wage /we?d?/? vi. 進行憔古;發(fā)動仆邓;從事;n. 工資鲜滩;報償;代價;vt. 開展节值;進行
restraint? /r?'stre?nt/? n. 抑制, 遏制, 管制, 約束b? 克制物, 管制措施, 約束力? 克制, 節(jié)制, 適度
device /d?'va?s/ n. 裝置徙硅;策略;圖案
devise /d?'va?z/? vt. 想出搞疗;計劃嗓蘑;設計;發(fā)明
revise? /r?'va?z/? vt. 修訂, 修改? vt. & vi. 復習
proxy? /'pr?ks?/? n. 代表權(quán)匿乃;代理權(quán)(尤指投票)桩皿;代理人,代表
conflict /'k?nfl?kt/? n. 戰(zhàn)斗, 斗爭? 沖突, 抵觸, 爭論? vi. 抵觸, 沖突
tie n. 領帶幢炸,領結(jié); 關系业簿;聯(lián)系? 束縛,牽連阳懂,累贅? vt. 系,拴柜思,綁? vt. & vi. 打結(jié)岩调;系上
resume /r?'zju?m; ?r?zj?me?/ vt. & vi. 重新開始;恢復; vt. 重新取得赡盘;再占有 n. 梗概号枕,摘要;簡歷
usual /'ju????l/? adj. 經(jīng)常的陨享,通常的葱淳;尋常的,慣常的
casual /'k??j??l/? adj. 漠不關心的, 冷淡的; 隨便的, 非正式的; 偶然的, 碰巧的; 臨時的, 不定期的
ambulance /'?mbj?l(?)ns/? 救護車
mayor? /me?/ 市長 鎮(zhèn)長
yell 大喊大叫
swear 說臟話? ?
tease vt. & vi. 取笑, 戲弄 vt. 梳理(羊毛等) n. 愛嘲弄他人的人
version n 版本抛姑,譯文赞厕、譯本、說法
validity /v?'l?d?t?/ n. 有效;效力;合法性? 正當;正確;確實
aggression /?'gre?(?)n/ n. 侵略, 侵犯,挑釁 侵略行為定硝,侵犯行為
elaborate /?'l?b(?)r?t/ vi. 詳盡說明 vt. 詳細制定 adj. 復雜的皿桑;精心制作的
metal 金屬
mental? adj. 精神的, 頭腦的, 心理的, 智力的? 精神病的
suck? vt. & vi. 吸;吮? vi. 舐;吮吸
abuse /?'bju?z/ n. 濫用诲侮;辱罵镀虐;虐待;弊端沟绪;惡習刮便,陋習? vt. 濫用;辱罵绽慈;虐待
textbook abuse 典型的虐待? 教科書式的虐待
spontaneous /sp?n'te?n??s/? adj. 自發(fā)的, 無意識的; 自然的, 天真率直的
weird /w??d/ adj. 怪誕的恨旱;神秘而可怕的;超然的
leafy adj. 多葉的窖杀;葉狀的;葉茂盛的
showy adj. 艷麗的裙士;顯眼的入客;炫耀的
straightaway 馬 上 立即
beam /bi?m/ n. 梁, 橫梁; 束, 柱; vi. 發(fā)出光與熱; 面露喜色; vt. 播送
encounter /?n'ka?nt?/ vt. 遇到, 遭遇? 偶然碰到, 邂逅?
n. 突然遇到
underworld /'?nd?w??ld/ n. 黑社會;地獄腿椎;下層社會桌硫;塵世
provocative /pr?'v?k?t?v/ adj. 煽動性的, 刺激性的, 挑釁的
paint /pe?nt/ n. 油漆,涂料 顏料 涂層啃炸,漆層 化妝品 vt. & vi. 畫铆隘;繪畫 vt. 在…上涂涂料[油漆]
涂,搽 描繪南用,描述
drool /dru?l/ vi. 流口水? 對某人或某物流露出癡迷的神情? 癡情地看膀钠;迷戀地看
skim /sk?m/ vt. 撇去…的浮物;從…表面飛掠而過裹虫;去除肿嘲;略讀;[俚](為逃稅而)隱瞞(部分收入)vi. 掠過筑公;瀏覽 n. 撇雳窟;撇去的東西;表層物匣屡;瞞報所得的收入 adj. 撇去浮沫的封救;脫脂的;表層的
scale /ske?l/ n. 刻度捣作;比例誉结;數(shù)值范圍;天平虾宇;規(guī)模搓彻;鱗; vi. 攀登如绸;衡量;生水垢旭贬;剝落;vt. 攀登怔接;測量;
scare? /ske?/? vt. 驚嚇稀轨;把…嚇跑;vi. 受驚;n. 驚恐扼脐;恐慌;驚嚇;adj. (美)駭人的
defenseless? /d??fensl?s/ adj. <主美>無防御的;無保護的;不能自衛(wèi)的
waning? /'we?n??/? n. 減弱奋刽,月虧;? adj. 漸虧的瓦侮,逐漸減弱或變小的
inevitable /?n'ev?t?b(?)l/? adj. 不可避免的, 必然發(fā)生的;〈非正〉總會發(fā)生的, 照例必有的, 慣常的
unwavering /?n'we?v(?)r??/? adj. 堅定的;不動搖的
enslave /?n'sle?v/ n. 奴役
perform /p?'f??m/ vt. 執(zhí)行佣谐;完成肚吏;演奏; vi. 表演;執(zhí)行狭魂,機器運轉(zhuǎn)
apprentice? /?'prent?s/ n. 學徒, 徒弟
be in want of? 缺少
wanderer? /'w?nd?r?/ n. 流浪者罚攀;漫游者;迷路的動物
fulfill? /ful'fil/? vt. 履行雌澄;滿足斋泄;實現(xiàn);使結(jié)束(等于fulfil)
sock /s?k/ n. 短襪
stocking /'st?k??/ n. 長襪
stock /st?k/ n. 儲備品镐牺,供應物; (商店的)現(xiàn)貨,存貨;? 公債睬涧;股份募胃;股票;? 原湯,湯料
家系畦浓,家世摔认,血統(tǒng); vt. 儲備,保持…的供應; adj. 通常備有現(xiàn)貨的宅粥;常備的; 常用的;陳腐的
dairy /'de?r?/ n. 乳品店电谣;制酪場秽梅;牛奶及乳品業(yè);乳牛剿牺;奶制品;adj. 牛奶的企垦;牛奶制的;乳品的晒来;產(chǎn)乳的
daily /'de?l?/ adj. 每日的钞诡;日常的;n. 日報;[美口]朝來夜去的女傭;adv. 每日;日常地荧降;天天
diary /'da??r?/ n. 日記, 日記簿
adhere /?d'h??/ vi. 黏附, 附著;堅持, 支持
perspective n. 遠景,景前途;希望 透視 透視圖 觀點加袋,想法
Buddhist /'budist/ n. 佛教徒 adj. 佛教的
surreal /s?'r??l/ adj. 超現(xiàn)實的; 猶如夢幻的
recharge 充電
leave your phone in vibrate
emoticons 表情符號
residence? 住處邑滨,住所
alongside adv. 靠著邊,沿著邊prep. (表示位置)在…旁邊钱反;沿著…的邊掖看;與…并排靠攏著
only child 獨生子女
maintain? /me?n'te?n/ vt. 保持诈铛;繼續(xù) 保養(yǎng)乙各,維護 堅持;主張 供給幢竹;贍養(yǎng)
sun cap 太陽帽
devorce 離婚
get in fights 打架
homemake 家庭主婦
look a lot like 看上去很像
sibling? n 兄弟姐妹
native n 本國的耳峦,士著的
regard? n. 注意;尊重焕毫;凝視蹲坷;問候vt. 把…看作;注重邑飒,考慮循签;看待;尊敬疙咸;與…有關
vi. 注意县匠,注重;注視
lubricant? /'lu?br?k(?)nt/? n. 潤滑劑〔油〕adj. 潤滑的
形容詞: lubrican
fatigue /f?'ti?g/ n. 疲勞撒轮,疲乏乞旦;雜役vt. 使疲勞;使心智衰弱vi. 疲勞adj. 疲勞的
