1.?步步緊逼 leave sb no escape/ leave sb with no way out
2.?朝某人望去 dart his eyes toward sb
3.?眉心微皺 furrow one's brow (slightly)
4.?公開支持(某組織悟民、意見、人),給某人撐腰? align oneself with sb
5.?五味雜陳地看著某人 one's expression grows complicated as he gazes at sb
6.?愛慕虛榮、恬不知恥 shallow and opportunistic
7.?不能信守承諾的人 the type to break a promise
8.?心直口快 blunt
9.?有話直說 say without sugar-coating his words
10.?失敗不可怕砰逻,失去信用才可怕 Losing isn't a big deal, but losing your character is.