According to the myth, on the very first day when he was born, Hermes stole some cattle(牛) from his half-brother Apollo, but the theft had been witnessed by an old shepherd(牧羊人).
Frightened at being discovered, Hermes bribed him with the finest cow in the herd not to betray him, and the old man agreed.
But out of distrust and uncertainty, Hermes pretended to go away first and then returned to test the confidence of shepherd in the disguise of Admetus, the owner of the cattle. He promised to offer Battus two of his best oxen if he would disclose the author of the theft.
The ruse(計策) succeeded, for the old man could not resist the tempting bait and gave the desired information. As a punishment for the treachery, Hermes changed him into a lump(塊) of touchstone with his divine power.
Touchstone literally means a stone used to test the fineness of gold alloys, but now metaphorically(隱喻地) it often refers to a standard or criterion by which the validity(正確性) or merit(價值)of something is judged or recognized.