比如文本中的social是新詞,不再單獨講解詞的漢語意思宾舅,而是通過用英語解釋英語的辦法统阿,把單詞放在語境中學習彩倚。social---beof society,?? natural ---be of natural ,supply---offer.
根據(jù)對文章核心內(nèi)容的概括判斷主題 ,瀏覽一些與主題句相關的信息詞和文中插圖等等扶平,讓學生快速閱讀文本帆离,并給本文確定一定標題:Population of China
需要學生能夠根據(jù)閱讀的目的分配注意力,將注意力集中在要獲取的相關信息上麻献,忽略與閱讀任務不相關的信息们妥。用目光掃錄全文,快速尋讀要找的信息赎瑰,如日期王悍、數(shù)字、地點餐曼、時間等等压储。 完成課本1c 的表格。
??在學完本課以后,我們可以問學生:What do you think of China’s population?
?Why do you think the population of China islarger /smaller than other countries?
??? 另外我也收集網(wǎng)上的新資源和材料痘绎,生成文本,以讀促思肖粮。
China, with about 1.4
billion people in 2019, and India, with about 1.3 billion, have long been the
two most populous (人口多的)
countries of the world. They are followed by the United States (329 million)
and Indonesia (271 million). However, this may change in the near future. According
to (根據(jù)) a report
by the United Nations, the world’s
population will increase from 7.7 billion in 2019 to 9.7 billion in 2050. And
more than half of the increase will happen in just nine countries, led by
India. The report says India will add about 273 million people between 2019 and
2050. Its population will be larger than that of China by 2027. Nigeria will be
the third most populous country by 2050 (400 million), passing the United
States. And Pakistan will be the world’s fifth largest country in population. It
added that the population of 55 countries or areas will decrease (減少) by at least 1% between
2019 and 2050. For example, the population of China is about to decrease by
31.4 million. To solve the possible problems caused by the decrease, China has
carried out the two-child policy to encourage(鼓勵)young parents to have more children.
1.What can you learn fromthis passage?
2.As we all know ,China hascarried out the two-child policy since January 1st, 2026, 3.why hasChina carried out the two-child policy?
4.Do you have a brother orsister? What do you think of the two-child policy?
?What doparents think of the two-child policy?通過以讀促練噩凹,以讀促思奋救,讓學生在練習中做更多的思考冗荸。這也是一種傾聽隘梨,站在多角度去看問題嵌莉。
allows (允許)every family to have two children now. 1 The topic is widely discussedby most of the families in China. Wang Li and her husband (丈夫) from Hefei are pleased tohear the news.2 They’ve
already had a six-year-old daughter. “Ihave a brother and my husband has two sisters, but we only have one child.3 Sheis looking forward to having a brother or a sister,” says Wang Li. However, LiJie, 33 years old, who lives in Shanghai, says, “4 However, we have togive up the plan because of reality.” Li Jie and his wife(妻子) have already had atwo-year-old son. They also bought a flat in Shanghai, and borrowed 800,000yuan from the bank.
?Li Jie’sparents living in the countryside are in poor health. 5 What’s more, they believe thathaving a second child will make their living standards lower than before.
A. My daughter is lonely.
B. We do like a second baby.
C. They always hope to havea second child.
D. So nobody can help themlook after their baby.
E. Some families would liketo have a second baby, but others wouldn’t.
1.______? 2.________ 3._________ 4.________ 5._________