
The MEASUREMENT table contains records of Measurement, i.e. structured values (numerical or categorical) obtained through systematic and standardized examination or testing of a Person or Person's sample. The MEASUREMENT table contains both orders and results of such Measurements as laboratory tests, vital signs, quantitative findings from pathology reports, etc.

Field Required Type Description
measurement_id Yes integer A unique identifier for each Measurement.
檢驗檢查-標識符 每個檢查檢驗的唯一標識符摹量。
person_id Yes integer A foreign key identifier to the Person about whom the measurement was recorded. The demographic details of that Person are stored in the PERSON table.
居民 - id 外鍵涤伐,記錄被檢驗檢查的居民的標識符。該居民的人口統計學詳細信息存儲在PERSON表中缨称。
measurement_concept_id Yes integer A foreign key to the standard measurement concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies. These belong to the 'Measurement' domain, but could overlap with the 'Observation' domain (see #3 below).
檢驗檢查-概念-id - - 外鍵凝果,標準詞匯表中標準檢驗檢查概念的標識符。屬于“檢驗檢查”域睦尽,但可能與“觀察”域重疊(參閱下面的#3)器净。
measurement_date No date The date of the Measurement.
檢驗檢查-日期 - - 檢驗檢查的日期。
measurement_datetime Yes datetime The date and time of the Measurement. Some database systems don't have a datatype of time. To accommodate all temporal analyses, datatype datetime can be used (combining measurement_date and measurement_time forum discussion)
檢驗檢查-日期時間 - - 檢驗檢查的日期和時間当凡。某些源數據庫的時間不是時間數據類型山害。為了適應所有時間相關的統計分析方法,可以使用數據類型datetime(結合measurement_date和measurement_time 論壇討論
measurement_time No varchar(10) The time of the Measurement. This is present for backwards compatibility and will be deprecated in an upcoming version
檢驗檢查-時間 - - 測量時間宁玫。此前是為了向前兼容而使用粗恢,將在后續(xù)推出的版本中棄用
measurement_type_concept_id Yes integer A foreign key to the predefined Concept in the Standardized Vocabularies reflecting the provenance from where the Measurement record was recorded. These belong to the 'Meas Type' vocabulary
檢驗檢查-類型-概念-id - - 外鍵,標準詞匯表中預定義概念欧瘪,標識記錄檢驗檢查數據源文件眷射。(譯者按:例如紅細胞計數對應的類型就是血常規(guī)),屬于'Meas Type'術語集
operator_concept_id No integer A foreign key identifier to the predefined Concept in the Standardized Vocabularies reflecting the mathematical operator that is applied to the value_as_number. Operators are <, <=, =, >=, > and these concepts belong to the 'Meas Value Operator' domain.
運算符-概念-id - - 外鍵佛掖,標準詞匯表中預定義概念的標識符妖碉,標識應用于value_as_number的數學運算符。運算符包括<芥被,<=欧宜,=,> =拴魄,>冗茸,這些概念屬于“Meas Value Operator”域席镀。
value_as_number No float A Measurement result where the result is expressed as a numeric value.
數據-計作-數值 結果表示為數值的檢驗檢查結果
value_as_concept_id No integer A foreign key to a Measurement result represented as a Concept from the Standardized Vocabularies (e.g., positive/negative, present/absent, low/high, etc.). These belong to the 'Meas Value' domain
數據-計作-概念-id - - 外鍵,結果表示為標準詞匯表中的概念(例如正/負夏漱,存在/不存在豪诲,低/高等)的檢驗檢查結果。這些屬于'Meas Value'域
unit_concept_id No integer A foreign key to a Standard Concept ID of Measurement Units in the Standardized Vocabularies that belong to the 'Unit' domain.
單位-概念-id - - 外鍵挂绰,標準詞匯表中標識度量單位的標準概念ID屎篱,屬于“Unit”域。
range_low No float The lower limit of the normal range of the Measurement result. The lower range is assumed to be of the same unit of measure as the Measurement value.
閾值-低 - - 測量結果的正常范圍的下限葵蒂。閾值下限的單位默認與檢驗檢查的結果值相同交播。
range_high No float The upper limit of the normal range of the Measurement. The upper range is assumed to be of the same unit of measure as the Measurement value.
閾值-高 - - 測量結果的正常范圍的上限。閾值上限的單位默認與檢驗檢查的結果值相同践付。
provider_id No integer A foreign key to the provider in the PROVIDER table who was responsible for initiating or obtaining the measurement.
貢獻者-id - - 外鍵秦士,標識PROVIDER表中的貢獻者,是發(fā)起檢驗檢查的負責人或錄入檢驗檢查數據的人荔仁。
visit_occurrence_id No integer A foreign key to the Visit in the VISIT_OCCURRENCE table during which the Measurement was recorded.
