B19714-曦曦何熙 It was four fifty in the morning. Lao Dao crossed the overcrowded the sidew...

B19714-曦曦何熙 It was four fifty in the morning. Lao Dao crossed the overcrowded the sidew...
day 1 words and expressions 1. transpire ? 1.V-T When it transpires that something is t...
day 1 words and expressions 1. transpire ? 1.V-T When it transpires that something is t...
day 3 小結 The article is about the resurgence of religious in China. Historically,st...
Day 1 words and expressions 1. resurgence 1.N-SING If there is a resurgence of an attit...
小結 The author compares China to Tortoise and America hare in Aaesop's fables. At ...
words and expressions 1. appraise: v a. If you appraise something or someone, you consi...
day 15 words and expressions 1. hallmark : n (1) a typical characteristic or feature of...
day 3 小結 這篇文章真是緊跟政治潮流啊瞬矩,手動贊一個。讓我這個對外國政局不怎么敏感的小白竟然覺得法國大選還真的挺有意思的哈锋玲。去年和今年政治風云變幻景用,神馬奇葩怪事,一...