


Much like its herbivorous namesake, the ocean-dwelling "leaf sheep" grazes for food; however, it supplements its diet in a unique way: through the power of the sun.

“我第一次在朗布隆禄谠拧(菲律賓)看到小羊恩時图谷,可愛的于它肖之小并级,”狂熱的胡潛水員和海洋海洋者阿拉安說庵朝÷鹪“第二次在[內格羅斯東方省] 的道因(Dauin)更令人興奮——我看到了五只抓到的葉子上,好像它們在一圈海藻上吃草九府∽滴粒”

"The first time I saw Shaun the Sheep in Romblon [in the Philippines], I was surprised by how tiny it was," said Ara Juan, an avid diver and ocean advocate. "The second time in Dauin, [in the province of] Negros Oriental, was more exciting – I saw five of them perched on a leaf, so it looked like they were grazing on a field of algae."


People are captivated by the leaf sheep

“小羊肖恩”是菲律賓許多潛水員親切地稱其為一種奇怪的海洋生物,被稱為葉羊(Costasiella kuroshimae)侄旬,因為它與動畫羊羔相似降传。與其名字所暗示的相反,葉羊既不是葉也不是羊——它是一種海蛞蝓勾怒。

"Shaun the Sheep" is what many divers in the Philippines affectionately call a curious sea creature known as the leaf sheep (Costasiella kuroshimae) due to its similarity to the animated lamb. Contrary to what its name suggests, the leaf sheep is neither leaf nor sheep – it's a sea slug.

“它們是嬌嫩的生物,它們的身體就像沒有殼的蝸牛声旺,”潛水員兼攝影師吉納維芙·雷耶斯 (Genevieve Reyes) 說笔链。一種藻類,在他們自己的小世界里吃草腮猖〖ǎ”

"They're delicate creatures and their bodies are like shell-less snails," said Genevieve Reyes, a diver and photographer. "Leaf sheep don't hide or retract when they feel your presence. They have a routine life, circling the leaf of an algae and grazing about in their own little world."

這種海洋無脊椎動物的黑色珠狀眼睛緊靠在一起,白色的頭部伸出類似羊耳或昆蟲觸角的黑色尖端的犀牛澈缺,身體上表面伸出點狀綠色的角坪创。海蛞蝓的 cerata 是類似于蘆薈植物或斑馬肉質植物的葉狀附屬物,但通常具有粉紅色姐赡、紫色或白色的尖端莱预,它們包含消化腺的分支。同時项滑,犀牛在水中接收化學信號依沮,賦予海蛞蝓嗅覺并使其能夠找到食物來源。

This marine invertebrate has black beady eyes situated close together, rhinophores with black tips resembling sheep's ears or insect antennae sticking out of its white head and dotted green cerata popping out of the upper surface of its body. The sea slug's cerata are leaflike appendages akin to an aloe vera plant or a zebra succulent but typically with pink, purple or white tips, and they contain branches of digestive gland. Meanwhile, rhinophores pick up chemical signals in the water, giving the sea slug its sense of smell and enabling it to find food sources.

“人們被葉羊迷住了枪狂,因為它有一張可愛的臉和一個有趣的形狀危喉,”加州科學院無脊椎動物動物學和地質學高級策展人、海蛞蝓專家特倫斯·戈斯利納 (Terrence Gosliner) 說州疾,他的大部分研究都集中在在菲律賓發(fā)現(xiàn)的無數(shù)物種辜限。“它們只是很棒的小蛞蝓严蓖”〉眨”

"People are captivated by the leaf sheep because it has a cute face and an interesting shape," said Terrence Gosliner, senior curator of invertebrate zoology and geology at the California Academy of Sciences and a sea slug expert who has focused most of his research on the myriad species found in the Philippines. "They're just great little slugs."

