1丘侠、腳趾抬起來? Lift your toes
2、腳後跟往下踩? Press the heels down
3攒磨、腳趾張開? Spread your toes
4泳桦、雙腳併攏? Place your feet together
5、雙腳打開? Separate the feet
6娩缰、抓住大腳趾? Hold your big toes
7灸撰、抓住右腳大腳趾? Grab your right big toe
8、雙腳轉(zhuǎn)至平行? Bring the feet parallel
9拼坎、左腳跟外緣? Outer edge of your left heel
10浮毯、雙腳向下扎根? Feet are firmly rooted into the ground
11、雙腳跳到兩手中間? Jump forward and bring your feet between your hands
12泰鸡、調(diào)整雙腳? Adjust your feet
13亲轨、右腳內(nèi)側(cè)有力踩實(shí)? Keep the inner edge of your right foot grounded
1、屈膝? Bend your knees
2鸟顺、雙腿保持有力? Keep your legs strong
3惦蚊、雙腿緊實(shí)有力? The legs are firm
4、左腳收回? Take the left leg back
5讯嫂、站立起身? Come up to standing
6蹦锋、站直站高? Stand straight and tall
7、來到坐姿? Come to a seated position
8欧芽、腿盡量往上抬? Bring the leg as high as possible
9莉掂、雙腿交叉? Cross the legs
10、膝蓋骨往上提? Kneecaps come up
以髖關(guān)節(jié)為折點(diǎn)前屈? Fold forward from the hips
拉長(zhǎng)脊椎? Lengthen the spine
1千扔、肚臍收向脊椎? Draw your navel towards the spine
2憎妙、下腹保持內(nèi)收? Keep the lower abdomen hold in
3、啓動(dòng)班達(dá)(收束)Activate your bandhas
4曲楚、從下腹開始扭轉(zhuǎn)? Spin from the lower belly
1厘唾、打開心胸? Open your heart
2、感覺到胸腔在往上提? Feel the chest is lifted
1龙誊、頸部拉長(zhǎng)? Lengthen the neck
2抚垃、肩頸放鬆? Relax your shoulders and neck
3、雙肩展開? Shoulders are wide
4、雙肩展開? Widen the shoulders
5鹤树、雙肩下沈? Drop the shoulders
1铣焊、手臂上舉? Raise your arms
2、壓實(shí)(地面)? Pressing down firmly
3罕伯、雙手(合十)在胸前? Hands in front of the heart
4曲伊、手掌心壓地? Place the palms on the floor
5、右手肘抵在右膝上? Place your right elbow on your right knee
6追他、屈手肘? Bending at the elbows
7坟募、手指交扣? Interlock your fingers
8、手肘朝向天花板? Elbows towards the ceiling
9湿酸、食指根部往下壓? Ground the root of the index fingers
10婿屹、雙手背後合十? Put your palms together behind your back
1灭美、頭垂向地面? Lower the head towards the floor
2推溃、下巴靠近小腿脛骨? Reaching the chin towards the shin
3、下巴靠近右膝? Bring your chin to your right knee
4届腐、頭頂朝下? Point the crown of head down
5铁坎、看鼻尖? Look to the tip of your nose
6、看向天花板? Look up to the ceiling
1犁苏、保持均勻的呼吸? Keeping the breath even
2硬萍、呼吸流暢? Breathe smoothly
3、深呼吸一次? Take a deep breath
4围详、通過呼吸去調(diào)整體式? Tune the posture with the breath