年經(jīng)驗
using our combined five decades in the field. 總結(jié)出來的經(jīng)驗公式
What's the best possible version of the Birther argument? "出生地懷疑論"的最佳版本是什么
There isn't one. And that's the fourth-- 不存在這就引出了第四點
Ah! This one's an A. 啊這次是個"報"
Are there really two sides to this story? 報道是否真的具有兩面性
So it's I-I-I-A. 它-它-它-報
What does that mean, are there really... 什么叫作"真的具有"
The media is biased towards success 傳媒偏向于成功者
and the media is biased towards fairness. 媒體也偏向于公平
How can you be biased toward fairness? 什么叫"偏向于公平"
There aren't two sides to every story. 不是所有報道都能有兩面性
Some stories have five sides, some only have one. 有些報道有五個面有些只有一個
- You don't have to raise your hand. - I still don't under... -不用舉手-我還是不明白
Biased toward fairness means "偏向于公平"指的是
that if the entire Congressional Republican Caucus 如果整個國會的共和黨議員
were to walk into the House and propose a resolution 全體跑去眾議院要求表決
stating that the earth was flat, the "Times" would lead 聲明地球是方的紐約時報的標題會是
with "Democrats and Republicans Can't Agree on Shape of Earth." "兩黨未能就地球形狀達成一致"
- Mac? - Would you let them raise their hands? -麥肯-還是讓他們舉手吧
- Fine. - Back to immigration. -好吧-回到移民問題
Neelamani Sampat. It means "Blue jewel." 尼拉瑪尼·桑帕特意思是"藍寶石"
- I didn't know that. - I did. I took the time. I care. -我都不知道-我花心思查的
- Are you asking him out? - If he wants me to. I'm nice. -你在約他嗎-如果他想我不介意
- And what are you still doing here? - I was asked to help. -你還在這里干嘛-有人請我來幫忙
Don generously volunteered to help during the transition. 過渡期間唐自告奮勇來幫忙
- He was asked or he volunteered? - I'm happy to go. -到底是不是自愿的-我巴不得走
- Apologize. - I'm sorry. -道歉-對不起
- To Don. - I'm over it. -對唐說-算了
Neal. 尼爾


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  • 正文 為了忘掉前任,我火速辦了婚禮霉颠,結(jié)果婚禮上对碌,老公的妹妹穿的比我還像新娘。我一直安慰自己蒿偎,他們只是感情好朽们,可當我...
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  • 文/花漫 我一把揭開白布。 她就那樣靜靜地躺著诉位,像睡著了一般骑脱。 火紅的嫁衣襯著肌膚如雪。 梳的紋絲不亂的頭發(fā)上苍糠,一...
    開封第一講書人閱讀 49,929評論 1 290
  • 那天叁丧,我揣著相機與錄音,去河邊找鬼岳瞭。 笑死拥娄,一個胖子當著我的面吹牛,可吹牛的內(nèi)容都是我干的瞳筏。 我是一名探鬼主播稚瘾,決...
    沈念sama閱讀 39,076評論 3 410
  • 文/蒼蘭香墨 我猛地睜開眼,長吁一口氣:“原來是場噩夢啊……” “哼姚炕!你這毒婦竟也來了摊欠?” 一聲冷哼從身側(cè)響起,我...
    開封第一講書人閱讀 37,803評論 0 268
  • 序言:老撾萬榮一對情侶失蹤柱宦,失蹤者是張志新(化名)和其女友劉穎些椒,沒想到半個月后,有當?shù)厝嗽跇淞掷锇l(fā)現(xiàn)了一具尸體掸刊,經(jīng)...
    沈念sama閱讀 44,265評論 1 303
  • 正文 獨居荒郊野嶺守林人離奇死亡免糕,尸身上長有42處帶血的膿包…… 初始之章·張勛 以下內(nèi)容為張勛視角 年9月15日...
    茶點故事閱讀 36,582評論 2 327
  • 正文 我和宋清朗相戀三年,在試婚紗的時候發(fā)現(xiàn)自己被綠了。 大學(xué)時的朋友給我發(fā)了我未婚夫和他白月光在一起吃飯的照片说墨。...
    茶點故事閱讀 38,716評論 1 341
  • 序言:一個原本活蹦亂跳的男人離奇死亡,死狀恐怖苍柏,靈堂內(nèi)的尸體忽然破棺而出尼斧,到底是詐尸還是另有隱情,我是刑警寧澤试吁,帶...
    沈念sama閱讀 34,395評論 4 333
  • 正文 年R本政府宣布棺棵,位于F島的核電站,受9級特大地震影響熄捍,放射性物質(zhì)發(fā)生泄漏烛恤。R本人自食惡果不足惜,卻給世界環(huán)境...
    茶點故事閱讀 40,039評論 3 316
  • 文/蒙蒙 一余耽、第九天 我趴在偏房一處隱蔽的房頂上張望缚柏。 院中可真熱鬧,春花似錦碟贾、人聲如沸币喧。這莊子的主人今日做“春日...
    開封第一講書人閱讀 30,798評論 0 21
  • 文/蒼蘭香墨 我抬頭看了看天上的太陽杀餐。三九已至,卻和暖如春朱巨,著一層夾襖步出監(jiān)牢的瞬間史翘,已是汗流浹背。 一陣腳步聲響...
    開封第一講書人閱讀 32,027評論 1 266
  • 我被黑心中介騙來泰國打工冀续, 沒想到剛下飛機就差點兒被人妖公主榨干…… 1. 我叫王不留琼讽,地道東北人。 一個月前我還...
    沈念sama閱讀 46,488評論 2 361
  • 正文 我出身青樓沥阳,卻偏偏與公主長得像跨琳,于是被迫代替她去往敵國和親。 傳聞我的和親對象是個殘疾皇子桐罕,可洞房花燭夜當晚...
    茶點故事閱讀 43,612評論 2 350
