《普林斯頓數(shù)學(xué)指引》讀書筆記——I.3 一些基本的數(shù)學(xué)定義(上)



I.3 Some Fundamental Mathematical Definitions (一些基本的數(shù)學(xué)定義)

1 The Main Number Systems (主要的數(shù)系)

The modern view of numbers is that they are best regarded not individually but as parts of larger wholes, called number systems; the distinguishing features of number systems are the arithmetical operations—such as addition, multiplication, subtraction, division, and extraction of roots—that can be performed on them. This view of numbers is very fruitful and provides a springboard into abstract algebra.



Of course, the phrase “1, 2, 3, 4, and so on” does not constitute a formal definition, but it does suggest the following basic picture of the natural numbers, one that we tend to take for granted. (i) Given any natural number n there is another, n+1, that comes next—known as the successor of n. (ii) A list that starts with 1 and follows each number by its successor will include every natural number exactly once and nothing else. This picture is encapsulated by the Peano Axioms [III.69].

當(dāng)然,“1, 2, 3, 4 ……”這樣的描述坛增,并不算是正式的定義获雕,但它的確提出了下面這個我們視為理所當(dāng)然的對自然數(shù)的描述:

(i) 給定一個自然數(shù)n,后面必然跟著一個自然數(shù)n+1收捣,稱為n的后繼者届案;
(ii) 一個從1開始,且隨后每一個數(shù)是前一個數(shù)的后繼者的數(shù)列罢艾,會正好包含每個自然數(shù)各一次楣颠,且不再包含其他東西。


The set of all integers—positive, negative, and zero— is usually denoted Z (for the German word “Zahlen,” meaning “numbers”). Within this system, subtraction is always possible: that is, if m and n are integers, then so is m - n.


A more theoretical justification for the rational numbers is that they form a number system in which division is always possible——except by zero. This fact, together with some basic properties of the arithmetical operations, means that Q is a field.




Because real numbers are intimately connected with the idea of limits (of successive approximations), a true appreciation of the real number system depends on an understanding of mathematical analysis.


注:中文版將“successive approximations”譯為“逐步逼近”,但其對應(yīng)的數(shù)學(xué)術(shù)語的常見譯法是“逐次逼近”垛吗,其英文解釋“A method for estimating the value of an unknown quantity by repeated comparison to a sequence of known quantities”里的關(guān)鍵詞也是“repeated”而非“gradually”凹髓,因此此處不應(yīng)用“逐步”。

按:這里下一小節(jié)討論了復(fù)數(shù)怯屉,但沒有什么特別的洞見蔚舀,所以沒有摘錄。要真正理解復(fù)數(shù)锨络,需要理解Geometric Algebra赌躺,回頭會單獨整理筆記。

2 Four Important Algebraic Structures (四個重要的代數(shù)結(jié)構(gòu))


If S is any mathematical structure, then a symmetry of S is a function from S to itself that preserves its structure. If S is a geometrical shape, then the mathematical structure that should be preserved is the distance between any two of its points.


It is fruitful to draw an analogy with the geometrical situation and regard any structure-preserving function as a sort of symmetry. Because of its extreme generality, symmetry is an all-pervasive concept within mathematics; and wherever symmetries appear, structures known as groups follow close behind.


Although several number systems form groups, to regard them merely as groups is to ignore a great deal of their algebraic structure. In particular, whereas a group has just one binary operation, the standard number systems have two, namely addition and multiplication (from which further ones, such as subtraction and division, can be derived).


A very general rule when defining mathematical structures is that if a definition splits into parts, then the definition as a whole will not be interesting unless those parts interact. Here our two parts are addition and multiplication, and the properties mentioned so far do not relate them in any way. But one final property, known as the distributive law, does this, and thereby gives fields their special character.


In addition to Q, R, and C, one other field stands out as fundamental, namely Fp, which is the set of integers modulo a prime p, with addition and multiplication also defined modulo p (see Modular Arithmetic [III.60]).


