Part 3 Dialogue【Management Styles】
Rough day?
It looks like you've been kicked down a flight of stairs.
It's my boss.
I don't mesh with his leadership style at all.
He's one of those authoritative types, so he has a strict vision for how work should be done and does not allow his vision to be questioned.
It also doesn't help that he's impatient.
He can be pretty blunt when he's in a bad mood and doesn't care how he makes us feel.
mesh: 相互協(xié)調(diào)
blunt: 直言的
mood: 心情
Yeah, you're a sensitive guy.
I couldn't see you functioning well in that kind of environment.
Yeah, I need positive reinforcement and an understanding, collaborative environment.
Well, if you were working in my office, you'd probably be the happiest man on earth.
My manager likes to get our feedback before making decisions, and is really patient and supportive of us.
If someone on our team is struggling with their work, she goes out of her way to help them.
That sounds like the polar opposite of my boss.
If he had an employee who wasn't performing, he would simply fire them.
I know you're going to think I'm crazy, but to be honest, I wish my boss had that kind of attitude.
Wait, are you kidding? Why?
Well, I'm sure your boss can be hard to deal with, but I respect a boss who demands high standards of their team.
That's the foundation for great work.
polar: 截然對立的
When you have a strong leader directing a group of talented employees,
everyone knows what they're supposed to do and works towards their goals more effectively.
In theory it sounds nice, but I think it's easier for you to feel this way because you have a supportive boss.
You don't know the reality of working for a "strong" leader like mine.
Well, while I do feel very fortunate that my manager encourages us to have a voice, it can be too much of a good thing.
It drives me crazy the way she needs to get the entire team's feedback when making a decision.
Every meeting becomes analysis paralysis.
At the end of the day, she's our boss, so she should be decisive enough to lead us.
I guess you and I are just different when it comes to bosses,
but I can't see how you'd prefer an authoritative, demanding boss over the one you have.
paralysis: 癱瘓
analysis paralysis: 表示因可參考信息太多而導(dǎo)致決策上的優(yōu)柔寡斷
decisive: 果斷的
I just think that bosses like yours are underrated.
Look at Steve Jobs.
Do you think he was a nice guy?
No, he was a jerk, but he had the vision to bring out the best in those around him and turn Apple into a world-class company.
Well, if you're interested in working for us, I can pass on your resume.
We just let someone go last month, so we're definitely hiring.
underrate: 低估
jerk: 性情古怪的人
- As an authoritative leader, he
> wants his employees to do what he says - To not mesh with something means
> to not go well together - Why doesn't he get along well with his boss?
> he's sensitive - He's sensitive, so it's hard for him to deal with his boss's bad mood.
- Why does he wish his boss was more like his friend's?
> he thinks his boss doesn't push his team hard enough - Why may it be easy for he to respect authoritative leaders?
> he doesn't work for one - It may be easy for him respect them because he doesn't know the reality of working for one.
- To have analysis paralysis means
> to think so much that you can't make a decision - Why does he think Steve Jobs is a good leader?
> he was demanding