

  • 獨(dú)立組裝(de novo)逝薪;
  • 基于參考基因組的組裝(reference-guided),即基于近緣或同一物種的基因組染色體同源性進(jìn)行組裝苍息。








conda install -c bioconda ragtag




usage: ragtag.py correct <reference.fa> <query.fa>

Homology-based assembly correction: Correct sequences in 'query.fa' by comparing them to sequences in 'reference.fa'>

positional arguments:
  <reference.fa>        reference fasta file (uncompressed or bgzipped)
  <query.fa>            query fasta file (uncompressed or bgzipped)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

correction options:
  -f INT                minimum unique alignment length [1000]
  --remove-small        remove unique alignments shorter than -f
  -q INT                minimum mapq (NA for Nucmer alignments) [10]
  -d INT                maximum alignment merge distance [100000]
  -b INT                minimum break distance from contig ends [5000]
  -e <exclude.txt>      list of reference headers to ignore [null]
  -j <skip.txt>         list of query headers to leave uncorrected [null]
  --inter               only break misassemblies between reference sequences
  --intra               only break misassemblies within reference sequences
  --gff <features.gff>  don't break sequences within gff intervals [null]

input/output options:
  -o PATH               output directory [./ragtag_output]
  -w                    overwrite intermediate files
  -u                    add suffix to unaltered sequence headers

mapping options:
  -t INT                number of minimap2/unimap threads [1]
  --aligner PATH        whole genome aligner executable ('nucmer', 'unimap' or 'minimap2') [minimap2]
  --mm2-params STR      space delimited minimap2 whole genome alignment parameters ['-x asm5']
  --unimap-params STR   space delimited unimap parameters ['-x asm5']
  --nucmer-params STR   space delimted nucmer whole genome alignment parameters ['--maxmatch -l 100 -c 500']

validation options:
  --read-aligner PATH   read aligner executable (only 'minimap2' is allowed) [minimap2]
  -R <reads.fasta>      validation reads (uncompressed or gzipped) [null]
  -F <reads.fofn>       same as '-R', but a list of files [null]
  -T STR                read type. 'sr', 'ont' and 'corr' accepted for Illumina, nanopore and error corrected long-reads, respectively
  -v INT                coverage validation window size [10000]
  --max-cov INT         break sequences at regions at or above this coverage level [AUTO]
  --min-cov INT         break sequences at regions at or below this coverage level [AUTO] 




usage: ragtag.py scaffold <reference.fa> <query.fa>

Homology-based assembly scaffolding: Order and orient sequences in 'query.fa' by comparing them to sequences in 'reference.fa'>

positional arguments:
  <reference.fa>       reference fasta file (uncompressed or bgzipped)
  <query.fa>           query fasta file (uncompressed or bgzipped)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help           show this help message and exit

scaffolding options:
  -e <exclude.txt>     list of reference sequences to ignore [null]
  -j <skip.txt>        list of query sequences to leave unplaced [null]
  -J <hard-skip.txt>   list of query headers to leave unplaced and exclude from 'chr0' ('-C') [null]
  -f INT               minimum unique alignment length [1000]
  --remove-small       remove unique alignments shorter than '-f'
  -q INT               minimum mapq (NA for Nucmer alignments) [10]
  -d INT               maximum alignment merge distance [100000]
  -i FLOAT             minimum grouping confidence score [0.2]
  -a FLOAT             minimum location confidence score [0.0]
  -s FLOAT             minimum orientation confidence score [0.0]
  -C                   concatenate unplaced contigs and make 'chr0'
  -r                   infer gap sizes. if not, all gaps are 100 bp
  -g INT               minimum inferred gap size [100]
  -m INT               maximum inferred gap size [100000]

input/output options:
  -o PATH              output directory [./ragtag_output]
  -w                   overwrite intermediate files
  -u                   add suffix to unplaced sequence headers

mapping options:
  -t INT               number of minimap2/unimap threads [1]
  --aligner PATH       aligner executable ('nucmer', 'unimap' or 'minimap2') [minimap2]
  --mm2-params STR     space delimited minimap2 parameters ['-x asm5']
  --unimap-params STR  space delimited unimap parameters ['-x asm5']
  --nucmer-params STR  space delimted nucmer parameters ['--maxmatch -l 100 -c 500']




usage: ragtag.py patch <target.fa> <query.fa>

Homology-based continuous assembly scaffolding and gap-filling: Make continuous joins and fill gaps in 'target.fa' using sequences from 'query.fa'

positional arguments:
  <target.fa>          target fasta file (uncompressed or bgzipped)
  <query.fa>           query fasta file (uncompressed or bgzipped)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help           show this help message and exit