commissary /'k?m?s(?)r?/ n? 代表? 物資供應所题山,委員
flip -flop 人字拖
titty 奶子
inmate 囚犯 共同居住的人兰粉,居民
perky adj:得意洋洋的
the car broke down 車子拋錨
the fire broke out? 火災發(fā)生
run out of 用完,用盡
steer wheel 方向盤
present? vt. 呈現(xiàn)顶瞳;介紹玖姑;提出愕秫;贈送? vi. 舉槍瞄準? adj. 出席的;現(xiàn)在的? n. 現(xiàn)在焰络;禮物戴甩;瞄準
relieve 減輕
pressure 壓力
be due to 計劃
get out of 離開,滾開
in case 除非
brake? vi. 剎車 n. 閘舔琅,剎車等恐;阻礙? vt. 剎車
enthusiast 熱心人
pretend 假裝
prevent 阻止
leaf 樹葉,leaves 是leaf的復數(shù)备蚓,也是leaves離開的第三人稱單數(shù)课蔬。
vt. 表示…的意思
adj. 吝嗇的;自私的
n. 平均數(shù),平均值
stain 汗?jié)n
knee n. 膝蓋谚鄙,膝;vt. 用膝蓋碰
kneel vi. 跪
hurt 疼
dripping bowl? 濕碗
oily residue 油垢=greese
wipe the floor 擦地板
sweep the floor 掃地
rag 抹布
mop vt. 擦干刁绒;用拖把拖洗闷营;vi. 用拖把擦洗地板;扮鬼臉知市;n. 蓬松的頭發(fā)傻盟;拖把;鬼臉
stuff? 東西
tidy 使整潔嫂丙,使整齊娘赴,tidy up the shoes
gross adj. 總共的;粗野的跟啤;惡劣的诽表;顯而易見的;vt. 總共收入;n. 總額隅肥,總數(shù)
engross? vt. 使全神貫注关顷;用大字體書寫;正式寫成(決議等)武福;獨占;吸引
behave 聽話
lunchbox 飯盒
good jop 很棒
beforehand = in advance? 提前 預先
goodies n. (地位低下的)老婦人痘番;好吃的東西捉片;偽君子(goody的復數(shù))
cowork 同事
skip 沒有vi. 跳平痰,蹦 跳繩 vt. 略過;跳過伍纫;漏過 n. 跳宗雇,蹦跳
withhold? t. 保留,不給莹规;抑制赔蒲;隱瞞,vi. 忍住良漱;克制
rethink 反思
PE clothes 體育服
gym clothes 運動服
dress shoe 皮鞋
sneaker /'sni?k?/? n. 運動鞋舞虱;卑鄙者;鬼鬼祟祟做事的人
shoelace 鞋帶
girlish/boyish? 女/男孩子氣
skirt 短裙子
dress 連衣裙
shirt 襯衫
comfy adj. 舒服的,輕松的=comfortable
thin 薄
change 換(衣)
execute /'eks?kju?t/ 處決
shallow water 淺水區(qū)
address vt. 寫姓名地址母市;向…致辭矾兜;演說;從事患久;忙于
n. 地址椅寺;致辭;演講蒋失;說話的技巧
video address 視頻演說返帕。
dumb /d?m/? adj. 啞的;說不出話的;愚蠢的
Mabe I am dumb 也許我無話可說
socked /s??kt/ adj. (尤指被雨)淋透的;濕透的;充滿的;被浸泡的;(人)濕透了
lift vt. 舉起篙挽;提升荆萤;空運;鼓舞嫉髓;[口]抄襲
vi. 消散观腊;升起;聳立
n. 舉起算行;電梯梧油;起重機;搭車
need a lift 需要搭車嗎州邢,這里就是用到了最后一意思儡陨。
owe /??/ vt. 欠…債;應當給予; 應把…歸功于; 感激
fancy restaurant 高檔餐廳
fancy n. 想像力量淌;愛好骗村;幻想;adj. 想象的;奇特的呀枢;精選的胚股;昂貴的;vt. 設想;喜愛裙秋;想象琅拌;自負;vi. 想象缨伊;幻想
version /'v???(?)n/ n. 譯文;版本进宝;[醫(yī)]倒轉(zhuǎn)術(shù)
quitting time 下班時間
quit vt. & vi. 從(某處)離開刻坊;離去 vt. 停止
get the check 結(jié)賬
conference /'k?nf(?)r(?)ns/? n. 會議? 討論, 商談
supervisor /?su?p??va?z?/? n. 監(jiān)督者, 管理者
entrees /'?ntrei/ n. 入場許可;主菜党晋,旁碟
appetizer /'?p?ta?z?/ n. 開胃品,促進食欲的活動,刺激欲望的東西谭胚;吊胃口的東西
scald /sk??ld/ vt. (沸水等)燙傷(皮膚) 把(尤指牛奶)加熱到接近沸騰 n. (沸水或蒸汽造成的)燙傷
bathe /be?e/ vt. 沐浴未玻;用水洗,vi. 洗澡灾而;沐浴, n. 游泳;洗澡
selfish /'self??/ adj. 自私的深胳;利己主義的
garment /'gɑrm?nt/ n. 衣服绰疤,服裝;外表舞终,外觀
vt. 給…穿衣服
shebang /??'b??/ n. 事情,工作,陋屋,住所,賭場,酒館,妓院,全部家當
inherit /?n'her?t/ vt. 繼承轻庆;遺傳而得;vi. 成為繼承人
morally /'m?r?li/ adv.道德上的,有道德的
legally /'li:g?li/ adv.合法地敛劝,法律上地
fidelity /f?'del?t?/ n. 保真度余爆;忠誠;盡責夸盟;精確
gigolo /'(d)??g?l??/ n. 舞男蛾方;小白臉;靠妓女生活的男人
insane /?n'se?n/ adj. 精神病的上陕;極愚蠢的桩砰;瘋狂的
irrelevant /?'rel?v(?)nt/ adj. 不相干的,不相關的
mentor /'ment?:/ n. (無經(jīng)驗之人的)有經(jīng)驗可信賴的顧問
mentored v. 輔導;指導释簿;培訓
move 有遷居亚隅,搬家之意
vt. & vi. 移動;搬動
vi. 搬家庶溶,遷移? 進展煮纵,前進,展開
vt. 使感動偏螺,激起? 提議行疏,要求
n. 動,移動套像,一步酿联,一著? 行動,行動步驟? 遷移,搬家
vt. 使發(fā)聲贞让;聽(診)采幌;測量,測…深震桶;宣告;試探
n. 聲音征绎,語音蹲姐;海峽;吵鬧人柿;噪音柴墩;聽力范圍;探條
adj. 合理的凫岖;健全的江咳,健康的;可靠的哥放;有效徹底的
adv. 徹底地歼指,充分地
vi. 聽起來;發(fā)出聲音甥雕;測深踩身;回響
adv. 堅實地,牢固地
adj. 隔音的
vt. 給(房屋等)裝以隔音設備,使隔音
sound out 試探…的意向
decent /'di?s(?)nt/? adj. 得體的;正派的社露;相當好的
embezzle /?m'bez(?)l/ embezzle
trinket /'tr??k?t/? n. 小裝飾品挟阻;不值錢的小玩意兒; vi. 密謀
native /'ne?t?v/? adj. 本國的;土著的峭弟;與生俱來的附鸽;天然的;天賦的? n. 本地人瞒瘸;土產(chǎn)坷备;當?shù)鼐用?/p>
starring? /stɑr/ n. 扮演主角,領銜主演挨务;純銻表面呈星狀花紋
staring /'ste?r??/? adj. 目不轉(zhuǎn)睛的,凝視的,顯眼的,(毛發(fā))豎立的
finance /'fa?n?ns/ n. 財政击你,財政學;金融vt. 負擔經(jīng)費谎柄,供給…經(jīng)費 vi. 籌措資金
shindig /'??nd?g/? n. 狂歡會,舞會,吵鬧,騷動
sake /se?k/? n. 緣故; 理由
