【學習筆記】懂你英語 商務英語 Level 5 Unit 1 Part 5(IV)詞匯 Negotiating Styles
Because people have different negotiating styles, it can be hard to predict how the other party will act in a negotiation. 由于人們有不同的談判風格,因此很難預測對方將如何在談判中采取行動踪宠。
Knowing different negotiation styles will prepare you to negotiate successfully. 了解不同的談判風格將使您準備好成功進行談判姊氓。
Avoiding? 避免
Negotiators who have an avoiding style are often cautious and try to avoid conflict. 避免風險風格的談判者通常都很謹慎,并試圖避免沖突翔悠。
They don't immediately pursue their own interests and let their counterpart control the negotiation. 【填空】 他們不會立即追求自己的利益洋幻,而是讓對方控制談判憎乙。
Accommodating 寬松,隨和
Accommodating negotiators focus on building and maintaining relationships with their counterparts.? 隨和的談判者專注于建立和維持與對手的關系奈嘿。
Rather than pursuing their own interests, they are concerned with how to satisfy the needs of the other party.? 【選擇】??他們關心的是如何滿足對方的需求,而不是追求自己的利益吞加。
【填空】An avoiding style works well when the negotiation is not important or when more Information is needed.? 當談判不重要或需要更多信息時裙犹,避免風格很有效。
【填空】An accommodating style works well when the relationship with the other side is more significant than the negotiation.? ??當與對方的關系比談判更重要時衔憨,通融的風格很管用叶圃。
【填空】If one side is too accommodating, they may concede more than they need to. 如果一方過于通融,他們可能會做出超出需要的讓步践图。
【選擇】-What best describes a negotiator with an avoiding style? -Negotiators with an avoiding style don't immediately pursue their own interests.? 具有避免風格的談判者不會立即追求自己的利益掺冠。
【跟讀】Negotiators with an avoiding style don't immediately pursue their own interests. 避免風格的談判者不會立即追求自己的利益。
【跟讀】Negotiators who have an avoiding style are often cautious and try to avoid conflict.
【朗讀】Accommodating negotiators focuses on building and maintaining relationships with their counterpart.
Compromising 妥協(xié)
Compromising negotiators look for the middle ground. 【跟讀】妥協(xié)的談判者尋找中間地帶码党。
They will often make concessions in order to satisfy both parties basic needs.? 他們經(jīng)常做出讓步德崭,以滿足雙方的基本需求。
Collaborative 協(xié)作
Collaborative negotiators try to understand and cooperate with their counterparts. 協(xié)作談判者試圖理解并與他們的同行合作闽瓢。
They focus on solutions that satisfy the needs of both parties as much as possible. 他們專注于盡可能滿足雙方需求的解決方案接癌。
Competitive? 競爭的
Competitive negotiators are aggressive.? ?競爭性談判者好斗。
They focus on their own needs rather than maintaining a relationship with the other party. 他們專注于自己的需求扣讼,而不是維持與對方的關系缺猛。
Negotiating in a competitive way can lead to a fast agreement, but it can also lead to a fast deadlock.??以一種競爭性的方式進行談判可以很快達成協(xié)議,但也可能很快陷入僵局椭符。
【選擇】If you always use a compromising style, ... the other side may think you are weak.
【選擇】-When might collaboration not work well?? ?-when the other side isn't interested in a win-win situation.
【選擇】-What do competitive negotiators focus on?? ?-their own needs
【選擇】-What do compromise negotiators tend to do?? ? -Pursue their own interests immediately set a high ankle point?settle for less than they want.
【選擇】-Which type of negotiators try to satisfy both parties as much as possible?? -Collaborative negotiators focus on solutions that satisfy the needs of both parties.?談判者的清晰度集中在滿足雙方需求的解決方案上荔燎。
【選擇】-Which negotiating style focuses on building relationships with the other side? -Accommodating negotiators focus on building and maintaining relationships with their counterparts.?適應談判者的重點是建立和維持與對方的關系销钝。
【選擇】-Which kind of negotiators are aggressive?? ?-Competitive.
【選擇】-Which kind of negotiators try to avoid conflict?? ?-Avoiding.
【填空】We don't mind compromising and settling for less as long as the relationship remains strong.??只要關系牢固有咨,我們不介意妥協(xié)和解決。
【填空】A collaborative style can be mutually beneficial because negotiators look for a win-win situation.
【填空】Collaborative negotiators focus on solutions that satisfy the needs of both parties.?協(xié)作談判代表人員蒸健,滿足雙方需求的解決方案座享。
【填空】Collaborative negotiators think of solutions that can satisfy the needs of both parties as much as possible.
【填空】They focus on their own needs rather than maintain a relationship with the other party.?他們可能專注于自己的需求,而不是與對方保持關系似忧。
【填空】I didn't like how aggressive he was when he kept trying to push me beyond my bottom line.??我不喜歡他那么咄咄逼人渣叛,他總是試圖把我逼到底線之外。