作者碗殷,Evil Genius
哎呀, Xenium和HD的空間項目進(jìn)來了速缨,又要有很多新的工作要做了锌妻。
Xenium中昙楚,Seurat也出了示例教程近速,在Analysis of Image-based Spatial Data in Seurat
關(guān)于HD ,之前分享過STEP堪旧,文章在10Xvisium HD高精度平臺探索, 主要分析精度為8um 和 16um
高精度HD目前Seurat也更新的教程削葱,在Analysis, visualization, and integration of Visium HD spatial datasets with Seurat ? Seurat (satijalab.org)
import CellScopes as cs
sham = cs.read_visium("/home/data/Jia/shamA_visium/MGI0805_A3_147_msham/outs/")
Normalization, dimension reduction and cell clustering
sham = cs.normalize_object(sham; scale_factor = 10000)
sham = cs.scale_object(sham)
sham = cs.find_variable_genes(sham; nFeatures = 1000)
sham = cs.run_pca(sham; method=:svd, pratio = 1, maxoutdim = 10)
sham = cs.run_umap(sham; min_dist=0.2, n_neighbors=20)
sham = cs.run_clustering(sham; res=0.01, n_neighbors=20)
cs.dim_plot(sham; dim_type ="umap", marker_size=8)
cs.sp_dim_plot(sham, "cluster";
marker_size = 8, width=600, height=500,
cs.sp_dim_plot(sham, "cluster";
marker_size = 8, width=600, height=500,
do_label=false, alpha=0.3)
cs.sp_dim_plot(sham, "cluster"; do_label = false, do_legend = true, img_res = "low",
marker_size = 8, width=600, height=500, adjust_contrast = 1,
adjust_brightness= 0.1, alpha =0.4, x_lims=(200, 440),
y_lims=(200, 400))
cs.sp_feature_plot(sham, ["Aqp2","Slc7a13", "Umod", "Slc12a1","Slc12a3","Slc34a1"];
marker_size = 8, color_keys=["gray90", "lemonchiffon" ,"red"],
adjust_contrast=1, adjust_brightness = 0.3, alpha=1)
Plot genes on the selected region
cs.sp_feature_plot(sham, ["Aqp2","Slc7a13", "Umod", "Slc12a1","Slc12a3","Slc34a1"];
marker_size = 8, color_keys=["gray90", "lemonchiffon" ,"red"],
adjust_contrast=1, adjust_brightness = 0.3, alpha=1, x_lims=(200, 440), y_lims=(200, 400))
接下來我們來看HD首繁,示例數(shù)據(jù)在 https://www.10xgenomics.com/datasets/visium-hd-cytassist-gene-expression-libraries-of-mouse-brain-he作郭,其中我們需要注意的是HD可以有多個精度,Data from each bin size is stored in separate layers, which allow users to select data at different resolutions to analyze.蛮瞄,多個精度的分析結(jié)果我們都要保留(2um所坯、4um、8um挂捅、16um精度)芹助。
import CellScopes as cs
hd_dir = "/mnt/sdb/visiumHD/hd_output/outs/"
hd = cs.read_visiumHD(hd_dir)
1. loading 2um binned data...
Formatting cell polygons...
Progress: 100%[==================================================] Time: 0:00:5039m
1. 2um binned data loaded!
2. loading 8um binned data...
Formatting cell polygons...
Progress: 100%[==================================================] Time: 0:00:08
2. 8um binned data loaded!
3. loading 16um binned data...
Formatting cell polygons...
3. 16um binned data loaded!