pigsty /'p?gsta?/ n. 豬圈丁侄;臟房間
it beats this pigsty 它遠勝這個臟房間,
wido /'w?d??/ vt. 使成寡婦;n. 寡婦朝巫;孀婦
aspiring /?'spa??r??/ adj. 有抱負的鸿摇;追求…的;高聳的;v. 立志(aspire的ing形式)
chauffeur? /'???f?/ n. 受雇于人的汽車司機
shack up 同居
shack /??k/ n. 窩棚, 簡陋的小屋? ? vi. 未婚而同居
conduct/k?n'd?kt/ v. 組織劈猿,實施拙吉,進行潮孽;指揮(音樂);帶領筷黔,引導往史;舉止,表現(xiàn)佛舱;傳導(熱或電)
/'k?nd?kt/? n. 行為舉止椎例;管理(方式),實施(辦法)请祖;引導
calling? n. 職業(yè)订歪;點名;召集肆捕;欲望刷晋;邀
beg /beg/ vt. & vi. 乞討, 乞求;請求, 懇求
mercy /'m??s?/n. 仁慈,寬容慎陵;憐憫眼虱;幸運;善行
hobby /'h?b?/ n. 嗜好荆姆;業(yè)余愛好
verge /v??d?/ n. 邊緣蒙幻;綠地;極限胆筒;山墻突瓦邮破;權(quán)杖(作為職位標志)
v. 瀕臨,接近仆救;趨向抒和;處在邊緣
souvenir /?su?v?'n??/ n. 紀念品;禮物? vt. 把…留作紀念
keepsake /'ki?pse?k/ n. 紀念品
memento /m?'ment??/ n. 紀念品,令人回憶的東西
jewelry /?d?u:?lri:/n. <美>(總稱)珠寶;首飾
jam /d??m/ n. 果醬 擁擠彤蔽,堵塞? 困難的處境摧莽;窘境
he is in a jam 他處境困難
jerk /d???k/ n. 肌肉抽搐;性情古怪的人顿痪;蠢人镊辕;急拉 vi. 痙攣;急拉蚁袭;顛簸地行進 vt. 猛拉
humiliate /hj?'m?l?e?t/ vt. 使蒙羞, 羞辱, 使丟臉
ain't /eint/ prep. 不是
owe /??/? vt. 1.欠…債征懈;應當給予2.應把…歸功于3.感激
concubine /'kɑ?kjuba?n/n. 妾, 妃子
pamper/'p?mp?/vt. 縱容;寵揩悄;嬌養(yǎng)
heal /hi?l/ vt. 治愈卖哎,痊愈;和解; vi. 痊愈
health /helθ/ n. 健康;興旺亏娜;衛(wèi)生焕窝;保健
maid/med/ n. 女仆;少女 vt. 侍候维贺;做新娘的女儐相 vi. 當女仆
sigh /sa?/ vi. 嘆息它掂,嘆氣? n. 嘆息,嘆氣? vt. 嘆息溯泣,嘆氣
filthy? /'f?lθ?/? adj. 骯臟的群发;污穢的;下流的;淫穢的
interfere /?nt?'f??/? vi. 1.干預发乔;調(diào)停; 2.妨礙
favourite /'feiv?rit/dj.1. 特別受喜愛的;2.n. 特別喜愛的人(或物) 3.競賽中被認為會獲勝的馬、競爭者等
favourable/'feiv?r?bl/? 1.adj. 贊許的, 贊同的; 2.有利的, 順利的
exceptional/?k's?p??nl/ 1.adj. 優(yōu)越的雪猪,杰出的2.例外的栏尚;獨特的,異常的
idly/'aidli/? 1.adv. 懶惰地只恨;無所事事地译仗,2.閑著無益地,徒然地
kindness n. 親切, 仁慈, 好意 友好的行為
sooner or later 早晚
bruise/bru:z/ n. 擦傷官觅;挫傷纵菌;青腫 vt. 使受瘀傷;使受挫傷
He was covered with bruises after falling off his bicycle.
他從自行車上摔了下來, 摔得渾身傷痕休涤。
die vt. & vi. 死亡咱圆;枯萎
dying 1.adj. 臨終的,垂死的n. 死功氨,死亡v. 死序苏,死亡;枯萎捷凄;失去活力(die的ing形式)
i am dying.我快死了
prolong/pr?'l??/ pr??lɑ??/vt. 拖延忱详;延長
prolonged/pr??l??d/ /pro'l??d/adj. 持續(xù)很久的,長時間的
doesn't count 這次不算
It doesn't count this time,try again.
doesn't make sense 不懂;沒有任何意義
The sentence you made doesn't make any sense to me.
down and out 窮困潦倒
Being down and out,he couldn't support his family.
drive at 用意跺涤,意欲
What's he driving at?他用意何在匈睁?
drop in 偶然拜訪
I dropped him in on my way to the hospital.
drop me a line 寫信給我
On arriving the University,please drop me a line.
early bird 早起的人
An early bird catchs worms。捷足先登
easy come easy go 來得快去得也快
eat my words 收回前言桶错,認錯道歉
I said something bad to my mum.Although I want to eat my words back, it didn't work,for I had hurt my mum's feeling.
face the music 直面困難
He knew he'd never get away with it so he decided to face the music and give himself up to the police.他知道自己不可能逃脫航唆,因此決定一人做事一人當——向警察自首。
face up to 勇敢地面對某事
You must learn to face up to your responsibilities.
fed up 厭倦
I am rather fed up with your complaints.
feel free to do something 不要拘束
Please feel free to make suggestions.
few and far between 很少牛曹,稀少
Human beings are few and far between in this zone.
French leave 不辭而別
give me a headache 讓人頭痛
The naughty boy gave me a headache.
give me a hand 幫我一下
go Dutch AA制
God bless you 上帝保佑你
God bless you with your examinations.
God knows 天知道
Got it? 明白了嗎佛点?
green thumbs /fingers 園藝技能
hands are full 非常忙
have a ball 勇敢
have had it 受夠了
I have had it with all your excuses.我受夠了你的借口。
hold water 站得住腳
Non of his arguements seem to hold water.
in every sense of word 在某種意義上說
It's a lie in every sense of word.這是不折不扣的謊言。
keep an eye on 提高警惕
kill time打發(fā)時間
lazy bones 懶骨頭
Get up lazy bones!