  -e <exclude.txt>     list of target sequences to ignore [null]
  -j <skip.txt>        list of query sequences to ignore [null]
  -f INT               minimum unique alignment length [1000]
  --remove-small       remove unique alignments shorter than '-f'
  -q INT               minimum mapq (NA for Nucmer alignments) [10]
  -d INT               maximum alignment merge distance [100000]
  -s INT               minimum merged alignment length [50000]
  -i FLOAT             maximum merged alignment distance from sequence terminus. fraction of the sequence length if < 1 [0.05]
  --fill-only          only fill existing target gaps. do not join target sequences
  --join-only          only join and patch target sequences. do not fill existing gaps

input/output options:
  -o PATH              output directory [./ragtag_output]
  -w                   overwrite intermediate files
  -u                   add suffix to unplaced sequence headers

mapping options:
  -t INT               number of minimap2/unimap threads [1]
  --aligner PATH       aligner executable ('nucmer' (recommended), 'unimap' or 'minimap2') [nucmer]
  --mm2-params STR     space delimited minimap2 parameters ['-x asm5']
  --unimap-params STR  space delimited unimap parameters ['-x asm5']
  --nucmer-params STR  space delimted nucmer parameters ['--maxmatch -l 100 -c 500']





usage: ragtag.py merge <asm.fa> <scf1.agp> <scf2.agp> [...]

Scaffold merging: derive a consensus scaffolding solution by reconciling distinct scaffoldings of 'asm.fa'

positional arguments:
  <asm.fasta>           assembly fasta file (uncompressed or bgzipped)
  <scf1.agp> <scf2.agp> [...]
                        scaffolding AGP files

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

merging options:
  -f FILE               CSV list of (AGP file,weight) [null]
  -j <skip.txt>         list of query headers to leave unplaced [null]
  -l INT                minimum assembly sequence length [100000]
  -e FLOAT              minimum edge weight. NA if using Hi-C [0.0]
  --gap-func STR        function for merging gap lengths {'min', 'max', or 'mean'} [min]

input/output options:
  -o PATH               output directory [./ragtag_output]
  -w                    overwrite intermediate files
  -u                    add suffix to unplaced sequence headers

Hi-C options:
  -b FILE               Hi-C alignments in BAM format, sorted by read name [null]
  -r STR                CSV list of restriction enzymes/sites or 'DNase' [GATC]
  -p FLOAT              portion of the sequence termini to consider for links [1.0]
  --list-enzymes        list all available restriction enzymes/sites


Liftoff 是一個(gè)可以準(zhǔn)確根據(jù)同一物種或近緣物種基因組進(jìn)行基因注釋映射的工具诺祸。該工具僅需兩個(gè)基因組序列和參考基因組的基因注釋文件即可進(jìn)行基因注釋携悯。Liftoff使用minimap2將參考基因組的基因序列與目標(biāo)基因組比對,這樣的好處是筷笨,即使兩個(gè)基因組間存在許多結(jié)構(gòu)上的差異憔鬼,也可將基因結(jié)構(gòu)鑒定出來。對于每一個(gè)鑒定的基因胃夏,Liftoff找到外顯子區(qū)的比對轴或,并使序列的一致性最大,同時(shí)保留轉(zhuǎn)錄本和基因結(jié)構(gòu)仰禀。如果兩個(gè)基因錯(cuò)誤地比對到同一個(gè)位點(diǎn)照雁,Liftoff會(huì)確定最好基因結(jié)構(gòu)。此外答恶,Liftoff還可以找到在目標(biāo)基因組中存在而在參考基因組中不存在的基因拷貝饺蚊。


conda install -c bioconda liftoff


usage: liftoff [-h] (-g GFF | -db DB) [-o FILE] [-u FILE] [-exclude_partial]
               [-dir DIR] [-mm2_options =STR] [-a A] [-s S] [-d D] [-flank F]
               [-V] [-p P] [-m PATH] [-f TYPES] [-infer_genes]
               [-infer_transcripts] [-chroms TXT] [-unplaced TXT] [-copies]
               [-sc SC] [-overlap O] [-mismatch M] [-gap_open GO]
               [-gap_extend GE]
               target reference

