L2-U2-P5-1 Listening : What DidLisa Do Today?
This is what Lisa did earlier today.?這是麗莎今天早些時(shí)候做的昔字。
This morning she got up at 6:30. 今天早上她六點(diǎn)半起床。
She got dressed between 6:30 and 6:40.?她在6:30到6:40之間穿好衣服。
It took 10 minutes for her to get dressed. 她花了10分鐘穿好衣服。
At 6:45 she ate breakfast. 在6:45她吃了早餐彼绷。
She had juice and?cereal?for breakfast. 她早餐喝果汁和麥片粥澳腹。
After breakfast she brushed her teeth.?早飯后她刷了牙。
She left for school at 7:00. 她7點(diǎn)去上學(xué)吃警。
This morning she took the subway to school. 今天早上她乘地鐵去上學(xué)斜棚。
It took 45 minutes to get to school. 到學(xué)蟹У伲花了45分鐘。
She got to school at 7:45.?她七點(diǎn)四十五分到學(xué)校弟蚀。
Her first class began at 8:00. 她的第一節(jié)課8點(diǎn)開(kāi)始蚤霞。
At 12 she had lunch with her friends. 12點(diǎn)時(shí),她和她的朋友一起吃午飯义钉。
After lunch she had classes until 2:50. 午飯后昧绣,她一直上課到2:50。
Before going home, she hung out with her friends. 回家之前捶闸,她和朋友們出去玩了一會(huì)兒夜畴。
They went to the mall and bought?bubble tea. 他們?nèi)ド虉?chǎng)買(mǎi)了珍珠奶茶拖刃。
She left the mall at 3:45.?她3點(diǎn)45分離開(kāi)商場(chǎng)。
She got home a few minutes ago, at 4:00. 她幾分鐘前四點(diǎn)才到家贪绘。
Now it's 4:10, and she's cleaning her room.?現(xiàn)在是4點(diǎn)10分兑牡,她正在打掃她的房間。
She's putting away her clothes. 她正在整理衣服税灌。
She's also deciding what homework she's going to do first. 她也在決定她要先做什么作業(yè)均函。
L2-U2-P5-2 Listening : Party Plan聚會(huì)計(jì)劃
This Sunday, Dan is going to have a party. 這個(gè)星期天,丹要舉行一個(gè)聚會(huì)垄琐。
It's going to be at his house. 就在他家里边酒。
The best way to go there is by subway.?去那里最好的方法是乘地鐵。
If you go by car, there's no place to?park. 如果你開(kāi)車(chē)去狸窘,那沒(méi)有地方停車(chē)。
These are the directions to Dan's house. 這是丹家的方向坯认。
Take the subway to West 8th Street. 乘地鐵到西第八街翻擒。
Go out the North exit. 從北出口出去。
In front of the exit is a park. 出口前面是一個(gè)公園牛哺。
Turn right and go 2?blocks, to 3rd Avenue. 右轉(zhuǎn)走兩個(gè)街區(qū)陋气,到第三大道。
When you get there, turn left and go about 50 meters. 當(dāng)你到那里時(shí)引润,向左拐巩趁,走大約50米。
The house will be on your right. 房子就在你的右邊淳附。
The address is 755 3rd Avenue. 地址是第三大道755號(hào)议慰。
Sometimes there's a large dog in front of the house. 有時(shí)房子前面有一只大狗。
Don't be afraid.?別害怕奴曙。
It won't bite. 它不會(huì)咬人的别凹。
L2-U2-P5-3 Vocabulary : Shapes
& Body part形狀和身體部位
a cube: 立方體
A cube is a?3 dimensional object with equal
a circle一個(gè)圓圈
A circle has a?radius?and a?diameter. 圓有半徑和直徑洽糟。
a sphere球體
A sphere is round and has the shape of a ball. 球體是圓的炉菲,有球的形狀。
perpendicular lines垂直線
Perpendicular lines meet at a 90-degree angle. 垂直線以90度角相交坤溃。
The area of a rectangle is its length times its width矩形的面積是它的長(zhǎng)乘以它的寬拍霜。.
