??Duang!~ Duang!~ Duang潜慎!~重磅來(lái)襲,OkHttp里個(gè)人覺(jué)得最重要也是最有特色
- RealConnetion
- ConnectionPool
- StreamAllocation
public interface Connection {
/** Returns the route used by this connection. */
Route route();
* Returns the socket that this connection is using. Returns an {@linkplain
* javax.net.ssl.SSLSocket SSL socket} if this connection is HTTPS. If this is an HTTP/2
* connection the socket may be shared by multiple concurrent calls.
Socket socket();
* Returns the TLS handshake used to establish this connection, or null if the connection is not
@Nullable Handshake handshake();
* Returns the protocol negotiated by this connection, or {@link Protocol#HTTP_1_1} if no protocol
* has been negotiated. This method returns {@link Protocol#HTTP_1_1} even if the remote peer is
* using {@link Protocol#HTTP_1_0}.
Protocol protocol();
上邊代碼可以看出RealConnection實(shí)現(xiàn)該接口后做入, 就意味著客戶端和服務(wù)器有了一條通信鏈路,RealConnetion做了好多事情同衣,包括三次握手
private final ConnectionPool connectionPool;
private final Route route;
// The fields below are initialized by connect() and never reassigned.
/** The low-level TCP socket. */
private Socket rawSocket;
* The application layer socket. Either an {@link SSLSocket} layered over {@link #rawSocket}, or
* {@link #rawSocket} itself if this connection does not use SSL.
private Socket socket;
private Handshake handshake;
private Protocol protocol;
private Http2Connection http2Connection;
private BufferedSource source;
private BufferedSink sink;
// The fields below track connection state and are guarded by connectionPool.
/** If true, no new streams can be created on this connection. Once true this is always true. */
/**下面這個(gè)字段是 屬于表示鏈接狀態(tài)的字段,并且有connectPool統(tǒng)一管理
* 如果noNewStreams被設(shè)為true尝胆,則noNewStreams一直為true丧裁,不會(huì)被改變,并且表示這個(gè)鏈接不會(huì)再創(chuàng)新的stream流*/
public boolean noNewStreams;
public int successCount;
* The maximum number of concurrent streams that can be carried by this connection. If {@code
* allocations.size() < allocationLimit} then new streams can be created on this connection.
public int allocationLimit = 1;
/** Current streams carried by this connection. */
public final List<Reference<StreamAllocation>> allocations = new ArrayList<>();
/** Nanotime timestamp when {@code allocations.size()} reached zero. */
public long idleAtNanos = Long.MAX_VALUE;
- 除了route字段缓呛,部分字段都是在connect()方法里邊賦值的,并且不會(huì)再次賦值
- 鏈接時(shí)通過(guò)source和sink以流的方式和服務(wù)器交互
- noNewStream可以簡(jiǎn)單理解為它表示該連接不可用杭隙。這個(gè)值一旦被設(shè)為true,則這個(gè)conncetion則不會(huì)再創(chuàng)建stream.
- allocationLimit是分配流的數(shù)量上限哟绊,一個(gè)connection最大只能支持一個(gè)并發(fā)
- allocations是關(guān)聯(lián)StreamAllocation,它用來(lái)統(tǒng)計(jì)在一個(gè)連接上建立了哪些流,通過(guò)StreamAllocation的acquire方法和release方法可以將一個(gè)allcation對(duì)象添加到鏈表或者移除鏈表痰憎,
/** Returns true if this connection is ready to host new streams. */
public boolean isHealthy(boolean doExtensiveChecks) {
if (socket.isClosed() || socket.isInputShutdown() || socket.isOutputShutdown()) {
return false;
if (http2Connection != null) {
return !http2Connection.isShutdown();
if (doExtensiveChecks) {
try {
int readTimeout = socket.getSoTimeout();
try {
if (source.exhausted()) {
return false; // Stream is exhausted; socket is closed.
return true;
} finally {
} catch (SocketTimeoutException ignored) {
// Read timed out; socket is good.
