英英釋義:to be expected; natural, reasonable, or forgivable?
例句:It's perfectly?understandable. Thank you anyway.?
2. 為什么選這個詞腹泌??
“understandable”是形容詞,它有兩個意思,一個是“易懂的”密强,同義詞是 comprehensible俭茧;一個是“可以理解的”购桑,是我們今天重點學習的膀斋。這個詞看似簡單茵典,但很多基礎不錯的英語學習者都不會使用屏积。它可以體現(xiàn)使用者的同理心医窿,起到很好的溝通效果。一般可以在 understandable 前加 perfectly 和 totally 來增強語氣炊林。?
我們經(jīng)常會請別人幫忙姥卢,而別人總會由于這樣那樣的原因無法幫助我們。這時候我們可以說 Thank you all the same 或 Thank you anyway渣聚。我們還可以用 understandable独榴,讓對方感覺沒有壓力:?
It's perfectlyunderstandable. Thank you anyway.
It's?understandable?that you have so much work to do towards the end of the year and cannot help me. Thank you anyway.
類似地,當別人答應你做一件事情倍权,但由于某個突然的原因無法履行承諾時掷豺,也可以用 understandable 來表示“沒事,我理解”:?
It's totallyunderstandable. Things happen. Don't worry about it.
如果你是團隊負責人薄声,當你的下屬犯了某個錯誤時当船,就可以用 understandable 安慰他不必過于擔心。比如:?
The mistake is totallyunderstandable. It's a minor one anyway. Be careful next time.
This is a perfectlyunderstandablemistake. Nobody has experience in handling the situation. We will certainly get better next time.
不難看出默辨,會用 understandable 這個詞可以體現(xiàn)一個人的同理心和領導力德频,更容易和別人建立信任的關系。這個詞也可以說明缩幸,高質(zhì)量的表達很多時候不在詞匯量壹置,而是真正掌握了一個詞的精髓竞思,能夠在恰當?shù)恼Z境自然使用。?
3. 怎樣學會使用這個詞钞护??
It's understandable that you are late for several minutes. The traffic jam is terrible.
(參考翻譯:It's understandable that you are a few minutes late. The traffic is horrible today.)?
例子: 你沒有發(fā)揮好可以理解椭懊,誰都有發(fā)揮失常的時候,學習好好調(diào)節(jié)雾消,下次發(fā)揮好灾搏。
場景 : It's understandable that you didn't perform well. Everyone has some dark time. The key point is to reflect from this experience and improve yourself.