練習材料:Lesson72 Acar called Bluebird The great racing driver, Sir Malcolm Campbell, was t...

練習材料:Lesson72 Acar called Bluebird The great racing driver, Sir Malcolm Campbell, was t...
練習材料:Lesson30 Footballor polo? The Wayle is a small river that cuts across the park nea...
練習材料:Lesson26 The best artcritics I am an art student and I paint a lot of pictures. Ma...
練習材料: Lesson25Do the English speak English? I arrived in London at last. The railway st...
練習材料:Lesson23A new house I had a letter from my sister yesterday. She lives in Nigeria....
練習材料:Lesson22 A glass envelope My daughter, Jane, never dreamed of receiving a letter f...
練習材料:Lesson21Mad or not? Aeroplanesare slowlydrivingme mad.I live near an airport and p...
練習材料:Lesson 15 Good news The secretary told me that Mr. Harmsworth- would see me. I fel...
練習材料:Lesson 14 Do you speak English? I had an amusingexperiencelast year. After I had l...
練習材料:Lesson 12 Goodbye and good luck Our neighbor, Captain Charles Alison, will sail fr...
練習材料:Lesson10 Not for jazz We have an old musical instrument. It is called a clavichord...
練習材料:Lesson 7 Too late The plane was late- and detectives were waiting at the airport- ...
練習材料:Lesson 3Please send me a card Postcards always spoil myholidays. Last summer, I we...
浴火鳳凰叽躯,涅槃重生——你當之無愧财边!她,眉清目秀点骑。笑起來的時候嘴角微微翹起酣难,帶著一絲常人不易覺察的倔強和堅毅。 她黑滴,絕不是大眾審美意義上的美女憨募,甚至連第二眼美女也算不上。但從她那靈秀婉約的神態(tài)中袁辈,隱約透出來的神...
跑步是如何改變了我的生活引子:《習慣的力量》 昨天重看《習慣的力量》,看到前言里的故事冈敛。我突然想起待笑,自己2013年底開始想要跑步和運動,和自己2013年正好讀了這本書之間抓谴,是不是有什么關聯(lián)暮蹂。 麗莎,...
引子:《習慣的力量》 昨天重看《習慣的力量》癌压,看到前言里的故事仰泻。我突然想起,自己2013年底開始想要跑步和運動措拇,和自己2013年正好讀了這本書之間我纪,是不是有什么關聯(lián)。 麗莎丐吓,...