VisiumHDObject in CellScopes.jl
Genes x Cells = 18988 x 397258
Available data:
- layerData
- rawCount
- normCount
- scaleCount
- metaData
- spmetaData
- varGene
- dimReduction
- clustData
- imageData
- alterImgData
- polygonData
- defaultData
All fields:
- layerData
- rawCount
- normCount
- scaleCount
- metaData
- spmetaData
- varGene
- dimReduction
- clustData
- imageData
- alterImgData
- polygonData
- defaultData
Layer selection選擇,我們需要選擇需要分析的精度闲先,當(dāng)然状土,也可以是多個精度
hd = cs.set_default_layer(hd; layer_slot = "2_um")
## or
hd = cs.set_default_layer(hd; layer_slot = "16_um")
(Optional) Clustering and dimensional reduction,這一步是可選的,因為Space Ranger已經(jīng)為8微米和16微米的桶尺寸提供了cluster和UMAP結(jié)果伺糠。
從8μm bin大小重新聚集細(xì)胞可能會很耗時蒙谓,因為spot數(shù)量通常超過300,000。
hd = cs.set_default_layer(hd; layer_slot = "8_um")
cs.sp_dim_plot(hd, "cluster"; width=1300, height=1000,
do_legend=true, legend_size=40, legend_fontsize=40)
@time hd = cs.convert_image_data(hd)
hd = cs.set_default_layer(hd; layer_slot = "8_um")
cs.sp_dim_plot(hd, "cluster"; width=1300, height=1000,
do_legend=true, legend_size=40, legend_fontsize=40)
hd = cs.set_default_layer(hd; layer_slot = "16_um")
hd = cs.convert_image_data(hd; layer_slot = "16_um")
cs.sp_dim_plot(hd, "cluster"; width=1000, height=1200,
anno_color = Dict("13" => "green2") ,do_legend=true, img_res = "high", stroke_width=0.2,
cell_highlight = "13",legend_size=30, adjust_contrast =1, adjust_brightness=0.0, alpha=0.4)
Select a region of interest for detailed visualization
cs.plot_fov(hd, 20, 20; marker_size = 0, width=2000, height=2400)
df = cs.subset_fov(hd, [193,197,333,337], 20,20);
xlim, ylim = cs.get_subset_cood(df)
#((9518.974171506527, 17960.0047340106), (14384.796062010153, 20199.649061752563))
xlim = (9418, 17960)
ylim=(15500, 19799)
####This method allows you to fine-tune the coordinates manually for an optimal close-up view of your region of interest.
cs.sp_dim_plot(hd, "cluster"; width=1800, height=1000, y_lims=ylim , x_lims=xlim,
do_legend=true, img_res = "high", stroke_width=0.4,
anno_color = Dict("11" => "slateblue1", "2"=>"green2","13"=>"yellow1"),
cell_highlight =["11", "2","13"],legend_size=40,
adjust_contrast =1, adjust_brightness=0.0, alpha=1)
Compare the spatial resolution of different bin sizes
xlim = (11818, 16100)
ylim=(15500, 17599)
hd = cs.set_default_layer(hd; layer_slot = "8_um")
cs.sp_dim_plot(hd, "cluster"; width=1500, height=900, y_lims=ylim , x_lims=xlim,
do_legend=true, img_res = "high", stroke_width=0.4,
anno_color = Dict("11" => "slateblue1", "2"=>"green2"),
cell_highlight =["11", "2"],legend_size=40,
adjust_contrast =1, adjust_brightness=0.0, alpha=0.7)
hd = cs.set_default_layer(hd; layer_slot = "16_um")
cs.sp_dim_plot(hd, "cluster"; width=1500, height=900, y_lims=ylim , x_lims=xlim,
do_legend=true, img_res = "high", stroke_width=0.4,
anno_color = Dict("13" => "slateblue1", "16"=>"green2"),
cell_highlight =["13", "16"],legend_size=40,
adjust_contrast =1, adjust_brightness=0.0, alpha=0.7)
xlim = (11818, 16100)
ylim=(15500, 17599)
hd = cs.set_default_layer(hd; layer_slot="2_um")
hd = cs.normalize_object(hd; scale_factor = 10000)
hd = cs.convert_image_data(hd; layer_slot = "2_um")
cs.sp_feature_plot(hd, ["Pcp4"]; color_keys=["gray94", "cyan", "blue", "darkblue"],
width=800, height=500, x_lims=xlim , y_lims=ylim, img_res = "high", alpha=1)
hd = cs.set_default_layer(hd; layer_slot="8_um")
hd = cs.normalize_object(hd; scale_factor = 10000)
cs.sp_feature_plot(hd, ["Pcp4"]; color_keys=["gray94", "cyan", "blue", "darkblue"],
width=800, height=500, x_lims=xlim , y_lims=ylim, img_res = "high", alpha=1)
hd = cs.set_default_layer(hd; layer_slot="16_um")
hd = cs.normalize_object(hd; scale_factor = 10000)