The volume of a cube is its length times its width times
its height. 立方體的體積是它的長(zhǎng)乘以寬乘以高。
fingers手指 We have 5 fingers on each
hand. 我們每只手有5根手指薪介。
We use our fingers to hold things. 我們用手指拿東西祠饺。
toes腳趾 We have 5 toes on each foot.我們每只腳上有5個(gè)腳趾。
They are at the end of each foot. 它們?cè)诿恐荒_的末端昭灵。
legs腿 We use our legs to walk. 我們用腿走路吠裆。
Our feet are at the end of each leg.我們的腳在每條腿的末端伐谈。
arms臂 We use our arms to carry
things. 我們用手臂搬運(yùn)東西。
Our hands are at the end of each arm.我們的手在每條手臂的末端试疙。
teeth牙齒 Our teeth are in our mouth.我們的牙齒在嘴里诵棵。
We use our teeth to?chew?food.我們用牙齒咀嚼食物。
L2-U2-P5-4 Vocabulary : Astronomy天文學(xué)
the Sun太陽(yáng) The Sun gives us energy. 太陽(yáng)給我們能量祝旷。
the Moon月亮 The light from the Moon
comes from the Sun. 月亮發(fā)出的光來(lái)自太陽(yáng)履澳。
Earth地球 This is our planet, it goes
around the Sun once a year. 這是我們的星球。它每年繞太陽(yáng)轉(zhuǎn)一周怀跛。
stars 星星
We see stars as small points of light in the night sky. 我們把星星看作夜空中的小光點(diǎn)距贷。
Galaxy銀河系 A Galaxy has billions of
stars. 一個(gè)星系有數(shù)十億顆恒星。
Except for our own Galaxy, they are very far away.除了我們自己的星系之外吻谋,它們都非常遙遠(yuǎn)忠蝗。
L2-U2-P5-5?Dialogue : Shopping
for a Dress買(mǎi)衣服
A: Good afternoon. May I help you? 下午好。需要幫忙嗎漓拾?
B: Yes, I'd like to look at some of your dresses. 是的阁最,我想看看你們的衣服。
They're on sale, right? 它們?cè)诖蛘酆Я剑瑢?duì)嗎?
A: Yes, everything is on sale. 是的速种,所有的東西都在打折。
B: Can you recommend something? 你能推薦一下嗎?
A: Is this for business or casual? 是商務(wù)裝還是休閑裝
B: It's something for the office.是辦公室穿的低千。
A: Well, we have some very nice black dresses. 嗯配阵,我們有一些非常漂亮的黑裙子。
B: May I see them? 我可以看看嗎示血?
A: Sure, please come with me. 當(dāng)然棋傍,請(qǐng)跟我來(lái)。
A: Here are two very nice black dresses. 這里有兩件非常漂亮的黑裙子矾芙。
One is fairly short and the other is ankle length.一個(gè)相當(dāng)短舍沙,另一個(gè)長(zhǎng)到腳踝。
B: They both look very nice. 它們看起來(lái)都很漂亮剔宪。
A: Why don't you try them on? 你為什么不試試呢?
There's a dressing room over there.那邊有個(gè)試衣間拂铡。
B: Sure, thanks. 好,謝謝。
B: The short one is nice but a bit too sexy for the office.短的那件不錯(cuò)葱绒,但在辦公室穿有點(diǎn)太性感了感帅。
What do you think? 你怎么看?
A: It looks very nice on you. 你穿起來(lái)很好看。
If you wear this white jacket with it, it doesn't show too
much. 如果你穿這件白色的夾克搭配它地淀,就不會(huì)顯得太顯眼失球。
B: Yes, it covers my arms, I like it. 是的,它遮住了我的胳膊,我喜歡实苞。
How much is it? 多少錢(qián)豺撑?
A: After the discount, it's $300. 打折后是300美元。
B: 300 dollars? Does that include the white jacket? 300美元黔牵?包括白色夾克嗎聪轿?
A: No, it doesn't. The white jacket is $150. 不,不包括猾浦。白色夾克150美元陆错。
B: What about the other dress? 另一件衣服呢?
I'd like to try it on too.我也想試穿一下金赦。
B: What do you think? 你覺(jué)得怎么樣音瓷?
A: I think it looks great on you. 我覺(jué)得你穿起來(lái)很好看。
It shows your figure, but not too much. 它能顯示出你的身材夹抗,但又不過(guò)分绳慎。
B: I think it's too big in the waist. 我覺(jué)得腰部太大了。
A: We can fix that. 我們可以改一下兔朦。
We can take it in a bit. 我們可以改小一點(diǎn)偷线。
B: What about the price? 價(jià)格怎么樣?
A: After the discount, it's $350. 打折后是350美元沽甥。
B: If I buy the white jacket too, can you give me a better
price? 如果我也買(mǎi)這件白夾克,你能給我一個(gè)更好的價(jià)格嗎乏奥?
A: Yes, I think I can give you another 10% discount. 是的摆舟,我想我可以再給你10%的折扣。(是的邓了,我想我可以再給你打九折恨诱。)
B: So that's 450 dollars for both of them, right? 所以兩個(gè)是450美元,對(duì)吧?
A: Yes, that's right. 對(duì)骗炉,沒(méi)錯(cuò)照宝。
B: OK. Could you hold them for a couple of hours? 好的。你能幫我保管幾個(gè)小時(shí)嗎?
I want my husband to see them. 他可以幫我做決定句葵。
He can help me decide.我想讓我丈夫看看厕鹃。
A: OK. I'll hold them for you until 4:00. 好啊。我會(huì)幫你保管到4點(diǎn)乍丈。
B: Thanks. I'll be back in around an hour. 謝謝剂碴。我大約一小時(shí)后回來(lái)。