There is an important process of extension that allows one to build new fields out of old ones. The idea is to start with a field F, find a polynomial P that has no roots in F, and “adjoin” a new element to F with the stipulation that it is a root of P. This produces an extended field F, which consists of everything that one can produce from this root and from elements of F using addition and multiplication.



A second very significant justification for introducing fields is that they can be used to form vector spaces.


A vector space is a mathematical structure in which the notion of linear combination makes sense.


There is one final remark to make about scalars. They were defined earlier as real numbers that one uses to make linear combinations of vectors. But it turns out that the calculations one does with scalars, in particular solving simultaneous equations, can all be done in a more general context. What matters is that they should belong to a field, so Q, R, and C can all be used as systems of scalars, as indeed can more general fields. If the scalars for a vector space V come from a field F, then one says that V is a vector space over F. This generalization is important and useful: see, for example, Algebraic Numbers [IV.3 §17].


Roughly speaking, a ring is an algebraic structure that has most, but not necessarily all, of the properties of a field. In particular, the requirements of the multiplicative operation are less strict. The most important relaxation is that nonzero elements of a ring are not required to have multiplicative inverses; but sometimes multiplication is not even required to be commutative.


3 Creating New Structures Out of Old Ones (從老結(jié)構(gòu)中創(chuàng)造出新結(jié)構(gòu))

Examples make it much easier to answer basic questions. If you have a general statement about structures of a given type and want to know whether it is true, then it is very helpful if you can test it in a wide range of particular cases. If it passes all the tests, then you have some evidence in favor of the statement. If you are lucky, you may even be able to see why it is true; alternatively, you may find that the statement is true for each example you try, but always for reasons that depend on particular features of the example you are examining. Then you will know that you should try to avoid these features if you want to find a counterexample. If you do find a counterexample, then the general statement is false, but it may still happen that a modification to the statement is true and useful. In that case, the counterexample will help you to find an appropriate modification.


Even though Q(i) is contained in C, it is a more interesting field in some important ways. But how can this be? Surely, one might think, an object cannot become more interesting when most of it is taken away. But a moment’s further thought shows that it certainly can: for example, the set of all prime numbers contains fascinating mysteries of a kind that one does not expect to encounter in the set of all positive integers.

......and in many other fields of a similar kind, we can ask which polynomial equations have solutions. This turns out to be a deep and important question that simply does not arise in the larger field C.

雖然 Q(i)包含在C中,但它在某些很重要的角度上是一個更有意思的域砚蓬。為什么會這樣子呢矢门?人們肯定以為如果把一個對象的絕大部分都拿走了,它不可能變得更有意思灰蛙。然而進一步想象一下祟剔,就會發(fā)現(xiàn)這確實是可能的:例如所有素數(shù)的集合會擁有某種特別迷人的、而不可能為所有正整數(shù)的集合所具備的特性摩梧。


We will now convert Q[x] into a field in what may at first seem a rather strange way: by regarding the polynomial

as “equivalent” to the zero polynomial. To put this another way, whenever a polynomial involves x^3 we will allow ourselves to replace x^3 by x+1, and we will regard the new polynomial that results as equivalent to the old one.



All polynomials that are not equivalent to zero (that is, are not multiples of x^3?x?1) have multiplicative inverses in this generalized sense.


We simply decide that when two polynomials are equivalent, we will regard them as equal, and we denote the resulting mathematical structure by Q[x]/(x^3 - x - 1). This structure turns out to be a field, and it turns out to be important as the smallest field that contains Q and also has a root of the polynomial x^3 - x - 1.

我們只是簡單地規(guī)定將兩個等價的多項式視為相等伐弹,并把得到的數(shù)學(xué)結(jié)構(gòu)記為Q[x]/(x^3 - x - 1),這個結(jié)構(gòu)結(jié)果被證明是一個域榨为,而且還是個重要的域惨好,因為它是包含Q且擁有多項式x^3 - x - 1的根的最小的域。

We define two expressions ab and cd to be equivalent if ad = bc and we regard equivalent expressions as denoting the same number. Notice that the expressions can be genuinely different, but we think of them as denoting the same object. If we do this, then we must be careful whenever we define functions and binary operations.