它們很小氧急,成年后最長可長到七八毫米,壽命在六個月到一年之間岂座。根據(jù) Gosliner 的說法态蒂,葉羊是雌雄同體(具有雄性和雌性生殖器官),必須與另一個個體交配才能產(chǎn)生卵塊费什〖鼗郑“卵孵化成帶殼的幼蟲,在浮游生物中度過一兩個星期鸳址。然后瘩蚪,它們丟棄殼,開始作為小蛞蝓生活稿黍,”他說疹瘦。

And little they are, growing to a maximum length of seven or eight millimetres upon adulthood and living between six months and a year. According to Gosliner, leaf sheep are hermaphrodites (having both male and female reproductive organs) and must mate with another individual to produce an egg mass. "The eggs hatch into shelled larvae that spend a week or two in the plankton. Then, they discard their shells and begin their life as a small slug," he said.


Performing photosynthesis

葉羊生活在Avrainvillea 上,這是一種毛茸茸的氈狀藻類巡球,生長在軟質基質(如淤泥或細沙)的地區(qū)言沐。“它們不是在珊瑚礁中發(fā)現(xiàn)的酣栈,而是在珊瑚礁附近的區(qū)域中發(fā)現(xiàn)的险胰,”Gosliner 說。 “在一片藻類葉片上可以看到多達 15 或 20 個矿筝。有時起便,你可以看到海蛞蝓的卵塊,它們是微小的螺旋線圈窖维∮茏郏”

Leaf sheep live on Avrainvillea, a fuzzy, felty type of algae growing in areas with soft substrates, such as silt or fine sand. "They're not found in coral reefs but in areas next to coral reefs," Gosliner said. "The leaf sheep spends its whole life on that species of algae, and you can often see a whole colony of them there – I've seen up to 15 or 20 on one blade of alga. Sometimes, you can see the egg mass of the slug, which are tiny spiral coils."


葉羊的卵團被塑造成微小的螺旋線圈(圖片來源:Nature Picture Library/Alamy)

Avrainvillea 不僅是海蛞蝓的家,也是它的營養(yǎng)來源铸史。作為 Sacoglossa 或“吸液”海蛞蝓的一種鼻疮,葉羊在藻類上吃草(很像它的草食性同名),吸食其葉綠體(藻類細胞內含有葉綠素琳轿,一種綠色光合色素的結構)并保持它們在其cerata 的組織中長達10 天陋守,這個過程稱為kleptoplasty。這樣做可以讓葉羊通過光合作用補充其飲食利赋,而光合作用通常僅由植物進行水评。這種光合作用能力為葉羊贏得了“太陽能海蛞蝓”的稱號。

The Avrainvillea is not only the sea slug's home, but also its source of nourishment. As a species of Sacoglossa, or "sap-sucking" sea slug, the leaf sheep grazes (much like its herbivorous namesake) on the algae, sucks its chloroplasts (structures within the algae’s cells that contain chlorophyll, a green photosynthetic pigment) and keeps them within the tissues of its cerata for up to 10 days, a process called kleptoplasty. Doing so allows the leaf sheep to supplement its diet through photosynthesis, which is generally known to be performed only by plants. This photosynthetic ability has earned the leaf sheep its title of "solar-powered sea slug".

“這是少數(shù)能夠做到這一點的多細胞生物之一媚送,”菲律賓八打雁州立大學助理教授兼該大學佛得角島通道海洋研究和水生科學中心 ( VIP CORALS )負責人米格爾·阿茲庫納 (Miguel Azcuna ) 說中燥。“想象一下塘偎,你吃了一份沙拉疗涉,將葉綠體保留在你的消化系統(tǒng)中拿霉,所以你只需要把自己放在陽光下做食物。這對生存很方便咱扣≌捞裕”

"It's one of the few multicellular organisms that can do it," said Miguel Azcuna, assistant professor at Batangas State University in the Philippines and head of the university's Verde Island Passage Center for Oceanographic Research and Aquatic Sciences (VIP CORALS). "Imagine you ate a salad and kept the chloroplast from it in your digestive system, so you just need to put yourself under the sun to make food. It's convenient for survival."


