【馬塞爾】:All right[1], snitch?
【盧克】:I'm not a snitch. Gentlemen, we deeply regret having fallen short[2] on this occasion[3]. Your custom[4] is extremely valuable to us and I'm sure that we can work together to find a mutually acceptable and non-batter-ly[5] solution.
【馬塞爾】:I don't see why not. We're all reasonable people. Apart from[6] Massive Steve, obviously. Nice to have you back[7], mate.
【馬塞爾】:We'll just fuck you up[8] quickly now, then. No need to involve your friends, unless you'd rather the full-scale[9] war this evening. I was looking forward to[10] wearing your cell-mate's[11] skin[12] as a onesie[13].

【盧克】:Ok, do it, but absolutely no penis parking[14]. I've just eaten and you've got to wait for two hours.
【獄警格雷戈】:Evening, pumpkins[15].
【盧克】:Creg, great to see you!
【獄警格雷戈】:It's Creg. Hmm? I trust you're all playing nicely
【黑頭】:We're just ch-ch-chating to the f-f-f-f...(黑頭有些口吃)
【獄警格雷戈】:Fucking prick[16]?
【盧克】:I think he was actually going for fucking snitch.
【馬塞爾】:Anything you wanted to tell Creg or happy for him to be on his way?
【盧克】:We were just having a lovely chat, thanks.
【獄警格雷戈】:Great. Toddle-pip[17], then.
【盧克】:Don't go! They're going to kill me and turn me into leisurewear[18]!

【獄警格雷戈】:Is this true?
【獄警格雷戈】:I'm very glad you felt you could tell me that, Luke. Some people, they don't like to snitch. All right, you've got two minutes, lads. Don't punch his face.
【盧克】:Hey, what?
【獄霸馬塞爾】:Come on, guv[19].
【獄警格雷戈】:No, actually, you might want to have a little stamp[20] on his tongue. Stop him licking out[21] people's very close friends.
【獄霸馬塞爾】:You disgust[22] me.
【獄警格雷戈】:I do hope this hasn't spoilt[23] your first day, chicken[24].
【all right】安全健康的,平安無恙的 ?
【fall short】不足赖瞒,缺乏 ?
【on this occasion】這一次女揭,在這種場合 ?
【custom】n.(個人的)習慣,習性冒黑,慣常行為 ?
【non-batter-ly】adv. (非正式)無痛毆地田绑;無暴打地;無毒打地 ?
【apart from】除...之外 ?
【Nice to have you back】很高興見到你回來 ?
【fuck sb up】使某人身體受傷抡爹,毆打某人掩驱。較禮貌的說法:【mess sb up】 ?
【full-scale】adj. 全面的,徹底的 ?
【look forward to (doing or sth)】: 期望冬竟,盼望 ?
【cell-mate】n. 同牢室友 ?
【skin】n. 毛皮欧穴;皮膚 ?
【onesie】n. 連體衣 ?
【penis parking】暫時關系;非長期潛在的關系 ?
【pumpkin】n. 有些人將可愛的泵殴、討人喜愛的人稱為 pumpkin ?
【fucking prick】(粗俗語)混蛋 ?
【toddle-pip】(以一種友好的方式表達)再見 ?
【turn...into...】把...做成涮帘,把...變成【leisurewear】家常便服 ?
【guv】n. (通常男人對男顧客的稱呼)先生 ?
【stamp】n. 痕跡,記號笑诅,特征调缨;郵票 ?
【lick out】(粗俗語)取悅 ?
【disgust】v. 使作嘔疮鲫,使反感,使厭惡 ?
【spoil】v. 破壞弦叶,搞壞俊犯,糟蹋,毀掉 ?
【chicken】n. 膽小鬼 ?