1.adapt [ad-=to到颈墅;apt = to join 連→“連接到新環(huán)境去”→]
? v.使適應旁舰;使適合
? ex)Can you adapt your way of working to the new conditions?你能使自己的工作方式適應新的情況嗎沟娱?
2.adequate? [ad- = to 到;
= equal 相等葛作;-ate = to make 使→ 使與...相等→]
? adj.適當的寿羞;足夠的
? ex)His wages are adequate to support his family.他的薪金足以養(yǎng)家。
3.adit? [ad- = to 到;it=going 走→走到某地→]
? n.途徑进鸠;入口
? ex)This is the only adit to the mine.這是到礦井的惟一入口稠曼。
4.adorn? [ad- = to 到;orn = to equip 裝配→“裝配于....”]
? v.使生色客年;裝飾
? ex)Wild flowers adorn the river banks. 野花點綴著河岸霞幅。 [ad- = to 到;ult = grown up 成長→“長大成型的”→]
? adj.已經成熟的量瓜;已成年的
? ex)The magazine is meant for adult readers.該雜志是面向成年的讀者的司恳。
6.addict? [ad- = to 到;dict = to say 說→“對....表示贊成”→縱情于....→]
? v.沉溺于绍傲,醉心于
? ex)He addicted himself to gamble. 他賭上癮了扔傅。
7.adhere? [ad- = to 到;her= to stick 粘烫饼;-e→“粘到某物上”→]
? v.粘附猎塞;依附,堅持
? ex)Don't adhere to your own ideas when you are proved wrong. 既然證明你錯了杠纵,就不要固執(zhí)已見了荠耽。
8.adjacent? [ad- = at 在;jac = to lie 位于比藻;-ent adj. = -ing →“位于附近的”→]
? adj.鄰近的
? ex)The house adjacent to ours has been sold.與我們相近的那座房子已經出售了铝量。
1.abbreviate? [ab-(ad-) = to 到慢叨;brevi? = short 短;-ate v. = to make 使→“使變短到某種程度”→]
? v.縮寫务蝠;簡略
? ex)We can abbreviate "Monday " to "Mon.". 我們可以將Monday 縮寫成Mon.
2.affect? [af-(ad-) = to 對拍谐;
= to do 做 → to do sth. 對...做了某事→]
? v. 影響
? ex)The disease affected his memory. 那疾病影響了他的記憶。
3.arrive? [ar-(ad-) = to 到;riv (rip) = shore 岸赠尾;-e→“到岸”→]
? v.到達
? ex)The train arrived at the station on time. 火車正點到站力穗。
4.assist? [as-(ad-) = at 在;sist = to stand 站→“站在某人身邊”→]
? v. 幫助
? ex)She often assisted her mother with the housework. 她常幫助母親做家務事。
5.attend? [at-(ad-)= to 向气嫁;tend = to stretch 伸→“把手或心思伸向...”→]
? v.注意
? ex) Please attend to the baggage. 請留神這些行李。
6.aggress? [ag-(ad-) = to 向够坐;gress = to step 跨步→“向某人逼近一步”→]
? v.攻擊寸宵,挑釁;侵略
? ex)Who aggressed in the fight? 是誰先動手打人的元咙?
7.alleviate? [al- (ad-) = to 對梯影;levi = light 輕;-ate v. = to make 使→“使某事對某人的壓力變輕”→]
? v.減輕庶香,緩和
? ex)Try to alleviate the patient's suffering. 盡力減輕患者的痛苦甲棍。
8.annex [an- (ad-) = to 到;nex = to bind 綁→將一物綁到另一物上→]
? v.附加赶掖,并吞
? ex)The United States annexed Taxas in 1845.美國于1845年兼并了得克薩斯州這塊土地感猛。
9.appear? [ap-(ad-) = to 向;pear (par) = to come →來→“向...走來”→]
? v.出現
? ex)A ship suddenly appeared on the horizon. 一艘船突然出現在天邊奢赂。
? ad-異ac- 可出現在c,k,q等讀[k]的字母前面陪白。
1.acclaim? [ac
? vt.welcome someone with praise,joy膳灶,and applause along with loud shouts 歡呼咱士,喝彩,極力稱贊轧钓;
? n.the act of doing this歡呼序厉,喝彩,極力稱贊毕箍;acclamation 喝彩弛房,歡呼;
? ex)The film debuted to widespread acclaim.
? 那部電影首映就收到廣泛的贊揚霉晕。
2.accommodate? [ac vt. oneself to sth ;make fit;kindly give someone what he wants;have rooms for persons;reconcile disputes 適應庭再;提供某人某事物;提供住宿牺堰,容納拄轻;調節(jié),使和解伟葫;
? accommodation適應恨搓;住宿;住所;和解斧抱;accommodating親切的常拓;順從的,迎合的辉浦;肯通融的弄抬;accommodative適應的;親切的宪郊;
? ex)The hotel staff made every effort to accommodate our least desire.
? 哪怕是我們提出的最小的要求掂恕,飯店職員也一樣竭盡全力去滿足。
3.acquit [ac
? of sth;set someone free from a charge of crime or from duty;behave;conduct無罪釋放弛槐;免除責任懊亡;立身處事;做出表現乎串;
? ? acquittal釋放店枣;表現;acquittance解除叹誉;債務的清理鸯两;
? ? ex)The jury acquitted the prisoner after a short deliberation.
? ? 陪審團經過短暫的審議,決定無罪釋放犯人桂对。
1甩卓、空調-abide by 遵守;海爾遵守客戶至上
access 進入蕉斜,接觸:蟲子進入空調頁逾柿;
ac-ad 到;在..... 宅此,到.....机错,cess =go;進入父腕;
2弱匪、電視-account 會計賬目
account for解釋
ac:在 璧亮,count:數萧诫,在數錢;
4帘饶、相冊:acquire 收購
acquisition 收購(豆豆和狗狗手拉手)
ac:使quire ....一刀搞定全收下了
adhere to
7及刻、茶幾:adopt 采納
10缴饭、燈:allegation 起訴