……In general, it is essential to check that if you put equivalent objects in then you get equivalent objects out.


我們定義只要ad = bc那么abcd 這兩個表達式就等價日川,并且我們將等價的表達式看作在標(biāo)記同一個數(shù)。注意這些表達式可能的確不一樣矩乐,但我們將其視為對同一個對象的標(biāo)記龄句。如果我們這樣做,在我們定義函數(shù)和二元運算的時候就要十分小心。


Why is the word “quotient” used? Well, a quotient is normally what you get when you divide one number by another, so to understand the analogy let us think about dividing 21 by 3. We can think of this as dividing up twenty-one objects into sets of three objects each and asking how many sets we get.


...then we find that this cylinder is itself “folded around” so that if you go “upwards” by a distance of 1 then you get back to where you started. But that is what a torus is: a cylinder that is folded back into itself. (This is not the only way of defining a torus,however. For example, it can be defined as the product of two circles.)

按:上文將R^2平面上的點(x, y)和(x+1,y)定義成等價并看成相同宾袜,就會得到柱面(cylinder )捻艳,然后又進一步將(x, y)和(x, y+1)定義成等價并看成相同,就會得到環(huán)面(torus)庆猫。


Many other important objects in modern geometry are defined using quotients. It often happens that the object one starts with is extremely big, but that at the same time the equivalence relation is very generous, in the sense that it is easy for one object to be equivalent to another. In that case the number of “genuinely distinct” objects can be quite small.


One often starts with a hopelessly large and complicated structure but “divides out most of the mess” and ends up with a quotient object that has a structure that is simple enough to be manageable while still conveying important information. Good examples of this are the Fundamental Group [IV.10 §3] and the Homology and Cohomology Groups [IV.10 §2] of a topological space; an even better example is the notion of a Moduli Space [IV.8].

通常是從一個大的令人絕望而又極為復(fù)雜的對象出發(fā),但將絕大部份的亂七八糟的部分都分出來除掉了(divides out)举娩,結(jié)果得到的商結(jié)構(gòu)足夠簡單析校,而且能夠處理构罗,與此同時,依舊能傳遞重要的信息智玻。基本群遂唧、拓?fù)淇臻g的同調(diào)群上同調(diào)群都是好例子,牡跎荩空間甚至是一個更好的例子盖彭。

4 Functions between Algebraic Structures (代數(shù)結(jié)構(gòu)之間的函數(shù))

A function that preserves structure is generally known as a homomorphism.


An isomorphism between two structures X and Y is a homomorphism f : X → Y that has an inverse g : Y → X that is also a homomorphism.

兩個結(jié)構(gòu)之間的同構(gòu)(isomorphism )就是這樣的一種同態(tài):同態(tài)f : X → Y的逆g : Y → X也是一個同態(tài)页滚。

An isomorphism is a homomorphism that is also a Bijection [I.2 §2.2].That is, f is a one-to-one correspondence between X and Y that preserves structure.


雖然很基礎(chǔ),但還是將[I.2 §2.2]中涉及雙射的段落摘錄如下:

If we want to undo the effect of a function f : A → B, then we can, as long as we avoid the problem that occurred with the approximating function discussed earlier. That is, we can do it if f(x) and f(x') are different whenever x and x' are different elements of A. If this condition holds, then f is called an injection. On the other hand, if we want to find a function g that is undone by f , then we can do so as long as we avoid the problem of the integer-doubling function. That is, we can do it if every element y of B is equal to f(x) for some element x of A (so that we have the option of setting g(y) = x). If this condition holds, then f is called a surjection. If f is both an injection and a surjection, then f is called a bijection. Bijections are precisely the functions that have inverses.