就診-發(fā)生-id - - 外鍵伍宦,標識在VISIT_OCCURRENCE表中的Visit(就診),此表對應的就是該次就診的檢驗檢查結果乏梁。
visit_detail_id No integer A foreign key to the Visit Detail in the VISIT_DETAIL table during which the Measurement was recorded.
就診-詳情-id - - 外鍵,VISIT_DETAIL表中的Visit Detail(就診詳情)关贵,就是在此就診期間記錄了本表中的檢驗檢查結果遇骑。
measurement_source_value No varchar(50) The Measurement name as it appears in the source data. This code is mapped to a Standard Concept in the Standardized Vocabularies and the original code is stored here for reference.
檢驗檢查-源-值 - - 出現在源數據中的檢驗檢查名稱。此代碼要預先映射到標準化詞匯表中的標準概念揖曾,而原始代碼存儲在此處以供參考落萎。
measurement_source_concept_id Yes integer A foreign key to a Concept in the Standard Vocabularies that refers to the code used in the source.
檢驗檢查-源-概念-id - - 外鍵,標準詞匯表中標識源數據中代碼所對應的標準概念炭剪。
unit_source_value No varchar(50) The source code for the unit as it appears in the source data. This code is mapped to a standard unit concept in the Standardized Vocabularies and the original code is stored here for reference.
單位-源-值 - - 源數據中出現的單位代碼练链。此代碼要預先映射到標準化詞匯表中的標準單位概念,而原始代碼存儲在此處以供參考奴拦。
value_source_value No varchar(50) The source value associated with the content of the value_as_number or value_as_concept_id as stored in the source data.
值-源-值 - - 與存儲在源數據中的value_as_number或value_as_concept_id的內容相關聯的源值媒鼓。


No. Convention Description 共識
1 Measurements differ from Observations in that they require a standardized test or some other activity to generate a quantitative or qualitative result. For example, LOINC 1755-8 concept_id 3027035 'Albumin [Mass/time] in 24 hour Urine' is the lab test to measure a certain chemical in a urine sample. 檢驗檢查與觀察的不同之處在于,檢驗檢查需要系統错妖、標準化的檢驗檢查方法或其他一些活動绿鸣,來產生定量或定性結果。例如暂氯,LOINC 術語集的1755-8 concept_id 3027035的' 24小時尿白蛋白[質量/時間] '是測量尿液樣本中某化學物質的實驗室檢查潮模。
2 Even though each Measurement always have a result, the fields VALUE_AS_NUMBER and VALUE_AS_CONCEPT_ID are not mandatory. When the result is not known, the Measurement record represents just the fact that the corresponding Measurement was carried out, which in itself is already useful information for some use cases. 即使一般來說每個檢驗檢查都有結果數據,VALUE_AS_NUMBER和VALUE_AS_CONCEPT_ID字段也不是必需的痴施。當結果是未知的情況下擎厢,檢驗檢查記錄僅表示做過相應檢驗檢查的事實究流,但這本身對某些科研設計來講就是有用的數據。
3 Valid Measurement Concepts (MEASUREMENT_CONCEPT_ID) belong to the 'Measurement' domain, but could overlap with the 'Observation' domain. This is due to the fact that there is a continuum between systematic examination or testing (Measurement) and a simple determination of fact (Observation). When the Measurement Source Value of the code cannot be translated into a standard Measurement Concept ID, a Measurement entry is stored with only the corresponding SOURCE_CONCEPT_ID and MEASUREMENT_SOURCE_VALUE and a MEASUREMENT_CONCEPT_ID of 0. 有效动遭、可用的檢驗檢查概念(MEASUREMENT_CONCEPT_ID)屬于“檢驗檢查”域梯嗽,但可能與“觀察”域重疊。這是因為系統化的檢查或檢驗(測量)與簡單的事實判斷(觀察)之間存在界限的連續(xù)性(模糊性)沽损。當源數據庫的檢驗檢查的值無法轉換為標準測量概念ID時灯节,檢驗檢查僅存儲相應的SOURCE_CONCEPT_ID和MEASUREMENT_SOURCE_VALUE,MEASUREMENT_CONCEPT_ID為0绵估。
4 Measurements are stored as attribute value pairs, with the attribute as the Measurement Concept and the value representing the result. The value can be a Concept (stored in VALUE_AS_CONCEPT), or a numerical value (VALUE_AS_NUMBER) with a Unit (UNIT_CONCEPT_ID). 檢驗檢查值可存儲為屬性+值炎疆,屬性即為Measurement Concept中的概念,值則表示結果国裳。該值可以是存儲在VALUE_AS_CONCEPT中的概念形入,也可以是帶有單位(UNIT_CONCEPT_ID)的數值(VALUE_AS_NUMBER)。