Leave it to me 讓我來吧
leave me alone 別管我
like father like son 有其父必有其子
like it or not 不管你喜不喜歡
make a fool of oneself 愚弄某人
make a big money 賺大錢
make both ends need 收支平衡
We have to cut our expenses to make both ends need.
make waves 引起轟動超营;興風作浪
His achievement made waves in his country.
make yourself at home 別拘束
no good 沒有好結(jié)果
Bad mam comes to no good.
no kidding 不要開玩笑
none of your bussiness 不關你的事
not really 也不是……
old hand 老手
He is an old hand at stealing.
old story 老一套
I am tired of it,same old story.
on one's word of honor 以某人的人格擔保
on occasion 間或
of one's own accord 自愿地
packed like sardins 擁擠
During the holidays,people in the trains are packed like sardins.
pass away 去世
pay the price 付出代價
You are playing with the fire and you must pay the price one day. put up with 忍受
I cann't put up with your rudeness any more;leave my room.
red-letter day 重要的或值得紀念的日子
red tape 繁文縟節(jié)
red carpet 紅地毯
run into 偶遇
sure thing 十有把握的事
take one's time 盡情玩
Take your time and enjoy it.
Take the words out of one's mouth 說出某人想說得話
that's it 就是
that is really something 太好了
there is nothing I can do 我什么都不能做
there you go 這邊請
there is nothing wrong with me 我沒事
under the table 私底下鸳玩,秘密地
under the weather 身體不適
what's going on 怎么了
what a man 多勇敢的人啊
walking dictionary 活字典
what is up 近來可好
Hi,I haven't seen you for a long time,what's up?
world class 一流的
n. 官能,感官;辨別,領悟慨飘,感覺济丘;識別力;常識漫萄;見識;健全的心智;思維能力虐译;理性;道理吴趴;目的漆诽;意義,意思
vt. 感覺到锣枝;意識到厢拭;發(fā)覺
it does not make sense? 沒有任何意義
i? does not make sense 我不懂
1.“You got me(there)” 是什么意思?
You got me(there)你把我難到了陨闹;你把我問住了也可以說成“You've got me (there)”
2.“get it”和“got it”到底哪個是“明白了”楞捂?
如果你明白了一些之前不明白的事情比如知識、技能要點...等并想讓對方知道趋厉,你明白他的意思了你就可以說“I get it”例:A: Do you understand what I'm saying?你理解我說的嗎泡一?B: I get it.我懂了。I got it是I've got it的省略形式表達的是:“我知道了觅廓,我記住了”對應的是不用去深入理解的事情例:A: You have to submit the scripts today.你今天要上交腳本鼻忠。B: I got it.我知道了。
3“get a life”是什么意思杈绸?
get a life的意思是:別那么無聊(做點有趣帖蔓、有意思的事);好好享受生活例:Don't tell me you're cleaning the house on a Saturday night. Get a life!不要告訴我你周六晚上還在打掃房間瞳脓,做點有趣的事吧塑娇。
4“get at sb” 和“get off sb's back”
get at sb 的意思是”反復批評,不斷指責(某人)“例:He keeps getting at me and I really don't know what I've done wrong.他不斷指責我劫侧,我真不知道自己做錯了什么埋酬。
而get off sb's back 則是:used to tell someone to stop criticizing you 用來告訴別人不要再批評你了常用get off my back表達:少啰嗦哨啃;別再煩我
例:Why don't you? get my back! I'm doing my best. 你能不能別再煩我了?我盡力了写妥。Get off my back and go jump in the lake!不要嗶嗶賴賴拳球,哪里涼快哪里待!
5“Get it together”Get it together是“振作起來”的意思如果你對于某人感到同情希望他/她能振作起來就可以用“Get it together”例:I hope he gets it together soon. His life is a mess.我希望他能盡快振作起來珍特。他的生活一團糟祝峻。
Get 的拓展
I get it.我懂了。
I don't get it.我沒理解扎筒。
I don't get you.我沒理解你的意思莱找。
Get out of here.滾、走吧嗜桌、得了吧(表示吃驚)奥溺。We must get together for a drink sometime. 我們什么時候得聚在一起喝一杯。
it will do you good中g(shù)ood的詞性骨宠,短語的語法特點
it will do you good谚赎,意思是這個(東西,事情)會給你帶來益處诱篷,good是名詞,好處雳灵,益處的意思棕所。
do sb good=do good to sb
此處good 為不可數(shù)名詞悯辙。do意為帶來琳省,帶給。即10點引起躲撰,產(chǎn)生之意的轉(zhuǎn)化针贬。
1. aux.v. (構(gòu)成疑問句和否定句)
4.vt. & vi. 做,干拢蛋,從事
6.vt. 整理;使整潔
12.vi. 行歪沃,足夠
Exercise /'eks?sa?z/will do you good
=Exercise will do good to you.
A week’s vacation will do you a lot of good.
=A week’s vacation will do a lot of good to you.
do sb harm:對某人有害沪曙。
英語語法 do的10種用法
1.do lunch/movie 吃午飯/看電影Let's do lunch next week. 我們下周一起去吃午飯吧。
2.打招呼可用:-How do you do? 你好 -How do you do? 你好-How are you doing? (How you doing豆瘫?)你還好不 -I'm doing alright. 我還行珊蟀。
3.What can I do you for? 需要幫你做點什么嗎?
4.No can do. 我做不到啊外驱。No can do i got plans later. 哈哈哈哈辦不到育灸,我日程很滿的嘻嘻。
5.do oneself up 收拾打扮She spent ages doing herself up. 有的呂孩花很多年整容
6.表示發(fā)型Hey check out my new do! 快看我的新發(fā)型昵宇!
7.do sth. out/ do sth.up, 表示整理磅崭,裝飾,修繕瓦哎。相當于decorateThe room was beautifully done out in blue color. 這個房間用藍色系的裝飾弄的非常漂亮砸喻。The apartment was done up in modern style. 這個公寓是現(xiàn)代風格裝修的。
8.do sb. in. 相當于beat someone up, 或者甚至是殺了某某蒋譬。Me and my friend will do you in if i see you stealing from my shop again. 如果你再從我店里偷東西割岛,我和我的朋友會狠狠揍你一頓。
9.do sb. down 批評某人犯助,尤其指以不公平的方式癣漆。I know you don't like him, but there's no need to keep doing him down in front of his girlfriend. 我知道你不喜歡他,但是也沒必要當著人女朋友面批評他啊剂买。
10.That'll do=That's fine/It will be fine/It's good enough
1.adj. 不舒服的惠爽;有病的,患病的
5.n. 〈口〉嘔吐物
解析:ill: 在英國較常用,指“生病”時结胀,通常作表語两残,不可作定語。在美國把跨,ill用作表語時可與sick換用人弓。sick: 多用于美國,作“生病”解時着逐,既可作表語崔赌,也可作定語意蛀。在英國,sick作表語健芭,不指生病县钥,而指“惡心、嘔吐”慈迈。
feel sick 覺得要嘔吐
sick of 對…厭惡
get sick 生踩糁;患病
got sick 生病
sick leave 病假痒留;病假工資
sick with 生…病
so sick 如此厭倦
look sick [口語]沒給人留下什么印象谴麦;相形見絀
fall sick 生病
sick and tired of 對…十分厭倦
sick at [口]對…感到不愉快
sick person 病人
take sick 生病
sick days 病假
make sick 作嘔,生厭
sick as a dog 病得十分嚴重
on sick leave 休病假伸头;病假中
on the sick [口語]病殘的匾效,領取病假補貼的
sick pay 病假工資
sick building syndrome 室內(nèi)空氣綜合癥;病態(tài)建筑綜合癥
drive? /dra?v/ /dra?v/
vt. 驅(qū)趕 驅(qū)使, 促使敲, 擊
vt. & vi. 駕駛
n. 乘車旅行恤磷,私人車道面哼,傳動, 驅(qū)動,干勁, 積極性, 能動性扫步,緊迫, 逼迫, 壓力
drive: 指乘坐在有輪子的交通工具之內(nèi)魔策,控制其行駛。
ride: 通常指騎在車河胎、馬上行駛闯袒。
drive to house 開車回家;drive to work 開車上班仿粹。
drive system 驅(qū)動系統(tǒng),傳動系統(tǒng)
hard drive (電腦)硬盤驅(qū)動器
drive in 釘入原茅;趕進吭历;運球突破
drive from 從…趕走…;從…開車來
motor drive 電動機
main drive 主傳動擂橘;主驅(qū)動裝置晌区;肢動裝置
drive away 趕走;(把車)開走通贞;離去
drive mechanism 驅(qū)動機構(gòu)朗若;傳動裝置
drive out 驅(qū)趕;開車外出
disk drive n. 磁盤驅(qū)動器
drive a car 駕車昌罩;開小汽車
drive on 可以開上去的哭懈;繼續(xù)開車
gear drive 齒輪傳動
drive up 抬高;開車趕到茎用;迫使…上升
drive circuit 驅(qū)動電路遣总;激勵電路
electric drive 電力傳動睬罗;電力驅(qū)動裝置
direct drive 直接驅(qū)動;直接傳動
drive shaft 驅(qū)動軸旭斥;主動軸
drive control 驅(qū)動控制(等于horizontal drive control)
hydraulic drive 液壓傳動容达;液動
going? n. 離去;工作情況垂券;行為花盐;地面狀況adj. 進行中的;流行的菇爪;現(xiàn)存的
v. 前進算芯;
where is this going ?這是要干嘛娄帖。此外going 作行為也祠,工作情況之意
jog 慢跑,輕推
white lies 善意的謊言近速,white 潔白的诈嘿,引伸為善意的
ball 球,球形物削葱,舞會
Would you have the balls to stand up to him then?