} catch (IOException e) {
return false; // Couldn't read; socket is closed.
return true;
- socket必須是關(guān)閉的狀態(tài)(socket.isClosed())
- socket輸入流是關(guān)閉狀態(tài)(socket.isInputShutdown())
- socket輸出流是關(guān)閉狀態(tài)(socket.isOutputShutdown())
- 如果是http2鏈接,http2也要處于關(guān)閉狀態(tài)(http2Connection.isShutdown())
* Returns true if this connection can carry a stream allocation to {@code address}. If non-null
* {@code route} is the resolved route for a connection.
public boolean isEligible(Address address, @Nullable Route route) {
// If this connection is not accepting new streams, we're done.
if (allocations.size() >= allocationLimit || noNewStreams) return false;
// If the non-host fields of the address don't overlap, we're done.
if (!Internal.instance.equalsNonHost(this.route.address(), address)) return false;
// If the host exactly matches, we're done: this connection can carry the address.
if (address.url().host().equals(this.route().address().url().host())) {
return true; // This connection is a perfect match.
// At this point we don't have a hostname match. But we still be able to carry the request if
// our connection coalescing requirements are met. See also:
// https://hpbn.co/optimizing-application-delivery/#eliminate-domain-sharding
// https://daniel.haxx.se/blog/2016/08/18/http2-connection-coalescing/
// 1. This connection must be HTTP/2.
if (http2Connection == null) return false;
// 2. The routes must share an IP address. This requires us to have a DNS address for both
// hosts, which only happens after route planning. We can't coalesce connections that use a
// proxy, since proxies don't tell us the origin server's IP address.
if (route == null) return false;
if (route.proxy().type() != Proxy.Type.DIRECT) return false;
if (this.route.proxy().type() != Proxy.Type.DIRECT) return false;
if (!this.route.socketAddress().equals(route.socketAddress())) return false;
// 3. This connection's server certificate's must cover the new host.
if (route.address().hostnameVerifier() != OkHostnameVerifier.INSTANCE) return false;
if (!supportsUrl(address.url())) return false;
// 4. Certificate pinning must match the host.
try {
address.certificatePinner().check(address.url().host(), handshake().peerCertificates());
} catch (SSLPeerUnverifiedException e) {
return false;
return true; // The caller's address can be carried by this connection.
- 如果鏈接達(dá)到了并發(fā)上限或渤,則該鏈接不能被復(fù)用
- 通過(guò)host域還有route的address邏輯關(guān)系系冗,判斷該鏈接是否可以被復(fù)用(有些地方不是很清楚)
public HttpCodec newCodec(OkHttpClient client, Interceptor.Chain chain,
StreamAllocation streamAllocation) throws SocketException {
if (http2Connection != null) {
return new Http2Codec(client, chain, streamAllocation, http2Connection);
} else {
source.timeout().timeout(chain.readTimeoutMillis(), MILLISECONDS);
sink.timeout().timeout(chain.writeTimeoutMillis(), MILLISECONDS);
return new Http1Codec(client, streamAllocation, source, sink);
如圖所示 在timeout空閑時(shí)間內(nèi)唧垦,鏈接時(shí)不會(huì)關(guān)閉的捅儒,相同重復(fù)的request將復(fù)用原先的connection,減少握手的次數(shù)振亮,從而提升性能巧还,那么OkHttp是如何做到鏈接復(fù)用的呢?主角登場(chǎng)ConnectionPool
* Manages reuse of HTTP and HTTP/2 connections for reduced network latency. HTTP requests that
* share the same {@link Address} may share a {@link Connection}. This class implements the policy
* of which connections to keep open for future use.
* Background threads are used to cleanup expired connections. There will be at most a single
* thread running per connection pool. The thread pool executor permits the pool itself to be
* garbage collected.