5 Valid Concepts for the VALUE_AS_CONCEPT field belong to the 'Meas Value' domain. VALUE_AS_CONCEPT字段的中使用的概念id中缝左,標為“有效”的亿遂,屬于“Meas Value”域。
6 For some Measurement Concepts, the result is included in the test. For example, ICD10 concept_id 45595451 'Presence of alcohol in blood, level not specified' indicates a Measurement and the result (present). In those situations, the CONCEPT_RELATIONSHIP table in addition to the 'Maps to' record contains a second record with the relationship_id set to 'Maps to value'. In this example, the 'Maps to' relationship directs to 4041715 'Blood ethanol measurement' as well as a 'Maps to value' record to 4181412 'Present'. 對于某些檢驗檢查概念渺杉,結果就直接包含在檢驗檢查中蛇数。例如,ICD10 concept_id 45595451“血液中存在酒精是越,未指定水平”表示檢驗檢查和結果(陽性/存在)耳舅。在這類情況下,CONCEPT_RELATIONSHIP表中除了“映射到”的記錄之外倚评,還包含第二條記錄-“映射到值”(通過relationship_id標識)浦徊。在這個例子中,“映射到”記錄為4041715“血液乙醇測量”以及“映射到值”記錄為4181412“存在”天梧。
7 The OPERATOR_CONCEPT_ID is optionally given for relative Measurements where the precise value is not available but its relation to a certain benchmarking value is. For example, this can be used for minimal detection thresholds of a test. OPERATOR_CONCEPT_ID可選擇性地用于記錄相對測量結果(當其中精確值不可用但與某個基準值的關系已知時)盔性。例如用于表達檢驗檢查的最低檢出閾值。
8 The meaning of Concept 4172703 for '=' is identical to omission of a OPERATOR_CONCEPT_ID value. Since the use of this field is rare, it's important when devising analyses to not to forget testing for the content of this field for values different from =. 概念4172703即'='的存在會導致忽略OPERATOR_CONCEPT_ID的值呢岗。由于這個域的概念用得很少冕香,因此在設計科研方法時不要忘記測試該字段的數據情況,確保有=以外的其他值敷燎,這一點非常重要暂筝。
9 Valid Concepts for the OPERATOR_CONCEPT_ID field belong to the 'Meas Value Operator' domain. OPERATOR_CONCEPT_ID字段的有效概念屬于“Meas Value Operator”域。
10 The Unit is optional even if a VALUE_AS_NUMBER is provided. 即使VALUE_AS_NUMBER有數據硬贯,單位也可以為空焕襟。
11 If reference ranges for upper and lower limit of normal as provided (typically by a laboratory) these are stored in the RANGE_HIGH and RANGE_LOW fields. Ranges have the same unit as the VALUE_AS_NUMBER. 如果有提供的正常值上限和下限的參考范圍(通常由實驗室提供),則這些參考范圍存儲在RANGE_HIGH和RANGE_LOW字段中饭豹。參考范圍與VALUE_AS_NUMBER單位相同鸵赖。
12 The Visit during which the observation was made is recorded through a reference to the VISIT_OCCURRENCE table. This information is not always available. 可以通過參考VISIT_OCCURRENCE表务漩,識別本表記錄的對應就診事件。此信息并非必填它褪。
13 The Provider making the observation is recorded through a reference to the PROVIDER table. This information is not always available. 可以通過參考PROVIDER表饵骨,識別本表記錄的數據采集者。此信息并非始終可用茫打。
14 If there is a negative value coming from the source, set the VALUE_AS_NUMBER to NULL, with the exception of the following Measurements (listed as LOINC codes):1925-7 Base excess in Arterial blood by calculation1927-3 Base excess in Venous blood by calculation8632-2 QRS-Axis11555-0 Base excess in Blood by calculation1926-5 Base excess in Capillary blood by calculation28638-5 Base excess in Arterial cord blood by calculation28639-3 Base excess in Venous cord blood by calculationTHEMIS issue #16 如果有來自源數據的負值居触,則VALUE_AS_NUMBER賦值為NULL,但以下檢驗檢查(列為LOINC代碼)除外:1925-7 Base excess in Arterial blood by calculation1927-3 Base excess in Venous blood by calculation8632-2 QRS-Axis11555-0 Base excess in Blood by calculation1926-5 Base excess in Capillary blood by calculation28638-5 Base excess in Arterial cord blood by calculation28639-3 Base excess in Venous cord blood by calculationTHEMIS issue#16





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