第四段 Unfortunately, these critics are virtually實際上 forgotten. 不幸的是肠缨,這些批評者幾乎被遺忘了悲酷。 Neville ...

第四段 Unfortunately, these critics are virtually實際上 forgotten. 不幸的是肠缨,這些批評者幾乎被遺忘了悲酷。 Neville ...
read adj. 博學(xué)的,有學(xué)問的 calling |?k?:l??| n. 【正式】職業(yè)掰伸,事業(yè)站辉;使命感 再補充幾個和end相關(guān)的習(xí)語 keep one's end up ...
昨天居然忙忘了這么重要一件事情兑巾,害得我昨天晚上好久都沒睡著条获,冥冥中仿佛在提醒我還有重要的事情沒有做。所以今日先補昨日的闪朱,發(fā)現(xiàn)自己打卡越來越隨心所欲了月匣,怎樣簡單怎樣來钻洒, 以前還...
第六段Intellect, according to Hofstadter, is different from native intelligence, a quality...
第一段 Portrayed in the cartoon is an instructive scene that two men, facing the same “cat...
56. 【大眾觀點】 What do American parents expect their children to acquire in school? [C] Pra...
第二段【S1】 “Schools have always been in a society where practical is more important than i...
“Intellect is resented as a form of power or privilege,” writes historian and professor...
2004 Text 4 Para. 3 But they could and should be. Encouraging kids to reject the life o...