Note:?on macOS Catalina, due to Apple’s new app notarization requirements, you will need to download the installer from the terminal using?curl:
# Example installing version `3.2.0`. Replace the version below as appropriate.
This is a temporary workaround until we fix notarization in our macOS release workflow (#9304).
Step 3: Run the installer
Run the Bazel installer as follows:
The?--user?flag installs Bazel to the?$HOME/bin?directory on your system and sets the?.bazelrc?path to?$HOME/.bazelrc. Use the?--help?command to see additional installation options.
If you are?on macOS Catalina?and get an error that?“bazel-real” cannot be opened because the developer cannot be verified, you will need to re-download the installer from the terminal using?curl?as a workaround; see Step 2 above.
Step 4: Set up your environment
If you ran the Bazel installer with the?--user?flag as above, the Bazel executable is installed in your?$HOME/bin?directory. It’s a good idea to add this directory to your default paths, as follows:
export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/bin"
You can also add this command to your?~/.bashrc,?~/.zshrc, or?~/.profile?file.
All set! You can confirm Bazel is installed successfully by running the following command:
To update to a newer release of Bazel, download and install the desired version.