L50-3: New Year resolutions
That was really unsettling, but I fended off the taunts and jibes of the family good-humouredly and soon everybody got used to the idea. However, my enthusiasm waned. The time I spent at exercises gradually diminished. Little by little the 11 minutes fell to zero. By January 10th, I was back to where I had started from. I argued that if I spent less time exhausting myself at exercises in the morning, I would keep my mind fresh for reading when I got home from work Resisting the hypnotizing effect of television, I sat in my room for a few evenings with my eyes glued to a book. One night, however, feeling cold and lonely, I went downstairs and sat in front of the television pretending to read. That proved to be my undoing, for I soon got back to my old bad habit of dozing off in front of the screen. I still haven't given up my resolution to do more reading. In fact, I have just bought a book entitled "How to Read a Thousand Words a Minute". Perhaps it will solve my problem, but I just haven't had time to read it!
[e?t] [w?z] [?r??li] [?n?s?tl??], [b?t] [a?] [?f?nd?d] [?f] [e?] [t??nts] [?nd] [?a?bz] [?v] [e?] [?f?m?li] [?g?d?hju?m?dli] [?nd] [su?n] [??vr?b?di] [g?t] [ju?zd] [tu?] [ei] [a??d??]. [ha???v?], [ma?] [?n?θju?z??zm] [we?nd]. [e?] [ta?m] [a?] [sp?nt] [?t] [??ks?sa?z?z] [?gr?dj??li] [d??m?n??t]. [?l?tl] [ba?] [?l?tl] [ei?] 11 [?m?n?ts] [f?l] [tu?] [?z??r??]. [ba?] [???nj??ri] 10th, [a?] [w?z] [b?k] [tu?] [we?r] [a?] [h?d] [?stɑ?t?d] [fr?m]. [a?] [?ɑ?gju?d] [e?t] [?f] [a?] [sp?nt] [l?s] [ta?m] [?g?z??st??] [ma??s?lf] [?t] [??ks?sa?z?z] [?n] [e?] [?m??n??], [a?] [w?d] [ki?p] [ma?] [ma?nd] [fr??] [f??] [?ri?d??] [w?n] [a?] [g?t] [h??m] [fr?m] [w??k] [r??z?st??] [e?] [?h?pn??ta?z??] [??f?kt] [?v] [?t?l??v???n], [a?] [s?t] [?n] [ma?] [ru?m] [f??r] [?] [fju?] [?i?vn??z] [w?e] [ma?] [a?z] [glu?d] [tu?] [?] [b?k]. [w?n] [na?t], [ha???v?], [?fi?l??] [k??ld] [?nd] [?l??nli], [a?] [w?nt] [?da?n?ste?z] [?nd] [s?t] [?n] [fr?nt] [?v] [e?] [?t?l??v???n] [pr??t?nd??] [tu?] [ri?d]. [e?t] [pru?vd] [tu?] [bi?] [ma?] [?n?du(?)??], [f??r] [a?] [su?n] [g?t] [b?k] [tu?] [ma?] [??ld] [b?d] [?h?b?t] [?v] [?d??z??] [?f] [?n] [fr?nt] [?v] [e?] [skri?n]. [a?] [st?l] [h?vnt] [?g?vn] [?p] [ma?] [?r?z??lu???n] [tu?] [du?] [m??] [?ri?d??]. [?n] [f?kt], [a?] [h?v] [??st] [b??t] [?] [b?k] [?n?ta?tld] "[ha?] [tu?] [ri?d] [?] [?θa?z?nd] [w??dz] [?] [?m?n?t]". [p??h?ps] [?t] [w?l] [s?lv] [ma?] [?pr?bl?m], [b?t] [a?] [??st] [h?vnt] [h?d] [ta?m] [tu?] [ri?d] [?t]!
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