cs.sp_feature_plot(hd, ["Pcp4"]; color_keys=["gray94", "cyan", "blue", "darkblue"],
width=800, height=500, x_lims=xlim , y_lims=ylim, img_res = "high", alpha=1)
cs.save(hd; filename="visiumHD.jld2")
import CellScopes as cs
xenium_dir = "/mnt/sdc/new_analysis_cellscopes/xenium_mouse_brain/"
@time brain = cs.read_xenium(xenium_dir; min_gene = 0, min_cell = 0, prefix = "brain")
Normalization, dimension reduction and cell clustering
brain = cs.normalize_object(brain)
brain = cs.scale_object(brain)
brain = cs.find_variable_genes(brain; nFeatures=200)
brain = cs.run_pca(brain; method=:svd, pratio = 1, maxoutdim = 20)
Xenium對象已經(jīng)包含由10x Analyzer生成的細(xì)胞多邊形數(shù)據(jù)。如果您想使用其他工具(如Baysor)繪制細(xì)胞多邊形拦焚,請按照以下步驟操作蜡坊。在生成細(xì)胞多邊形后,通過運行polygons_cell_mapping將每個多邊形與最近的細(xì)胞基于歐幾里得距離關(guān)聯(lián)起來赎败。最后秕衙,需要使用generate_polygon_counts將基因表達(dá)值分配給細(xì)胞多邊形。這一步完全是可選的僵刮,可以省略而不影響任何后續(xù)的分析灾梦。
import Baysor as B
min_pixels_per_cell = 15
grid_step = scale / min_pixels_per_cell
bandwidth= scale / 10
count_molecules = deepcopy(brain.spmetaData.molecule)
count_molecules.cell[count_molecules.cell.==-1] .= 0
count_molecules.cell = string.(count_molecules.cell)
cell_baysor = [replace(x, "brain_" => "") for x in count_molecules.cell]
cell_baysor = parse.(Int64, cell_baysor)
polygons = B.boundary_polygons(count_molecules, cell_baysor, grid_step=grid_step, bandwidth=bandwidth)
brain.polygonData = polygons
brain = cs.polygons_cell_mapping(brain)
brain = cs.generate_polygon_counts(brain)
colors =["#4f8c9d", "#8dd2d8", "#0a4f4e", "yellow", "#229743",
"#8dd2d8", "#0a4f4e","#a7d64e", "#788c3b", "#57e24c",
"#683c00", "#f1bb99", "blue", "#9f1845",
"#f87197", "#ff0087", "#a57a6a", "#fabd2a",
"#374475", "#628df2", "#691b9e", "slateblue1",
"#d5d0fa", "black", "#ab7b05","#4f8c9d",
"#8dd2d8", "#0a4f4e", "#4aeeb6", "#229743",
"#a7d64e", "#788c3b", "#57e24c", "#683c00",
"#f1bb99", "#db3c18", "cyan", "#f87197",
"#ff0087", "#a57a6a", "#fabd2a", "#374475",
"#628df2", "#691b9e", "#b25aed", "red",
"fuchsia", "#ab7b05","orangered3", "#0a4f4e"]
celltypes = string.(unique(brain.metaData.cluster))
anno_color=Dict(celltypes .=> colors)
cs.sp_dim_plot(brain, "cluster"; anno_color = anno_color,
do_label = false,marker_size = 5,
width=2500, height=2000, do_legend=false
Select a field of view to visualize the cell annotation
cs.plot_fov(brain, 20, 20)
hippo = cs.subset_fov(brain, [93, 96, 173, 176],20,20)
x1 = minimum(hippo.x)
x2 = maximum(hippo.x)
y1 = minimum(hippo.y)
y2 = maximum(hippo.y)
cs.sp_dim_plot(brain, "cluster"; anno_color = anno_color,
do_label = false,marker_size = 7, x_lims = (x1, x2),
y_lims = (y1, y2),
width=700, height=600, do_legend=false
cs.plot_cell_polygons(brain, "cluster"; x_lims = (x1, x2),
y_lims = (y1, y2), cell_colors= colors, stroke_color="black",
width = 800, height = 550)
cs.sp_feature_plot(brain, "Bcl11b"; color_keys=["gray94", "lemonchiffon", "red"], height=3000, width=3000, marker_size = 4)
cs.plot_gene_polygons(brain, ["Bcl11b"]; x_lims = (x1, x2),y_lims = (y1, y2),
width = 800, height = 550, color_keys=["#440154", "#440154","#3b528b","#ffff67"], bg_color="black")
Gene imputation
提供包裝函數(shù)運行基因插入使用三種不同的工具:SpaGE, gimVI和tangram若河。
data_path = "/mnt/sdc/new_analysis_cellscopes/brain_sc/"
SpaGE_path = "/mnt/sdc/new_analysis_cellscopes/SpaGE/"
brain = cs.run_spaGE(brain, data_path, SpaGE_path)
cs.sp_feature_plot(brain, ["Adcy5","Ccdc3", "Prox1"]; color_keys=["gray90", "lemonchiffon", "red"], use_imputed = true)
cs.sp_feature_plot(brain2, ["Ccdc3"];
color_keys=["gray80", "lemonchiffon", "red3"], order=true,
use_imputed = true, x_lims = (x1, x2), marker_size = 10,
y_lims = (y1, y2),width = 800, height = 550)