private static final Executor executor = new ThreadPoolExecutor(0 /* corePoolSize */,
Integer.MAX_VALUE /* maximumPoolSize */, 60L /* keepAliveTime */, TimeUnit.SECONDS,
new SynchronousQueue<Runnable>(), Util.threadFactory("OkHttp ConnectionPool", true));
/** The maximum number of idle connections for each address. */
private final int maxIdleConnections;
private final long keepAliveDurationNs;
private final Runnable cleanupRunnable = new Runnable() {
@Override public void run() {
while (true) {
long waitNanos = cleanup(System.nanoTime());
if (waitNanos == -1) return;
if (waitNanos > 0) {
long waitMillis = waitNanos / 1000000L;
waitNanos -= (waitMillis * 1000000L);
synchronized (ConnectionPool.this) {
try {
ConnectionPool.this.wait(waitMillis, (int) waitNanos);
} catch (InterruptedException ignored) {
private final Deque<RealConnection> connections = new ArrayDeque<>();
final RouteDatabase routeDatabase = new RouteDatabase();
boolean cleanupRunning;
成員分別體現(xiàn)對(duì)最大空閑連接數(shù)及連接毕匕海活時(shí)間的控制。這種控制通過(guò)匿名的Runnable cleanupRunnable在線程池executor中執(zhí)行,cleanupRunning是清理的標(biāo)記位兆解,并在向連接池中添加新的RealConnection觸發(fā)责嚷。
* Create a new connection pool with tuning parameters appropriate for a single-user application.
* The tuning parameters in this pool are subject to change in future OkHttp releases. Currently
* this pool holds up to 5 idle connections which will be evicted after 5 minutes of inactivity.
public ConnectionPool() {
this(5, 5, TimeUnit.MINUTES);
public ConnectionPool(int maxIdleConnections, long keepAliveDuration, TimeUnit timeUnit) {
this.maxIdleConnections = maxIdleConnections;
this.keepAliveDurationNs = timeUnit.toNanos(keepAliveDuration);
// Put a floor on the keep alive duration, otherwise cleanup will spin loop.
if (keepAliveDuration <= 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("keepAliveDuration <= 0: " + keepAliveDuration);
void put(RealConnection connection) {
assert (Thread.holdsLock(this));
if (!cleanupRunning) {
cleanupRunning = true;
private final Runnable cleanupRunnable = new Runnable() {
@Override public void run() {
while (true) {
long waitNanos = cleanup(System.nanoTime());
if (waitNanos == -1) return;
if (waitNanos > 0) {
long waitMillis = waitNanos / 1000000L;
waitNanos -= (waitMillis * 1000000L);
synchronized (ConnectionPool.this) {
try {
ConnectionPool.this.wait(waitMillis, (int) waitNanos);
} catch (InterruptedException ignored) {
long cleanup(long now) {
int inUseConnectionCount = 0;
int idleConnectionCount = 0;
RealConnection longestIdleConnection = null;
long longestIdleDurationNs = Long.MIN_VALUE;
// Find either a connection to evict, or the time that the next eviction is due.
synchronized (this) {
for (Iterator<RealConnection> i = connections.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
RealConnection connection = i.next();
// If the connection is in use, keep searching.
if (pruneAndGetAllocationCount(connection, now) > 0) {
// If the connection is ready to be evicted, we're done.
long idleDurationNs = now - connection.idleAtNanos;
if (idleDurationNs > longestIdleDurationNs) {
longestIdleDurationNs = idleDurationNs;
longestIdleConnection = connection;
if (longestIdleDurationNs >= this.keepAliveDurationNs
|| idleConnectionCount > this.maxIdleConnections) {
// We've found a connection to evict. Remove it from the list, then close it below (outside
// of the synchronized block).
} else if (idleConnectionCount > 0) {
// A connection will be ready to evict soon.
return keepAliveDurationNs - longestIdleDurationNs;
} else if (inUseConnectionCount > 0) {
// All connections are in use. It'll be at least the keep alive duration 'til we run again.
return keepAliveDurationNs;
} else {
// No connections, idle or in use.
cleanupRunning = false;
return -1;
// Cleanup again immediately.
return 0;
以上代碼流程大致這樣毙替,通過(guò)for循環(huán)查找最長(zhǎng)空閑時(shí)間的連接以及對(duì)應(yīng)空閑時(shí)長(zhǎng)岸售,然后判斷是否超出最大空閑連接數(shù)(maxIdleConnections)或者或者超過(guò)最大空閑時(shí)間(keepAliveDurationNs),滿足條件就直接清理厂画,不滿足條件的話 就需要計(jì)算下一次清理時(shí)間凸丸,主要有兩種情況
- 有空閑鏈接則下次清理時(shí)間等于keepAliveDurationNs-longestIdleDurationNs
- 如果沒(méi)有空閑鏈接則需要下一個(gè)周期再清理keepAliveDurationNs
* Notify this pool that {@code connection} has become idle. Returns true if the connection has
* been removed from the pool and should be closed.
