Add the UI for two factor authentication.
add authentication loginSchema lscheme_dual_factor -authenticationSchema “/nsconfig/loginschema/LoginSchema/DualAuth.xml” add authentication loginSchemaPolicy lpol_dual_factor -rule true -action lscheme_dual_factor
To create passcode validation factor via the policy label
Create a manage OTP flow policy label for the next factor (first factor is LDAP logon)
add authentication loginSchema lschema_noschema -authenticationSchema noschema add authentication policylabel manage_otp_flow_label -loginSchema lschema_noschema
To bind the OTP policy to the policy label
bind authentication policylabel manage_otp_flow_label -policyName auth_pol_otp_validation -priority 10 -gotoPriorityExpression NEXT
To bind the UI flow
Bind the LDAP logon followed by the OTP validation with the authentication virtual server.
bind authentication vserver authvs -policy auth_pol_ldap_logon -priority 10 -nextFactor manage_otp_flow_label -gotoPriorityExpression NEXT bind authentication vserver authvs -policy lpol_dual_factor -priority 30 -gotoPriorityExpression END ```