odds /?dz/ /ɑdz/ n. 不平等;幾率析砸;勝算昔字;差別
at odds with 與…爭執(zhí),意見不一致首繁;與…不和作郭;差異
odds and ends 零星物品,零碎東西
against all odds 困難重重
odds ratio 優(yōu)勢率弦疮;讓步比
against all the odds 盡管有極大的困難夹攒;盡管極為不利
the odds are that 很可能…;大約…
long odds 極不均等的賭注胁塞;極為偶然的機會
cross? n. 十字架咏尝,十字形物;交叉啸罢,十字
vi. 交叉编检;橫過;雜交
vt. 使相交扰才;渡過允懂;雜交
adj. 交叉的,相反的衩匣;乖戾的? 即有生氣的意思
addict /'?d?kt/ /'?d?kt/
n. 有癮的人累驮;入迷的人
vt. 使沉溺酣倾;使上癮
pour /p??/ pour him coffe/tea 給他倒咖啡或茶
n. 傾瀉;流出谤专;驟雨
vt. 倒躁锡;灌,注置侍;傾吐映之;傾瀉
vi. 傾瀉;涌流蜡坊;斟茶brag 吹噓杠输,自夸
come on 走吧、拜托
shindig /'??nd?g/n. 狂歡會,舞會,吵鬧,騷動
corner /'k??n?/ /'k?rn?/
n. 角落秕衙,拐角處蠢甲;困境,窘境据忘;地區(qū)鹦牛,偏僻處
vi. 相交成角;囤積
vt. 壟斷勇吊;迫至一隅曼追;使陷入絕境;把…難住
corner the market 囤積居奇
tone /t?un/ /ton/
n. 音調(diào)汉规;音色礼殊;語氣;色調(diào)
vt. 用某種調(diào)子說针史;增強
vi. 顏色調(diào)和晶伦;呈現(xiàn)悅目色調(diào)
[n.] manner of speaking, speech, delivery, pitch, sound property, atmosphere, ambiance
[v.] talk, speak, utter, mouth, verbalize, verbalise, discolor
skin tone 膚色;皮膚影調(diào)
tone of voice 語調(diào)啄枕;聲調(diào)婚陪;口吻
set the tone 定調(diào)子
tone up 增強;提高(聲調(diào)等)射亏;使更健康
muscle tone 肌張力近忙;肌肉緊張度
color tone 色調(diào)竭业;色光
tone color 音色智润;(文藝的)風格
ring tone 電話鈴音
pure tone 純音
tone down 緩和;柔和未辆;降低
single tone 單頻窟绷;單音;單音信號
low tone 低(聲)調(diào)
affective tone 情調(diào)
tone quality 音質(zhì)咐柜,音品
falling tone 降調(diào)兼蜈;去聲
busy tone 忙音
tone colour [音]音色
dial tone 撥號音攘残;撥號音調(diào)
rising tone 升調(diào);陽平为狸;上聲
sets the tone 定下基調(diào)
bruise /bru?z/ /bruz/
n. 擦傷歼郭;挫傷;青腫
vt. 使受瘀傷辐棒;使受挫傷
vi. 受傷病曾;擦傷
近義詞:[n.] injury, hurt, harm, trauma
[v.] injure, wound, arouse, elicit, enkindle, kindle, evoke
wound: 通常指尖銳鋒利的工具所致的傷口,多深及到表皮組織以下漾根√┩浚可用作引申指打擊或傷害。
bruise: 指表皮下面的組織受損辐怕,但沒有破裂逼蒙。但由于血流進組織,因而出現(xiàn)紫塊寄疏。普通用詞是牢。
cut: 指因尖利的器械的刺或割而造成的或深或淺的傷口。
scar: 主要指傷口愈合而留下的傷疤赁还。
smear? /sm??/ /sm?r/
vt. 弄臟妖泄;涂上;誹謗艘策;把…擦模糊
n. 涂片蹈胡;污點;誹謗
vi. 被弄臟
apply? /?'pla?/ /?'pla?/
vt. 應用朋蔫;申請罚渐;涂,敷
vi. 申請驯妄;適用荷并;請求;涂青扔,敷
roportion? n. 均衡源织;相稱,協(xié)調(diào)微猖,一物與他物在數(shù)量谈息、大小等方面的關系;比例
the sense of propertion 分寸感
lose the sense of propertion 喪失分寸感
in proportion 成比例侠仇;相稱
a large proportion of 一大部分
direct proportion n. 正比;正比例
out of proportion 不成比例
mixing proportion 混合比,配合比例
inverse proportion n. 比例逻炊;反比例
in proportion as adv. 按…比例互亮;依…程度而變
sense of proportion 判斷推動輕重緩急的能力
geometric proportion 等比
proportion by weight 重量比
face: 側(cè)重指容貌。
aspect: 書面用詞余素,突出人或事物在某特定時間或地點時的外貌豹休。
aspect? /'?spekt/ /'?sp?kt/ n. 方面,方位, 朝向桨吊,面貌, 模樣, 神態(tài)
In spring the yard has a freshening aspect.
春天, 院子里呈現(xiàn)出一派清新的景象慕爬。
meat: 是肉類的總稱,指食用的肉屏积,但不包括魚類的肉医窿。
flesh: 主要指人體或動物身上的肌肉組織,是從生理角度著眼的炊林。也指動物的肉食姥卢。
n. 人;人類渣聚;民族独榴;公民
vt. 居住于;使住滿人
my people 我的族人
ordinary people 普通人奕枝,一般人
business people 商業(yè)人士
poor people 貧民棺榔,窮人
people first 以人為本
working people 勞動人民;工作人口
the best people [口語](西方世界所謂的)上流社會人士;[口語](西方世界的)上流社會人士;
serve the people 為人民服務
Deaf people and dumb people are disabled too.
so that, so…that 和 such…that 用法總結(jié)
在學習so that 和so…that從句時症歇,有相當一部分同學認為:so that 是用來構(gòu)成目的狀語從句的,而so…that則是用來構(gòu)成結(jié)果狀語從句的谭梗。其實忘晤,情況并不是這樣。
so that同樣可以用來引導結(jié)果狀語從句激捏,無論是否有副詞作狀語或形容詞作表語设塔,這就要得從意義上和so that從句的結(jié)構(gòu)上來考慮,表目的的so that狀語從句中通常情況下都含有一個情態(tài)動詞远舅。試比較:
He hurried to the station so that he could catch the early bus. 他匆匆忙忙趕到車站铃辖,為的是能搭上早班車柏副。(表目的)
= He got to the station hurriedly so that he could catch the early bus.