boolean connectionBecameIdle(RealConnection connection) {
assert (Thread.holdsLock(this));
if (connection.noNewStreams || maxIdleConnections == 0) {
return true;
} else {
notifyAll(); // Awake the cleanup thread: we may have exceeded the idle connection limit.
return false;
/** Close and remove all idle connections in the pool. */
public void evictAll() {
List<RealConnection> evictedConnections = new ArrayList<>();
synchronized (this) {
for (Iterator<RealConnection> i = connections.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
RealConnection connection = i.next();
if (connection.allocations.isEmpty()) {
connection.noNewStreams = true;
for (RealConnection connection : evictedConnections) {
* Prunes any leaked allocations and then returns the number of remaining live allocations on
* {@code connection}. Allocations are leaked if the connection is tracking them but the
* application code has abandoned them. Leak detection is imprecise and relies on garbage
* collection.
private int pruneAndGetAllocationCount(RealConnection connection, long now) {
List<Reference<StreamAllocation>> references = connection.allocations;
for (int i = 0; i < references.size(); ) {
Reference<StreamAllocation> reference = references.get(i);
if (reference.get() != null) {
// We've discovered a leaked allocation. This is an application bug.
StreamAllocation.StreamAllocationReference streamAllocRef =
(StreamAllocation.StreamAllocationReference) reference;
String message = "A connection to " + connection.route().address().url()
+ " was leaked. Did you forget to close a response body?";
Platform.get().logCloseableLeak(message, streamAllocRef.callStackTrace);
connection.noNewStreams = true;
// If this was the last allocation, the connection is eligible for immediate eviction.
if (references.isEmpty()) {
connection.idleAtNanos = now - keepAliveDurationNs;
return 0;
return references.size();
該方法內(nèi)使用了另一個(gè)類叫做** StreamAllocation**,后邊會(huì)分析到,暫且先了解下該方法的大致功能是什么嘹裂,詳細(xì)說(shuō)明在后邊會(huì)說(shuō)到妄壶,到時(shí)回過(guò)頭來(lái)看這段方法的代碼會(huì)理解的更透徹,pruneAndGetAllocationCount
* Returns a recycled connection to {@code address}, or null if no such connection exists. The
* route is null if the address has not yet been routed.
@Nullable RealConnection get(Address address, StreamAllocation streamAllocation, Route route) {
assert (Thread.holdsLock(this));
// 遍歷已有連接集合
for (RealConnection connection : connections) {
if (connection.isEligible(address, route)) {
streamAllocation.acquire(connection, true);
return connection;
return null;
代碼很簡(jiǎn)單续崖,遍歷connections 中的所有 RealConnection 尋找同時(shí)滿足條件的RealConnection。
- writeRequestHeaders 為發(fā)送請(qǐng)求而提供的,寫(xiě)入請(qǐng)求頭部轻局。
- createRequestBody 為發(fā)送請(qǐng)求而提供的洪鸭,創(chuàng)建請(qǐng)求體,以用于發(fā)送請(qǐng)求體數(shù)據(jù)
- finishRequest 為發(fā)送請(qǐng)求而提供的仑扑,結(jié)束請(qǐng)求發(fā)送览爵。
- readResponseHeaders 為獲得響應(yīng)而提供的,讀取響應(yīng)頭部镇饮。
- openResponseBody 為獲得響應(yīng)而提供的蜓竹,打開(kāi)請(qǐng)求體,以用于后續(xù)獲取請(qǐng)求體數(shù)據(jù)
- cancel 取消請(qǐng)求執(zhí)行
public HttpCodec newStream(
OkHttpClient client, Interceptor.Chain chain, boolean doExtensiveHealthChecks) {
int connectTimeout = chain.connectTimeoutMillis();
int readTimeout = chain.readTimeoutMillis();
int writeTimeout = chain.writeTimeoutMillis();
int pingIntervalMillis = client.pingIntervalMillis();
boolean connectionRetryEnabled = client.retryOnConnectionFailure();
try {
RealConnection resultConnection = findHealthyConnection(connectTimeout, readTimeout,
writeTimeout, pingIntervalMillis, connectionRetryEnabled, doExtensiveHealthChecks);
HttpCodec resultCodec = resultConnection.newCodec(client, chain, this);
synchronized (connectionPool) {
codec = resultCodec;
return resultCodec;
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RouteException(e);
- findHealthyConnection獲取健康的鏈接
- resultConnection.newCodec 創(chuàng)建編解碼工具HttpCodec
根據(jù) OkHttpClient中的設(shè)置酝蜒,連接超時(shí)、讀超時(shí)矾湃、寫(xiě)超時(shí)及連接失敗是否重試亡脑,調(diào)用 findHealthyConnection() 完成 連接,即RealConnection 的創(chuàng)建。然后根據(jù)HTTP協(xié)議的版本創(chuàng)建Http1Codec或Http2Codec远豺。
* Finds a connection and returns it if it is healthy. If it is unhealthy the process is repeated
* until a healthy connection is found.
