GWAS表型的標準化方法一般有Quantile normalization、Inverse rank normalization、Z-score normalization等蝎抽。
一、Quantile normalization
1. Genome-wide association studies of brain imaging phenotypes in UK Biobank[J]. Nature, 2018, 562(7726): 210-216.
To ameliorate this, we quantile-normalized each of the image-derived phenotypes (IDPs) before association testing. This transformation also helped to avoid undue influence of outlier values.
2. A multiple-phenotype imputation method for genetic studies[J]. Nature genetics, 2016, 48(4): 466-472.
Traits were mean and variance standardized and quantile normalized before analysis.
3. Components of genetic associations across 2,138 phenotypes in the UK Biobank highlight adipocyte biology[J]. Nature communications, 2019, 10(1): 4064.
We applied quantile normalization for phenotype (--pheno-quantile-normalize option), where we fit a linear model with covariates and transform the phenotypes to normal distribution N(0,1).
二圃阳、Inverse rank normalization
Association analyses of 249,796 individuals reveal 18 new loci associated with body mass index[J]. Nature genetics, 2010, 42(11): 937-948.
BMI was adjusted for age, age2 and other appropriate covariates (for example, principal components) and inverse normally transformed to a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1.
三恤左、Z-score normalization
該方法是通過計算每個樣本的Z-score來標準化所有樣本中觀察到的表型值。Z-score 測量了一個特定樣本的表型與所有樣本的均值表型值相差多少個標準差搀绣。這種方法允許比較不同單位或量表的表型飞袋。
A genome-wide association study in 19 633 Japanese subjects identified LHX3-QSOX2 and IGF1 as adult height loci[J]. Human molecular genetics, 2010, 19(11): 2303-2312.
The scores were then normalized as Z scores. The effects of the Z scores on height were evaluated using the multivariate linear regression model incorporating height as a dependent variable and the Z scores, gender and age as the independent variables, using R statistical software. Differences in height between the subjects with low Z scores (less than or equal to ?2) and high Z scores (≥2) were obtained by comparing the means of the non-adjusted height between subject groups.
Quantile normalization 適用于偏態(tài)分布或異常值較多的情況, Inverse rank normalization 在樣本量較小時具有更高的準確性豌熄,Z-score 適用于具有不同單位或量表的表型授嘀,允許比較不同單位或量表的表型。
從我查閱的文獻來看锣险,在GWAS中蹄皱,使用Quantile normalization進行連續(xù)型表型標準化的比較多。