對于一個函數(shù)f : A → B幻林,如果只要當(dāng) f(x)和f(x')不同的時候贞盯,x和x'總不相同,我們就總是可以消除函數(shù)的效果(使f(x)變回x)沪饺,這時躏敢,f被稱之為一個單射(injection)。





評:滿射解決的是“有”的問題,單射解決的是“只有”的問題芋齿,所以雙射就是“有且只有”腥寇,所以B中每個元素都能找到映射的來源,而且來源還唯一觅捆,這時映射的這個唯一來源赦役,就是逆。所以“雙射”里的“雙”字更多是“成雙成對”的意思栅炒,更好的譯法或許是“對射”掂摔。費了這些口舌术羔,就是想解釋清楚這些譯法都是什么意思,當(dāng)年學(xué)的時候乙漓,挺煩這些不好記的中文譯名的级历。英文術(shù)語里,in-前綴代表“進入叭披、里內(nèi)”寥殖,sur-前綴代表“在…..之上” ,其實也不是太好理解涩蜘。

In general, if there is an isomorphism between two algebraic structures X and Y, then X and Y are said to be isomorphic (coming from the Greek words for “same” and “shape”). Loosely, the word “isomorphic” means “the same in all essential respects,” where what counts as essential is precisely the algebraic structure. What is absolutely not essential is the nature of the objects that have the structure.


An automorphism of X is a function from X to itself that preserves the structure (which now comes in the form of statements like ab = c). The composition of two automorphisms is clearly a third, and as a result the automorphisms of a structure X form a group. Although the individual automorphisms may not be of much interest, the group certainly is, as it often encapsulates what one really wants to know about a structure X that is too complicated to analyze directly.


So f takes every rational number to itself. What can we say about f(√ 2)? Well, f(√ 2)f (√ 2) = f(√ 2 · √ 2) = f(2) = 2, but this implies only that f(√ 2) is √ 2 or ? √ 2. It turns out that both choices are possible: one automorphism is the “trivial” one f(a + b √ 2) = a + b √ 2 and the other is the more interesting one f(a + b √ 2) = a ? b √ 2. This observation demonstrates that there is no algebraic difference between the two square roots.

f把每一個有理數(shù)都變成自身打瘪,那f(√ 2)會是多少呢友鼻?從 f(√ 2)f (√ 2) = f(√ 2 · √ 2) = f(2) = 2可知f(√ 2)是√ 2或? √ 2。究竟是哪一個闺骚?其實彩扔,兩種選擇都是可能的:一個自同構(gòu)是平凡的:f(a + b √ 2) = a + b √ 2;另外一個更為有趣:f(a + b √ 2) = a ? b √ 2僻爽。這個觀察說明了虫碉,兩個平方根并沒有代數(shù)上的區(qū)別。

The automorphism groups associated with certain field extensions are called Galois Groups [III.30], and are a vital component of the proof of the insolubility of the quintic [V.24], as well as of large parts of algebraic number theory (see Algebraic Numbers [IV.3]).



Let V be another vector space of functions, and let u be a function of two variables. (The functions involved have to have certain properties for the definition to work, but let us ignore the technicalities.) Then we can define a linear map T on the space V by the formula

Definitions like this one can be hard to take in, because they involve holding in one’s mind three different levels of complexity. At the bottom we have real numbers, denoted by x and y. In the middle are functions like f , u, and Tf, which turn real numbers (or pairs of them) into real numbers. At the top is another function, T, but the “objects” that it transforms are themselves functions: it turns a function like f into a different function Tf. This is just one example where it is important to think of a function as a single, elementary “thing” rather than as a process of transformation. (See the discussion of functions in the language and grammar of mathematics [I.2 §2.2].)
Another remark that may help to clarify the definition is that there is a very close analogy between the role of the two-variable function u(x,y) and the role of a matrix aij (which can itself be thought of as a function of the two integer variables i and j). Functions like u are sometimes called kernels.
For more about linear maps between infinite-dimensional spaces, see Operator Algebras [IV.19] and Linear Operators [III.52].