private RealConnection findHealthyConnection(int connectTimeout, int readTimeout,
int writeTimeout, int pingIntervalMillis, boolean connectionRetryEnabled,
boolean doExtensiveHealthChecks) throws IOException {
while (true) {
RealConnection candidate = findConnection(connectTimeout, readTimeout, writeTimeout,
pingIntervalMillis, connectionRetryEnabled);
// If this is a brand new connection, we can skip the extensive health checks.
synchronized (connectionPool) {
if (candidate.successCount == 0) {
return candidate;
// Do a (potentially slow) check to confirm that the pooled connection is still good. If it
// isn't, take it out of the pool and start again.
if (!candidate.isHealthy(doExtensiveHealthChecks)) {
return candidate;
,直接返回躯护;如果不是新連接惊来,要判斷當(dāng)前鏈接是不是健康鏈接,如果是 返回棺滞,如果不是 繼續(xù)循環(huán)裁蚁。
* Returns a connection to host a new stream. This prefers the existing connection if it exists,
* then the pool, finally building a new connection.
private RealConnection findConnection(int connectTimeout, int readTimeout, int writeTimeout,
int pingIntervalMillis, boolean connectionRetryEnabled) throws IOException {
boolean foundPooledConnection = false;
RealConnection result = null;
Route selectedRoute = null;
Connection releasedConnection;
Socket toClose;
synchronized (connectionPool) {
if (released) throw new IllegalStateException("released");
if (codec != null) throw new IllegalStateException("codec != null");
if (canceled) throw new IOException("Canceled");
// Attempt to use an already-allocated connection. We need to be careful here because our
// already-allocated connection may have been restricted from creating new streams.
releasedConnection = this.connection;
toClose = releaseIfNoNewStreams();
if (this.connection != null) {
// We had an already-allocated connection and it's good.
result = this.connection;
releasedConnection = null;
if (!reportedAcquired) {
// If the connection was never reported acquired, don't report it as released!
releasedConnection = null;
if (result == null) {
// Attempt to get a connection from the pool.
Internal.instance.get(connectionPool, address, this, null);
if (connection != null) {
foundPooledConnection = true;
result = connection;
} else {
selectedRoute = route;
if (releasedConnection != null) {
eventListener.connectionReleased(call, releasedConnection);
if (foundPooledConnection) {
eventListener.connectionAcquired(call, result);
if (result != null) {
// If we found an already-allocated or pooled connection, we're done.
return result;
// If we need a route selection, make one. This is a blocking operation.
boolean newRouteSelection = false;
if (selectedRoute == null && (routeSelection == null || !routeSelection.hasNext())) {
newRouteSelection = true;
routeSelection = routeSelector.next();
synchronized (connectionPool) {
if (canceled) throw new IOException("Canceled");
if (newRouteSelection) {
// Now that we have a set of IP addresses, make another attempt at getting a connection from
// the pool. This could match due to connection coalescing.