Moreover, algal chloroplasts provide protection for leaf sheep, giving it a green colour for camouflage and chemical defences to deter predators.


Environmental threats


Leaf sheep are not in critical danger, but they still face threats to survival, including habitat loss. Practices such as illegal fishing and destructive fishing (using dynamite or cyanide, for instance) destroy marine habitats and kill the animals living in them. While these practices have been outlawed in the Philippines, illegal fishing and destructive fishing still persist in the country.


葉羊廣泛分布于亞洲证舟,包括菲律賓(圖片來源:Matt277/Getty Images)

氣候變化也正在影響海蛞蝓的棲息地硕旗。全球變暖帶來的更強烈的風暴和臺風——菲律賓平均每年有 20 次——可能會破壞海洋區(qū)域,強大的海浪和洋流會產(chǎn)生沙塵旋風女责,可能會使葉羊脫臼并連根拔起它們生活的藻類漆枚。更酸性的海洋也可以改變動物的行為,正如對其表親海兔研究所證明的那樣鲤竹,當暴露于模擬的海洋酸化和變暖時,海兔的覓食成功率較低昔榴,并且做出的決定也更差辛藻。

Climate change, too, is impacting the sea slug's habitat. More intense storms and typhoons – the Philippines gets an average of 20 each year – brought about by a warming world could damage marine areas, with strong waves and currents creating whirlwinds of sand that could dislocate leaf sheep and uproot the algae they live in. Warmer and more acidic oceans could also alter the animal's behaviour, as demonstrated in a study on its cousin, the sea hare, which had less foraging success and made poorer decisions when exposed to simulated ocean acidification and warming.


Plastic pollution poses another risk to the species. "Sometimes, as part of my dive, I'll end up picking trash underwater," Juan said.

菲律賓 190 萬噸管理不善的塑料垃圾中有三分之一以上最終流入海洋,使該國成為全球海洋塑料垃圾第三大貢獻者吐葵。攝入微塑料可能會阻塞葉羊的嘴或在其消化道中積聚规揪,滲出的化學物質可能對其健康有害。

More than a third of the Philippines' 1.9 million metric tons of mismanaged plastic waste ends up in the ocean, making the nation the third-largest contributor to global marine plastic debris. Ingesting microplastics could obstruct a leaf sheep's mouth or accumulate in its digestive tract, and the chemicals leaching out could be harmful to its health.

為了應對其海洋環(huán)境日益嚴重的威脅温峭,菲律賓已將某些棲息地指定為海洋保護區(qū)(MPA)猛铅。例如,八打雁的馬里卡班島于 2019 年被宣布為海洋保護區(qū)凤藏,限制了捕魚活動奸忽,并讓社區(qū)參與監(jiān)測珊瑚礁健康并保持海岸線無垃圾堕伪。

To combat the growing threats to its marine environments, the Philippines has designated certain habitats as marine protected areas (MPAs). Maricaban Island in Batangas, for instance, was declared an MPA in 2019, limiting fishing activity and involving the community in monitoring reef health and keeping the shoreline trash-free.


葉羊生活在 Avrainvillea 上,這是一種毛茸茸的毛氈藻類(圖片來源:RibeirodosSantos/Getty Images)

以社區(qū)為基礎的漁業(yè)和環(huán)境執(zhí)法舉措也已到位栗菜。這包括“ Bantay Dagat ”欠雌,全國各地的志愿者充當海洋的守護者,為非法捕魚活動巡邏疙筹。

Community-based fisheries and environmental law enforcement initiatives are also in place. This includes "Bantay Dagat", wherein volunteers across the country serve as guardians of the sea, patrolling it for illegal fishing activities.

