A youth club ran a“complete the puzzle against the clock”competitionlast Saturday.Teams had to complete a variety of puzzles and were awarded pointsdetermined by how long it took them to complete each puzzle:
Less than 10 minutes ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?= 9 points
Between 10 and 20 minutes ? ? = 5 points
Between 20 and 30 minutes ? ? ?= 3 points
Any team failing to complete a puzzle within 30minutes had 2 points taken off their score.
At the half-way stage of the competition, when allteams had completed four puzzles, the total scores were displayed on ascore-board as shown below:
Team Name ? ? ? ? Score
Crosswords ? ? ? ? ? 22
Jigsaws ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?21
Rubiks ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?24
Solitaires ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 23
Tangrams ? ? ? ? ? ? ?25
One of the teams has been credited with a scorewhich is not possible from four puzzles on the given scoring system.
Which team has a score which has been wronglycalculated (i.e. could not possibly have been scored at this stage)?
A ? ?Crosswords
B ? ?Jigsaws
C ? ?Rubiks
D ? ?Solitaires
E ? ?Tangrams