List<Route> routes = routeSelection.getAll();
for (int i = 0, size = routes.size(); i < size; i++) {
Route route = routes.get(i);
Internal.instance.get(connectionPool, address, this, route);
if (connection != null) {
foundPooledConnection = true;
result = connection;
this.route = route;
if (!foundPooledConnection) {
if (selectedRoute == null) {
selectedRoute = routeSelection.next();
// Create a connection and assign it to this allocation immediately. This makes it possible
// for an asynchronous cancel() to interrupt the handshake we're about to do.
route = selectedRoute;
refusedStreamCount = 0;
result = new RealConnection(connectionPool, selectedRoute);
acquire(result, false);
// If we found a pooled connection on the 2nd time around, we're done.
if (foundPooledConnection) {
eventListener.connectionAcquired(call, result);
return result;
// Do TCP + TLS handshakes. This is a blocking operation.
result.connect(connectTimeout, readTimeout, writeTimeout, pingIntervalMillis,
connectionRetryEnabled, call, eventListener);
Socket socket = null;
synchronized (connectionPool) {
reportedAcquired = true;
// Pool the connection.
Internal.instance.put(connectionPool, result);
// If another multiplexed connection to the same address was created concurrently, then
// release this connection and acquire that one.
if (result.isMultiplexed()) {
socket = Internal.instance.deduplicate(connectionPool, address, this);
result = connection;
eventListener.connectionAcquired(call, result);
return result;
- 首先判斷是否有已存在的鏈接憎瘸,如果有并且是可用狀態(tài)那么就是用已存在的鏈接
- 如果沒(méi)有就根據(jù)address去連接池中獲取一個(gè)鏈接入篮,如果有就使用,如果沒(méi)有就更換路由再次去連接池中獲取鏈接幌甘,如果有則直接使用
- 如果以上條件都不滿足的情況下潮售,直接創(chuàng)建(new)一個(gè)新的鏈接,并且將新的鏈接RealConnection通過(guò)acquire方法關(guān)聯(lián)到connection.allocations上
- 最后做一個(gè)去重的判斷如果是重復(fù)的socket锅风,則關(guān)閉
* Use this allocation to hold {@code connection}. Each call to this must be paired with a call to
* {@link #release} on the same connection.
public void acquire(RealConnection connection, boolean reportedAcquired) {
assert (Thread.holdsLock(connectionPool));
if (this.connection != null) throw new IllegalStateException();
this.connection = connection;
this.reportedAcquired = reportedAcquired;
connection.allocations.add(new StreamAllocationReference(this, callStackTrace));
/** Remove this allocation from the connection's list of allocations. */
private void release(RealConnection connection) {
for (int i = 0, size = connection.allocations.size(); i < size; i++) {
Reference<StreamAllocation> reference = connection.allocations.get(i);
if (reference.get() == this) {
throw new IllegalStateException();
上的盆均,allocations是RealConnection定義的一個(gè)StreamAllocation的引用集合List<Reference<StreamAllocation>> allocations = new ArrayList<>();
StreamAllocationReference 是一個(gè)弱引用塞弊,所以在acquire方法調(diào)用的時(shí)候漱逸,實(shí)際上相當(dāng)于connection的引用計(jì)數(shù)器+1; 反之release 相當(dāng)于引用計(jì)數(shù)器-1;
public final class ConnectInterceptor implements Interceptor {
public final OkHttpClient client;
public ConnectInterceptor(OkHttpClient client) {
this.client = client;
@Override public Response intercept(Chain chain) throws IOException {
RealInterceptorChain realChain = (RealInterceptorChain) chain;
Request request = realChain.request();
StreamAllocation streamAllocation = realChain.streamAllocation();
// We need the network to satisfy this request. Possibly for validating a conditional GET.
boolean doExtensiveHealthChecks = !request.method().equals("GET");
HttpCodec httpCodec = streamAllocation.newStream(client, chain, doExtensiveHealthChecks);
RealConnection connection = streamAllocation.connection();
return realChain.proceed(request, streamAllocation, httpCodec, connection);
?? ConnectInterceptor核心代碼比較多,需要消化消化翅娶,有許多關(guān)于HTTP的基礎(chǔ)知識(shí)還是需要鞏固的文留,要不然有些代碼看起來(lái)真的是很費(fèi)勁,本人就是這方面知識(shí)匱乏竭沫,后邊還需更多努力才行燥翅。