菲律賓各地的非政府組織也在提供幫助富俄。VIP CORALS 的 Azcuna 團隊與SEA Institute(Gosliner 擔任主任)合作,在海邊舉辦生態(tài)營地腌歉,教育生活在八打雁附近沿海社區(qū)的學生了解海洋生態(tài)系統(tǒng)的重要性蛙酪。許多潛水度假村和運營商還定期進行海灘和潛水地點的清理工作,以收集岸上和水下的垃圾和其他塑料垃圾翘盖。

Non-government organisations across the Philippines are helping too. Azcuna's team at VIP CORALS partnered with the SEA Institute (where Gosliner serves as a director) to conduct eco camps by the sea, educating students living in coastal communities around Batangas about the importance of marine ecosystems. Many dive resorts and operators also conduct regular beach and dive site clean-ups to collect rubbish and other plastic waste on the shore and underwater.


Diving to see leaf sheep

葉羊于 1993 年在日本黑島首次被發(fā)現(xiàn)桂塞,但它也廣泛分布在亞洲,在新加坡馍驯、泰國和珊瑚三角區(qū)都有目擊事件阁危,珊瑚三角區(qū)被認為是世界海洋生物多樣性的中心,包括印度尼西亞水域汰瘫,馬來西亞狂打、菲律賓、巴布亞新幾內亞混弥、所羅門群島和東帝汶趴乡。

The leaf sheep was first discovered in 1993 in the Japanese island of Kuroshima, but it's also widely distributed across Asia, with sightings in Singapore, Thailand and the Coral Triangle, an area regarded as the world's epicentre of marine biodiversity encompassing the waters of Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Papua New Guinea, the Solomon Islands and Timor-Leste.


與當?shù)貪撍驅б黄鹛剿鲿r,潛水員可以更輕松地看到葉羊(圖片來源:MikaelEriksson/Getting Images)

在菲律賓水域蝗拿,在該國北部晾捏、中部和南部地區(qū)都發(fā)現(xiàn)了葉羊——從呂宋地區(qū)八打雁省阿尼洛珊瑚覆蓋的裂縫到東內格羅斯省道因的淤泥底部。米沙鄢地區(qū)和棉蘭老島地區(qū)甘米銀島省的火山狀斜坡和珊瑚礁哀托。最佳游覽時間是 12 月至次年 5 月惦辛,此時海水平靜且臺風季節(jié)已經(jīng)結束。您可以乘坐稱為bangka的支腿船到達大多數(shù)潛水地點仓手,但一些潛水勝地在它們前面有一個“屋礁”胖齐。

Within Philippine waters, leaf sheep have been found in the country's northern, central and southern regions – from the coral-covered crevices of Anilao in the Batangas province of the Luzon region to the muck-filled bottoms of Dauin in the Negros Oriental province of the Visayas region and the volcano-like slopes and reefs of the island province of Camiguin in the Mindanao region. The best time to visit is during the months of December to May when waters are calm and the typhoon season has ended. You can reach most dive sites by riding an outrigger boat called a bangka, but some dive resorts have a "house reef" in front of them.


You're just a visitor to their home, so respect the marine environment

由于葉羊進行光合作用嗽冒,因此可以在陽光仍然可以穿透的海洋下方 9 到 18m 之間找到它們呀伙。然而,海蛞蝓可能很難找到添坊,因為它們很小区匠。胡安說:“如果你有一個觀察員——一位知道在特定潛水地點可以找到他們的當?shù)貪撍驅В菚苡袔椭驰弄!?/p>

Because leaf sheep undergo photosynthesis, they can be found between nine and 18m beneath the ocean where sunlight can still penetrate. Yet the sea slugs might be difficult to find owing to their minute size. "It would help if you have a spotter with you – a local dive guide who knows where to find them in a specific dive site," Juan said.


To ensure responsible diving, Juan's advice is to practice proper buoyancy to avoid hitting any corals or creatures and disrupting the habitat, as you'll have to get close up to the leaf sheep in order to see them. You might also encounter rubbish when diving, so pick up what you can and make sure to dispose of it properly after your dive. Not touching or removing plants and animals is also crucial.


潛水員親切地稱葉羊為“小羊肖恩”(圖片來源:Westend61 GmbH/Alamy)

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    茶點故事閱讀 44,884評論 2 354