He hurried to the station so that he caught the early bus. 他匆匆忙忙趕到車站挑童,結(jié)果搭上了早班車报破。(表結(jié)果)
= He got to the station hurriedly so that he caught the early bus.
= He got to the station so hurriedly that he caught the early bus.
※但若副詞或形容詞是放在so …that之間,就算that從句中含有情態(tài)動詞也只能表示結(jié)果爆办。
The boy was so stupid that he couldn’t work out the maths problem. 這個男孩很笨难咕,所以他解不出這道數(shù)學題课梳。
注:① 表目的的so that 從句可以用in order that 替換距辆;若主句和從句的主語一致的時候還可以用so as to或in order to將其轉(zhuǎn)換為簡單句余佃。如:
? ? ? I got up early so that I could be in time for the morning exercises.
? ? ? → I got up early in order that I could be in time for the morning exercises.
? ? ? → I got up early so as to / in order to be in time for the morning exercises.
② 有時為了加強語氣,in order that 從句或in order to短語還可以放到句首跨算,但so that 和so as to卻不行爆土。如:
In order that I could be in time for the morning exercises, I got up early.
In order to be in time for the morning exercises, I got up early.
③ 當so…that(或so that)結(jié)構(gòu)的主句中有副詞作狀語或形容詞作表語時,必須用so + adv. / adj. + as to才可以將其轉(zhuǎn)換為簡單句來表示結(jié)果诸蚕,否則是表示目的步势。試比較:
I spoke so loud as to be heard by everyone. 我講得聲音很大,結(jié)果大家都聽清楚了背犯。(表結(jié)果)
I spoke loud so as to be heard by everyone. 我很大聲地講坏瘩,是為了大家能都聽清楚。(表目的)
④ 在so + adv. / adj. + that所構(gòu)成的結(jié)果狀語從句中漠魏,人們常常把so + adv. / adj. 移到句首并將謂語動詞倒裝來表示強調(diào)倔矾。例如:
So hard did the boy study that he passed the exam.
So clever is the boy that he can answer the question.
⑤ 人們在口語中常省去so…that的that,也有人省去so而保留that柱锹。如:
She was so excited (that) she could hardly fall asleep.
She was (so) excited that she could hardly fall asleep.
She was so excited, she could hardly fall asleep.
so…that和such…that都可以構(gòu)成結(jié)果從句壤巷,所不同的是so…that之間接形容詞或副詞,而? such…that之間接名詞瞧毙。一般情況下胧华,即使名詞前有形容詞修飾也不能換用so…that。例如:
The boy is so clever that everyone likes him.
The boy is such a fool that he can’t understand it.
Titanic is such a moving film that all of us want to see it.
The teacher gave the children such wonderful picture books that they got wild with joy.
pie? n.餡餅宙彪,愛說話的人撑柔,美俚:容易得到的稱心如意的東西,容易的工作
dish n.盤铅忿,餐具,外貌有吸引力的人
Time? n.時代, 時期(比era的時間短)
-- Roman time 羅馬時代 /? ancient time 古代?
Age? n.時代(特定的歷史階段, 和其它詞構(gòu)成專有名詞)
-- stone age 石器時代 /? modern age 當今時代 /? middle ages 中世紀
Steamship? n.蒸汽輪船
Vessel? n.輪船, 大木船(非常正式的表達方式, 用于文學體中, 可以代替ship峻凫、boat)
-- a fishing vessel? /? a sailing vessel帆船
Ship? n.大船;艦艇
Boat? n.小船, 艇(比ship小, 在非正式的場合可以替換)
-- a fishing boat
Impressive? adj.給人深刻印象的
scene? n.現(xiàn)場, 場面, 情景
-- This is the impressive scene.? 這是給人深刻印象的一幕
impression? n.印象
-- make a lasting impression to sb.? 給人以不可磨滅的印象
-- have a false impression of sb.? 對某人有錯誤的看法
-- gave sb. impression that…? 給某人…的印象
impress? vt.留下印象
-- What impressed me most is your diligence.(n.勤奮)
impress sb with…? 用…給某人留下深刻的印象
-- you impressed me with your beautiful clothes.
seasick adj.暈船的
? airsick? 暈飛機的/
carsick? 暈車的
bussick? 暈公交車的
bicyclesick? 暈自行車的
homesick? 想家的览露。
adopt 采納
adapt 改編荧琼,以適應
long before是指在長時間前面,即不久==soon
before long 是指比長時間還要長=long long ago
? short before是指在知時間之前,即立刻之意命锄。
erase? v.擦,抹去
silly a.無意義的堰乔,無聊的hoax n.騙局,戲弄
foolish 強調(diào)愚蠢的脐恩,笨的镐侯,不明智的
I remonstrated him not to do anything foolish.
Silly 表示無意義的,無聊的驶冒,無知的
Being called silly is not compliment.
Don't play such a silly play.
stupid 強調(diào)人及言行缺乏良好的判斷力苟翻,及一般的智能(主要指天生遲鈍)
His son is as stupid as all.
dull 指理解遲鈍,或健康狀況不佳骗污、工作過度而導致的缺乏敏銳的頭腦
The old man's hearing has become dull.
She is a dull girl.表示人很呆
advance a.n.預先的崇猫,事先獲得的
advance information 預先獲得的信息/ in advance 提前
play a hoax/trick on sb. 戲弄
play a joke on sb. 開玩笑
The boy student is thinking how to play a hoax on his classmate.
deception n.欺騙,指無關緊要的欺騙需忿,有時也指利已的不誠實行為
She referred to the pills as sweet, so the harmless deception made it easy for her child to take them.
deceit 強調(diào)一個人對另一個的故意欺騙
We are incapable of deceit.
fraud 復雜的對于公眾的欺騙行為邓尤,著重指官方的欺騙或財政舞弊
trickery 語氣上比deception嚴厲,著重指有步驟的詭計以追求私利
He had gained control of the company by trickery.
make a telephone call 打一個電話
hardly be necessary 大可不必
pointed out ironically 譏諷地指出
--Erase the idea from your mind!
--He erases the name from the namelist.
cancel? ? 取消
write off? 把……勾銷贴谎,注銷
cross off? 把……劃去
--The word is unnecessary here, so it crossed off.
wipe out 完全擦掉
tint? vt. 弄臟( 通常用被動語態(tài),突出壞因素對人的負面影響 )
engage in不僅開展,而且全身心地投入
be engaged in / be determined on sth / be dedicated to sth / be devoted to sth
wage? v.進行(斗爭)
=begin and continue a struggle
=carry on? 表示開始進行
=undertake to do 著手
air one’s views on sth./sb.對某人某事發(fā)表看法
be attach to 迷上汞扎,不可分割的
persist in 堅持,
long before / short before
keep free from dust
refer to / regard sb. as 把人看成擅这,
She pursues what is fashion in these days.
She was extremely difficult to please.
carry on 展開澈魄,
put sb. in charge of :安排某人負責
I can’t find words to praise your clothes. 好的無以言表
act the role : play the role
be absent from 離開
not only 位于句首,部分倒裝
below, above 用well修飾
bump into; knock oneself into/onto
come to the conclusion
draw a conclusion
arrive at conclusion
reach conclusion
jump to conclusion
have a difficult time dong sth.:have trouble/difficulty in doing sth.
find one’s way
Lavish praises on sb.;大肆吹捧=never grudge doing 從未舍不得
Grudge? vt.舍不得給
Lavish care on sb 過度關心/寵愛
Generous? a.慷慨大方的
Liberal? a.開明的
Prodigal? a.浪費的,揮霍無度的
Wasteful? a.浪費的
(反)thrifty,.economical ,frugal
stimulate 刺激仲翎,激勵? stimulate sb to do sth.
