1.6?Understandnature’s practical lessons.
I have found understanding hownature and evolution work helpful in a number of ways. Most importantly, it hashelped me deal with my realities more effectively and make difficult choices.When I began to look at reality through the perspective of figuring out how itreally works, instead of thinking things should be different, I realized thatmost everything that at first seemed “bad” to me—like rainy days, weaknesses,and even death—was because I held preconceived notions of what I personallywanted. With time, I learned that my initial reaction was because I hadn’t putwhatever I was reacting to in the context of the fact that reality is built tooptimize for the whole rather than for me.
a.?Maximize your evolution.Earlier, I mentioned that the unique abilities of thinking logically,abstractly, and from a higher level are carried out in structures located inthe neocortex. These parts of the brain are more developed in humans and allowus to reflect on ourselves and direct our own evolution. Because we are capableof conscious, memory-based learning, we can evolve further and faster than anyother species, changing not just across generations but within our ownlifetimes.
This constant drivetoward learning and improvement makes getting better innately enjoyable andgetting better fast exhilarating. Though most people think that they arestriving to get the things (toys, bigger houses, money, status, etc.) that willmake them happy, for most people those things don’t supply anywhere near the long-termsatisfaction that getting better at something does.20Once we get the things weare striving for, we rarely remain satisfied with them. The things are just thebait. Chasing after them forces us to evolve, and it is the evolution and notthe rewards themselves that matters to us and to those around us. This meansthat for most people success is struggling and evolving as effectively aspossible, i.e., learning rapidly about oneself and one’s environment, and thenchanging to improve.
It is natural that itshould be this way because of the law of diminishing returns.21Consider what acquiring money is like. People who earn so much that they derivelittle or no marginal gains from it will experience negative consequences, aswith any other form of excess, like gluttony. If they are intellectuallyhealthy, they will begin seeking something new or seeking new depths in somethingold—and they will get stronger in the process. As Freud put it, “Love and workare the cornerstones of our humanness.”
The work doesn’tnecessarily have to be a job, though I believe it’s generally better if it is ajob. It can be any kind of long-term challenge that leads to personalimprovement. As you might have guessed, I believe that the need to havemeaningful work is connected to man’s innate desire to improve. Andrelationships are the natural connections to others that make us relevant toeach other and to society more broadly.
“no pain, no gain.”Realizing that we innately want to evolve—andthat the other stuff we are going after, while nice, won’t our happiness—hashelped me focus on my goals of evolving and contributing to evolution in my owninfinitely small way. While we don’t like pain, everything that nature made hasa purpose, so nature gave us pain for a purpose. So what is its purpose? Italerts us and helps direct us.
c.?It is a fundamental law of nature that in order to gain strength one has to push
one’s limits, which is painful.As Carl Jung put it, “Man needsdifficulties. They are necessary for health.” Yet most people instinctuallyavoid pain. This is true whether we are talking about building the body (e.g.,weight lifting) or the mind (e.g., frustration, mental struggle, embarrassment,shame)—and especially true when people confront the harsh reality of their ownimperfections.
C.為了獲取力量而不斷推高人類的極限是自然界的基本法則,當然是痛苦的蝗柔。就像卡爾楊說的闻葵,“人類需要困難,這對健康有益”然而大多數(shù)人本能的回避痛苦诫咱,存在就是有意義的笙隙,這是真的, 我們都在談論健身(比如舉重)或者健腦(比如挫折坎缭,思想斗爭竟痰,尷尬,恥辱)-尤其當人們因為個體的缺陷遭遇嚴酷的現(xiàn)實這一切尤其真實掏呼。