Day 14, Page 149-160? ? 結(jié)束部分文字:to teach those guys a lesson.
1. If someone picks on a Safety Patrol, it can get them suspended.
pick on: 同victimize // to treat someone unfairly because you do not like them, their beliefs, or the race they belong to
E.g. The men claim they have been picked on because of their political activity.
My sentence: You must have picked on the wrong guy.
2. I couldn't believe my luck. I was getting instant bully protection and a free pass from half of Pre-Algebra, and I didn't even have to lift a finger.
lift a finger: 不用動一根指頭瓦阐,舉手之勞
E.g. The point is to eliminate the need for her to think about it, or to even lift a finger.
My sentence: Don't expect him to lift a finger and help us.
3. Another great perk is that you get to show up ten mintues late for first period.
get to do something: to have the opportunity to do something
E.g. She gets to travel all over the place with her job.
My sentence: I got to do something to change the result.
4. We were supposed to have a test in Pre-Algebra, and I've kind of slacked off ever since I became a Safety Patrol.
slack off: to make less effort than usual, or to be lazy in your work
E.g. He was accused of slacking off and taking too many holidays.
My sentence: He became slacked off since he got an F in last semester.
1. assembly: a meeting of the teachers and students in a school, usually at the start of the day, to give information, discuss school events or say prayers together (全校師生的)晨會,朝會
2. chin-up: 引體向上
3. jumping jacks: 開合跳
4. Pre-Algebra: 初級代數(shù)
5. wicked: 淘氣的锋叨,調(diào)皮的
6. pinch: 掐垄分,捏
7. homeroom: 本班教室
8. perk: a good thing that you have or get because of your situation
9. psyched: 興奮,情緒激動
10. sod: the grass- and forb-coveredsurface of the ground
11. sledding: 是sled的過去分詞娃磺,滑學(xué)橇
12. piddly: small or unimportant
13. crumb: 碎屑
1. Plus, I realized that maybe being in a position if authority could be good for me.
仿寫: You will find being in the right team could be really helpful for your research.
2. So I came up with a better idea for our snowball.
仿寫: I have come up a very good idea for the farewell party.
We will be having a farewell party for my boss who's leaving the company by the end of this month. I am the one to collect photos to make a fine photo album. Someone is to select and reserve the event venue and someone will do the video shootings among the team and combine them into an VCR.
1. I'm telling you, I've got it made with this Safety Patrol thing.
這句話的意思感覺像是Greg說他當(dāng)安全巡邏員這事兒已經(jīng)上手了,不知道對不對叫倍,也不知道是否是通過make with表達(dá)出來的偷卧。這里該怎么理解豺瘤?
2. So tomorrow morning, when the Whirley Street kids come marching up our hill, me and Rowley are going to teach those guys a lessoon.
這句我覺得是那些孩子來占了我們的山頭,可是我查到的march都是齊步走听诸,行進(jìn)坐求,游行,示威晌梨,并沒有占領(lǐng)這個意思桥嗤。march up也好像不算什么短語,因為up后面跟的是our hill仔蝌,很正常泛领。那么march在日記中究竟是什么意思呢?