? Your courage stimulated me to do so.
? inspire 激勵(通過言辭)? inspire sb to do
? stir 鼓舞痹扇,鼓動? Who stired you to do it like this? You should look before you leap.
? spur 刺激? His rude remarks spured me.
? encourage? He always encourages me to study hard when I am unwilling to do so.
be littered with 布滿Rough? a崎嶇不平的=no smooth
be pitted with holes 坑坑洼洼
even though :even if
not in the least: not at all /not a bit / not the least bit 一點也不
反:not a little = very much
by no means /in no way /on no account /at no times /under no circumstances 絕不
a mere:: only
It was not (to say)……..
dusty track = dusty road 塵土飛揚的路面
look back 回頭看
we looking back, wondering (從句做伴隨狀況語) if we were leaving a trail of oil an d petrol behind us.
give way to 為……所代替
Be rough on sb對某人苛刻、無禮
Don’t be rough on your friends.
Cut up rough 發(fā)脾氣
We’d better not take the rough road.
Perturb? v.使不安=very upset
Be perturbed about sth
His threats didn’t perturb her in the least.
Disturb 并非用心去擾亂溯香,語氣弱得多
It is disturbing to think that a wild animal is still at large in the quite countryside.
Plague? 病痛或類似事情的折磨而使人苦惱
The terrible disease plagued him.
Trouble? 攪擾別人的安寧鲫构,舒適等
Sorry to give you trouble./sorry to trouble you.
Worry? 表達不安的心情到了憂慮的程度
He is worried about his son’s safety.
Fret? 持續(xù)的憂慮、哀傷或焦急玫坛,表示煩燥的心情
He freted himself all the time for news of her.
Upset 內(nèi)心忐忑不安
I feel upset now because I am afraid I hurt you.
Dismay 使沮喪
Scoop? v.(用勺子)挖出结笨,鏟出
She scooped out some suger.
Make a scoop走運,賺大錢湿镀,搶先得到新聞
That guy made a scoop.
Ominously? adv有預兆地
Ominous? adj
Look at those ominous black clouds.
Omen n./v預示著炕吸,預兆
This is a good/bad omen
The clouds omen rain.
Rip? v.用力地撕開=Tear
Rip the letter open
Rip one’s mask away.
Let things rip:=let things be
Rip into攻擊
Rip off 偷竊
Rip up the back 背后說壞話
Stretch? n.一大片
A stretch of land
A stretch of water
At a stretch連續(xù)地,不停頓地
We worked for hours at a stretch.
We drove fast on a stretch of open field.
He is unable to work for long stretches.他不能連續(xù)地工作勉痴。
A stretch of hills
stretch out伸出;到了極限
He stretched out his hand to get the apple.
There are forests stretching for hundreds of miles.
Transport was rather stretched in the Spring Festival.
Obstacle? n.障礙
Lack of education is an obstacle to success.
Constitute an obstacle to 構(gòu)成……障礙
Remove/overcome an obstacle克服障礙
Put obstacle in sb’s way妨礙某人的發(fā)展
Obstacle to
Key/answer/shred/advantage/disadvantage/admission/damage + to 一起使用
Obstruction 障礙物蒸矛,阻塞通道的東西
There must be an obstruction in the pipe.
Hindrance 阻礙事物發(fā)展的人或物瀑罗,重點在妨礙事物的發(fā)展
You are more of hindrance than help.
Obstacle 阻于途中的物體胸嘴,也指受阻礙的狀況
grind? v.摩擦
Grind wheat into flour
Grind sth to pieces
Grind one’s teeth in anger
Halt? n.(暫時的)停=stop
They halt for a few minutes.
Stop 最普通的用語,可代替cease(formal),halt
Cease 非常正式的用詞斩祭,表示中止
The heart will cease to beat when life ceased.
Pause 暫停
He paused for a breath.
Halt又表示名詞 Come to a halt/stop
special? ? adj. 注重性質(zhì) 特殊
especial? adj.強調(diào)超過其它 全部
“is of”是啥意思劣像?
1、 "(be)+of+名詞"結(jié)構(gòu)中的名詞是抽象名詞時,相當于其中名詞所對應的形容詞的意思,說明被修飾詞具有某種特征或?qū)傩酝7蕖3S玫拿~use/importance/help/value/interest/quality/service/benefit/necessity等。如:I don't want to hear what you are saying. It is of no interest to me. 我不想聽你說,我對此不感興趣蚊伞。(of no interest=not interesting)
Doing morning exercises will be of benefit to your health. 做早操對你的健康有利席赂。
Coal is of great importance to the development of industry. 煤對工業(yè)發(fā)展是相當重要的。(of great importance=very important)
2时迫、"(be)+of +名詞"結(jié)構(gòu)中的名詞表種類颅停、數(shù)量、度量等時,表示不同的人或物的共同特征,此時名詞前通常帶有冠詞掠拳。常用的名詞有size/kind/type/price/height/depth/width/length/weight/age/shape/colour等癞揉。
如:We are of the same age. 我們同歲。
The twin sisters are of a size and the skirt fits each of them exactly. 雙胞胎姐妹的身材一樣,這件裙子兩個人穿都非常合適溺欧。
Machines are of different types and sizes.機器有不同的型號和規(guī)格喊熟。
We are of the same blood. 我們是同一家族壁拉。
as much as
1. 表示具體的數(shù)量,其后通常接有具體數(shù)量柏靶,其意為“……之多”“多達”“整整”弃理,強調(diào)“多”。如:
In fact it cost me as much as 100 dollars. 事實上屎蜓,它整整花了我100美元痘昌。
2. 表示模糊的數(shù)量,其意為“與……一樣多”炬转,有時much后可接被修飾的名詞(不可數(shù))控汉。如:
I ate as much as I could. 我能吃多少就吃了多少。
3. 譯為“盡量”“盡最大努力(可能)”返吻,主要用于as…as possible [one can]姑子。如:
You ought to rest as much as possible. 你應當盡量多休息。
4. 譯為“像……一樣(的程度)”测僵。如:
He doesn't think of you as much as he ought to. 他沒有像本應該的那樣對你好街佑。
5. 譯為“與……一樣多”谢翎。如:
I haven’t as much responsibility as before. 我不再擔負過去那樣多的責任了。
6 譯為“好像”“幾乎”“并不多”“等于”沐旨。如:
That is as much as saying I am a liar. 那無異于說我撒謊森逮。
注:as much as to say [saying] 可視為習語,意為“等于說”磁携。
7. 譯為“既……又”“不僅……而且”褒侧。如:
It is as much our responsibility as yours. 這既是你們的責任,也是我們的責任谊迄。
8. 有時有較靈活的譯法:
His latest play is not so much a farce as a burlesque tragedy. 他最近的一個劇本與其說是一個滑稽劇闷供,不如說是一個滑稽的悲劇。
Do you dine out as much as you did in Paris? 你還像在巴黎那樣常常在外面吃飯嗎?