Lift features from one genome assembly to another

Required input (sequences):
  target              target fasta genome to lift genes to
  reference           reference fasta genome to lift genes from

Required input (annotation):
  -g GFF              annotation file to lift over in GFF or GTF format
  -db DB              name of feature database; if not specified, the -g
                      argument must be provided and a database will be built

  -o FILE             write output to FILE in GFF3 format; by default, output
                      is written to terminal (stdout)
  -u FILE             write unmapped features to FILE; default is
  -exclude_partial    write partial mappings below -s and -a threshold to
                      unmapped_features.txt; if true partial/low sequence
                      identity mappings will be included in the gff file with
                      partial_mapping=True, low_identity=True in comments
  -dir DIR            name of directory to save intermediate fasta and SAM
                      files; default is "intermediate_files"

  -mm2_options =STR   space delimited minimap2 parameters. By default ="-a
                      --end-bonus 5 --eqx -N 50 -p 0.5"
  -a A                designate a feature mapped only if it aligns with
                      coverage ≥A; by default A=0.5
  -s S                designate a feature mapped only if its child features
                      (usually exons/CDS) align with sequence identity ≥S; by
                      default S=0.5
  -d D                distance scaling factor; alignment nodes separated by
                      more than a factor of D in the target genome will not be
                      connected in the graph; by default D=2.0
  -flank F            amount of flanking sequence to align as a fraction
                      [0.0-1.0] of gene length. This can improve gene
                      alignment where gene structure differs between target
                      and reference; by default F=0.0

Miscellaneous settings:
  -h, --help          show this help message and exit
  -V, --version       show program version
  -p P                use p parallel processes to accelerate alignment; by
                      default p=1
  -m PATH             Minimap2 path
  -f TYPES            list of feature types to lift over
  -infer_genes        use if annotation file only includes transcripts,
                      exon/CDS features
  -infer_transcripts  use if annotation file only includes exon/CDS features
                      and does not include transcripts/mRNA
  -chroms TXT         comma seperated file with corresponding chromosomes in
                      the reference,target sequences
  -unplaced TXT       text file with name(s) of unplaced sequences to map
                      genes from after genes from chromosomes in chroms.txt
                      are mapped; default is "unplaced_seq_names.txt"
  -copies             look for extra gene copies in the target genome
  -sc SC              with -copies, minimum sequence identity in exons/CDS for
                      which a gene is considered a copy; must be greater than
                      -s; default is 1.0
  -overlap O          maximum fraction [0.0-1.0] of overlap allowed by 2
                      features; by default O=0.1
  -mismatch M         mismatch penalty in exons when finding best mapping; by
                      default M=2
  -gap_open GO        gap open penalty in exons when finding best mapping; by
                      default GO=2
  -gap_extend GE      gap extend penalty in exons when finding best mapping;
                      by default GE=1





ragtag.py correct westar.fasta ZYCR1-genome.clean.fa -t 30 -u


  • ragtag.correct.fasta: 校正的contigs序列污呼;
  • ragtag.correct.agp:包含contigs序列的斷點(diǎn)坐標(biāo)的文件裕坊。


ragtag.py scaffold westar.fasta ragtag_output/ragtag.correct.fasta -t 30 -u -C


  • ragtag.scaffold.agp:contigs序列的方向和順序(AGP格式);
  • ragtag.scaffold.fasta:scaffold序列燕酷;
  • ragtag.scaffold.stats:scaffolding過程中的一些統(tǒng)計(jì)信息碍庵。


liftoff -g westar.gff3 -o ZYCR1.gene.gff3 -p 28 -chroms chr_pairs.txt ZYCR1.genome.asm.final.fasta westar.fa





perl GeneIDRename -g ZYCR1.gene.gff3 -o ZYCR1.gene.rename.gff3 -c 6


gffread ZYCR1.gene.rename.gff3 -g ZYCR1.genome.asm.final.fasta -x ZYCR1.cds.fa -y ZYCR1.pep.fa


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