1.One little finger?
One little finger??One little finger? ?One little finger 咒吐,? ? ? ? ? ?Tap tap tap!??
Point your finger up!? ?Point your finger down!? ? ? ? ? ?Put it on your head.? ?Head!
One little finger??One little finger? ?One little finger? ? ? ? ? ? ?Tap tap tap!? ??
?Point your finger up!? ?Point your finger down!? ? ? ? ?Put it on your nose.??Nose!?
One little finger??One little finger? ?One little finger? ? ? ? ? ? ?Tap tap tap!? ?
Point your finger up!? ?Point your finger down!? ? ? ? ?Put it on your?Chin!??Chin!?
One little finger??One little finger? ?One little finger? ? ? ? ? ? ?Tap tap tap!
Point your finger up!? ?Point your finger down!? ? ??Put it on your arm.?arm
One little finger??One little finger? ?One little finger? ? ? ? ? ? ?Tap tap tap!
Point your finger up!? ?Point your finger down!? ?Put it on yourLeg!??Leg!
One little finger??One little finger? ?One little finger? ? ? ? ? ? ?Tap tap tap!
Point your finger up!? ?Point your finger down!? ?Put it on your foot.?foot
One little finger??One little finger? ?One little finger? ? ? ? ? ? ?Tap tap tap!
Point your finger up!? ?Point your finger down!?
Put it on your foot.?foot? ???Put it on yourLeg!??Leg!?Put it on your arm.?arm
Put it on your?Chin!??Chin!???Put it on your nose.??Nose!?Put it on your head.? ?Head!
Now let's wave good-bye.
2.可以提煉的單詞:小年齡段:finger? tap 恬叹,head? ?nose 大年齡段: head? ?nose? ?head? arm? chin? leg? foot 绽昼,句型put? it? on??
3.以5-8歲兒童為例硅确,閃卡單詞? head? nose? ?arm? chin? leg? foot? 明肮,句型 put? it? on
a 首先讓孩子們跟著童謠一起加入TPR
5.one little finger
head shoulder knees and toes
twinkle twinkle little star
rain rain go away
hello? song?
the wheels? on the? bus
finger family
Yes褥芒, I? can