1. 第二個as有時為關系代詞统诺,用以引導定語從句歪脏。如:
I gave him as much as he could eat. 他能吃多少,我就給了他多少粮呢。
As much as he earned was given to his girlfriend. 他賺的錢都給了他的女朋友婿失。
2. 當連接兩個成分作主語時,其后謂語動詞習慣上要與前面一個成分保持一致啄寡。如:
John, as much as his brothers, was responsible for the loss. 不僅約翰的兄弟要對這損失負責豪硅,而且約翰自己也要對這損失負責。
1.? want
注意:有時中文講的征購也可用want表示由歸入需要之意義,英文未必能區(qū)分 征購侵歇、購骂澄、采購等詞義的區(qū)別,僅用需要wantg一詞概括惕虑。
1. She didn'twantto be like her mother, tied to a feckless man.
2. I didn'twanta repetition of the scene in my office that morning.
3. Reg didn'twantsomeone meddling and queering the deal at the last minute.
4. I couldn'twantyou to get stuck-up and start putting on the guyver.
5. Even self-obsessed pop stars don'twantthe rumour mill to overshadow their music.
2? As much as 的用法
1. 表示具體的數(shù)量御雕,其后通常接有具體數(shù)量,其意為“……之多”“多達”“整整”滥搭,強調(diào)“多”酸纲。如:
In fact it cost me as much as 100 dollars. 事實上,它整整花了我100美元瑟匆。
We walked as much as 50 miles that day. 那天我們整整走了50英里闽坡。
She trained hard for the race, sometimes running as much as 60 miles a week. 為了比賽,他拼命地訓練愁溜,有時一個星期要跑60英里疾嗅。
—Is it hot up there? 那上面熱嗎?
—Of course, as much as 45 degrees. 當然熱冕象,高達45度代承。
The speed can vary by as much as 15per cent. 其速度的差別可高達15%。
注:如上例所示渐扮,as much as 用于表示具體的數(shù)量時次泽,其后接的可能是可數(shù)名詞穿仪,但由于它們意義上仍然為不可數(shù),故用as much as意荤,不用as many as啊片。如100 dollars,盡管其中的dollars為可數(shù)名詞的復數(shù)形式玖像,由于100 dollars仍是一個不可數(shù)的概念紫谷,仍是不可數(shù)的。但是下面這句是錯的:I read as much as 100 articles today. 因為這里的100 articles表示的是可數(shù)概念捐寥,故應改為:I read as many as 100 articles.
2. 表示模糊的數(shù)量笤昨,其意為“與……一樣多”,有時much后可接被修飾的名詞(不可數(shù))握恳。如:
I ate as much as I could. 我能吃多少就吃了多少瞒窒。
I’ll spend as much as necessary. 需要花多少錢,我就花多少錢乡洼。
Give me as much as you gave Jane. 給我的要和你給簡的一樣多崇裁。
I haven’t got as much money as I thought. 我不像原來想象的有那么多錢。
I'm sorry I haven't done as much as I should. 我很抱歉束昵,我做得很不夠拔稳。
Some of the doctors are paid almost twice as much as the nurses. 有些醫(yī)生所獲得的報酬差不多是護士的兩倍。
We can take as much as our buyer can supply. 買主能提供多少我們就能要多少锹雏。
If you charge as much as that, you’ll scare customers off. 如果你要價那么高巴比,你會把顧客嚇跑的。
1. 譯為“盡量”“盡最大努力(可能)”轻绞,主要用于as…as possible [one can]。如:
You ought to rest as much as possible. 你應當盡量多休息佣耐。
I have helped you as much as I can. Now it is up to you.? 我已盡我所能地幫助你了≌現(xiàn)在該看你自己了。
I won’t have a pudding it was as much as I could do to finish the very large first course. 我不要布丁了——我能把第一道大菜吃完就已經(jīng)很不容易了晰赞。
2. 譯為“像……一樣(的程度)”稼病。如:
He doesn't think of you as much as he ought to. 他沒有像本應該的那樣對你好。
We’re in the dark just as much as you are. 我們跟你們一樣被蒙在鼓里掖鱼。
I don’t pretend to know as much as he does about it. 我不敢說我對此事的了解有他那樣多然走。
He doesn't think of you as much as he ought to. 他沒有像本應該的那樣對你好。
I like cats as much as dogs. 我喜歡貓和喜歡狗和程度相同戏挡。(此句可視為 I like cats as much as I like dogs 之省略)
3. 譯為“與……一樣多”芍瑞。如:
I haven’t as much responsibility as before. 我不再擔負過去那樣多的責任了。
4. 譯為“好像”“幾乎”“并不多”“等于”褐墅。如:
That is as much as saying I am a liar. 那無異于說我撒謊拆檬。
He as much as admitted that it was his fault. 他幾乎承認說是他的錯洪己。
You said “all right”, which was as much as to say that you were satisfied. 你當是說“行”,這就等于說你認為滿意竟贯。
注:as much as to say [saying] 可視為習語答捕,意為“等于說”。
5. 譯為“既……又”“不僅……而且”屑那。如:
It is as much our responsibility as yours. 這既是你們的責任拱镐,也是我們的責任。
It is as much your responsibility as mine. 這件事你和我一樣都有責任持际。
He retorted that it was my fault as much as his. 他反駁說那不僅是他的錯沃琅,而且也是我的錯≈┯或:他反駁說我的錯誤并不比他的錯誤小益眉。
I expect to weep as much as (to) laugh. 我簡直又想哭,又想笑姥份。
6. 有時有較靈活的譯法:
His latest play is not so much a farce as a burlesque tragedy. 他最近的一個劇本與其說是一個滑稽劇郭脂,不如說是一個滑稽的悲劇。
Do you dine out as much as you did in Paris? 你還像在巴黎那樣常常在外面吃飯嗎?
Grandma's getting on a bit and doesn't go out as much as she used to. 奶奶年事日高, 不像從前那樣常出門了朱庆。
1. 第二個as有時為關系代詞闷祥,用以引導定語從句。如:
I gave him as much as he could eat. 他能吃多少傲诵,我就給了他多少凯砍。
As much as he earned was given to his girlfriend. 他賺的錢都給了他的女朋友。
2. 當連接兩個成分作主語時拴竹,其后謂語動詞習慣上要與前面一個成分保持一致悟衩。如:
John, as much as his brothers, was responsible for the loss. 不僅約翰的兄弟要對這損失負責,而且約翰自己也要對這損失負責栓拜。
Too .. to 結(jié)構(gòu)中座泳,在too之前出現(xiàn)了all, only, but, not等詞時,to 后的從句就有肯定意義幕与。
--He is but too eager to get home. 他太急于要回家了挑势。
--One is never too old to learn. 活到老學到老。
--I’m all/but too glad to have someone to speak to.
1.be likely to do
2.It is likely that……
--It is likely that he arrives here in time. 他及到達這里是有可能的啦鸣。
1. probable 與likely 意思相通潮饱,但是不能與不定式形式搭配〗敫可以用:It is probable that …
--It is probable that he arrives here in time.
probable 表示的可能性比possible 表示的可能性要大香拉,與likely基本相同啦扬。
2.possible 表示可能發(fā)生或可能不發(fā)生,也可以用句型:It is possible that …
--It is possible/probable that he will speak to you.
--It is possible for us to finish the work in an hour.
“打屁股”別說成“beat one's butt”凫碌,這一表達正宗扑毡!
今天我們分享一個非常有用且地道的表達——打屁股, 這個短語的英文表達不是指“beat one's butt”盛险,其正確的含義是:
dust one's pants 打某人屁股(尤其指對小孩懲罰)
No, I need to go home now because my dad said that he'll dust my pants if I disobey him again.
My dad will dust my pants if he hears about this.
I'm too old for somebody to dust my pants.
Billy's mother said she'd dust Billy's pants if he ever did that again.
“I'll dust your pants if you're late!" said Tom's father.
spank 用手打 (小孩的) 屁股
另外一個表達: tan one's hide 打某人屁股狂丝,其用法和"dust one's pants"一樣。