像這樣的定義可能難以接受,因為它們涉及到三個層次的復(fù)雜性踱稍。在底層有兩個實數(shù)曲饱,可以表示為x和y。中間一層有一些函數(shù)珠月,如f扩淀、u和Tf,它們都是將實數(shù)(或?qū)崝?shù)對)映射為實數(shù)啤挎。最頂層是另外一個函數(shù)T驻谆,但它所轉(zhuǎn)換映射的對象本身就是函數(shù):它將一個函數(shù)f變成另外一個函數(shù)Tf。這個例子說明了如下思維方式的重要性:將函數(shù)看作單一和基礎(chǔ)的東西而非一個轉(zhuǎn)換的過程庆聘。(參見[I.2 §2.2]中對此的討論)另外一個有助于理清這個定義的點是:二元函數(shù)u(x,y)的角色與矩陣a_ij極其類似胜臊。(矩陣a_ij自己也可以被看作兩個整數(shù)變量i和j的函數(shù))


In many cases the eigenvectors and eigenvalues associated with a linear map contain all the information one needs about the map, and in a very convenient form. Another answer is that linear maps occur in many different contexts, and questions that arise in those contexts often turn out to be questions about eigenvectors and eigenvalues


function [III.25] e^x: that its derivative is the same function. In other words, if f(x) = e^x, then f '(x) = f(x). Now differentiation, as we saw earlier, can be thought of as a linear map, and if f '(x) = f(x) then this map leaves the function f unchanged, which says that f is an eigenvector with eigenvalue 1. More generally, if g(x) = e^(λx), then g'(x) = λ e^(λx) = λg(x), so g is an eigenvector of the differentiation map, with eigenvalue λ. Many linear differential equations can be thought of as asking for eigenvectors of linear maps defined using differentiation.

指數(shù)函數(shù) e^x 的導(dǎo)數(shù)是其自身酱塔。換句話說,如果f(x)=e^x危虱,那么f'(x)=f(x)羊娃。這樣微分運算就可以被看作一種線性映射。如果f '(x) = f(x)埃跷,那么這個映射使函數(shù)f保持不變蕊玷,這說明f是一個具備本征值1的本征向量邮利。更一般的,如果g(x) = e^(λx)垃帅,那么g'(x) = λ e^(λx) = λg(x)延届,這樣g就是微分映射的一個本征向量,其本征值為λ贸诚。許多線性微分方程可以被視為在求用微分運算定義的線性映射的本征向量方庭。

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    沈念sama閱讀 35,411評論 5 343
  • 正文 年R本政府宣布,位于F島的核電站浪漠,受9級特大地震影響陕习,放射性物質(zhì)發(fā)生泄漏。R本人自食惡果不足惜址愿,卻給世界環(huán)境...
    茶點故事閱讀 41,004評論 3 325
  • 文/蒙蒙 一该镣、第九天 我趴在偏房一處隱蔽的房頂上張望。 院中可真熱鬧响谓,春花似錦损合、人聲如沸。這莊子的主人今日做“春日...
    開封第一講書人閱讀 31,659評論 0 22
  • 文/蒼蘭香墨 我抬頭看了看天上的太陽。三九已至失驶,卻和暖如春,著一層夾襖步出監(jiān)牢的瞬間枣购,已是汗流浹背嬉探。 一陣腳步聲響...
    開封第一講書人閱讀 32,812評論 1 268
  • 我被黑心中介騙來泰國打工擦耀, 沒想到剛下飛機就差點兒被人妖公主榨干…… 1. 我叫王不留,地道東北人涩堤。 一個月前我還...
    沈念sama閱讀 47,693評論 2 368
  • 正文 我出身青樓眷蜓,卻偏偏與公主長得像,于是被迫代替她去往敵國和親胎围。 傳聞我的和親對象是個殘疾皇子吁系,可洞房花燭夜當(dāng)晚...
    茶點故事閱讀 44,577評論 2 353
