Lesson13 The Greenwood boys 任務配置:五項全能 點評: @Sasa~重慶 你好阿浓,?: 發(fā)音準確,注意一下 They蹋绽, station stay 芭毙,...

Lesson13 The Greenwood boys 任務配置:五項全能 點評: @Sasa~重慶 你好阿浓,?: 發(fā)音準確,注意一下 They蹋绽, station stay 芭毙,...
[練習材料]新概念第二冊第四課 [任務配置]:L0+L4 [知識筆記]: 1.朗讀 在查音標之前退敦,先自己想一下音標怎么拼,然后再查蚣抗,把自己想錯的寫在本子上侈百。比如there以前...
@左zuo 漏了??
Gilbert的ScalersTalk第四輪新感念朗讀持續(xù)訓練 Day12 20181019練習材料: Lesson 12 Goodbye and good luck 5S 原文: Where is Captain Alison going and how? Our...
練習材料: Lesson 13 The Greenwood Boys 原文: Why will the police have a difficult time? The G...
練習材料: We have an old musical instrument.It is called a clavichord.It was made in German...
練習材料: Lesson 12 Goodbye and good luck 5S 原文: Where is Captain Alison going and how? Our...
Lesson11 one good turn deverse another 任務配置:五項全能 點評:學習偶像點評我的朗讀很精準钝域。非常開心。希望自己的聽力也能達到她的水平锭魔。...
練習材料: Lesson 11 One good turn deserves another 原文: Who paid for Ton’s dinner? I was hav...
Lesson 10 Not for jazz We have an old musical instrument. It is called a clavichord(翼琴)...
練習材料: Lesson 10 Not for jazz 原文: What happened to the clavichord? We have an old musica...
練習材料: Lesson 9 A cold welcome 原文: What does ‘a cold welcome ’ refer to? On Wednesday ev...
練習材料: Lesson 8 The best and the worst 原文: Why is Joe’s garden the most beautiful one in...
L7 detectives的v沒有讀出來;from的m沒有讀出來;morning;main的n音讀成l了;第三句的diamonds的ds讀dz例证,聽你讀的像ds;full of可以連讀。
Gilbert的ScalersTalk第四輪新感念朗讀持續(xù)訓練 Day7 20181014練習材料: Lesson 7 Too late 原文: Did the detectives save the diamonds? The plane was late an...
練習材料: I have just moved to a house in Bridge Street.Yesterday a beggar knocked at my do...
練習材料: Lesson 7 Too late 原文: Did the detectives save the diamonds? The plane was late an...
@何丹的小世界 省心英語
Gilbert的ScalersTalk第四輪新感念朗讀持續(xù)訓練 ? Day1 ?20181008練習材料:Lesson 1 A private conversation原文:why did the writer complain to the people behind...
練習材料: Lesson 6 Percy Buttons 原文: Who is Percy Buttons? I have just moved to a house in ...